Of all the things I remembered from that day, the rain stood out. It wasn’t the kinda rain she loved. There wasn’t a rainbow in sight.
The Rainbow
Published by Mukilan Kumar in category Friends with tag dad | family | loss | Love | miss | Mom
Read, Write & Publish Short Stories
Published by Mukilan Kumar in category Friends with tag dad | family | loss | Love | miss | Mom
Of all the things I remembered from that day, the rain stood out. It wasn’t the kinda rain she loved. There wasn’t a rainbow in sight.
Published by anushrutipriya in category Family with tag care | grandpa | story | tree
There is a huge big old tree in my garden my grandpa always seat in beside that tree in morning and he also talk with the tree.
Published by Rachitha in category Childhood and Kids | Family with tag daughter | domestic abuse | Mom | parent | support
Wordsworth had quoted in his poem that Child is the Father of Man and in my case my Rosia was my parent figure too.
Published by Knightalex in category Suspense and Thriller with tag king | prime minister | tiger | war
He had heard about this man, a spy they say, legend goes that he moves like the shadow, this man was head of the Chola spy network.
Published by maryam butt in category Love and Romance with tag boy | girl | Love | propose | suicide
Sometimes love makes life and sometimes it makes life hell…. We do not see hell with our eyes hell is just our imagination and nothing else
Published by saurabhnayyar1 in category Funny and Hilarious | Hindi | Hindi Story with tag affair | dog | shop
This funny Hindi story is about Jacky and Kammo and their love… Jacky is foreign breed dog, his owner is worry because he ran away from park.
Published by tammychambliss in category Social and Moral with tag forgive | Fun | Hurt | pain
People say “forgive and forgive again”. You don’t have to forget, but one should forgive. Not for the other person who inflicted deep sorrow upon you.
Published by praveen gola in category Hindi | Hindi Poetry | Poetry with tag Love | pain | rape | woman
This Hindi poem Highlights the social issue of “Rape” in our society and tries to give a message to our youngsters,
Published by praveendas in category Childhood and Kids with tag food | good | grandmother | Mother
Today the feeling of sadness spread all over him like the rain clouds which move in from the horizon darkening the world underneath. It happened stealthily
Published by shishirnitam in category Poetry with tag bride | celebration | groom | Life | wedding | woman
They got the perfect bridal dress,All the Aunt’s and sister’s were ,impressed.The festivity was of a long week,The bride was sitting there all meek.