An Article – When Is Enough , Enough?
Photo credit: ecerroni from morguefile.com
When do you say enough is enough? How does one determine they can no longer endure consistent pain? How can one let go of everyday familiarity? There is no wrong or right answer. Every situation of giving up is different for each and every person. Not everyone can deal with the same hurt in our everyday lives. Tears of heartache can lead one to want to hate the world or just the particular person who caused these emotions.
People say “forgive and forgive again”. You don’t have to forget, but one should forgive. Not for the other person who inflicted deep sorrow upon you. Forgiveness is for yourself. Imagine not ever holding grudges in life. I wonder if that is harder to do than to stare one in the eye after forgiving. You both are just having a normal deep conversation and at that moment you have a flashback about something very wrong they did to you. When that memory comes in your head and you want to say “I hate you I can’t believe you did that to me” .
Instead you carry on with the conversation due to you forgiving. Also you should not at all bring up any wrong doing when you are at this time in good standing. It feels like hell to forgive and get cool with the one who you deal with and as soon as your in good graces they turn right back around and say or do something that makes you fell betrayed, unappreciated and humiliated.
Humiliation or embarrassment hurts worst then betrayal in my opinion. It feels like a egg dripping down your head or like a naked picture of you circulating through the hallways of a cafeteria lunch room and you wondering why everyone is looking at you. Loving someone who doesn’t see the smarts in you or the passion in your heart for them or the potential in your relationship or dreams can be draining . Emotional stabilty becomes impossible. You try and try to break away from them, but they keep bringing you back with kindness. When this happens your forget about all the bad..til in due time they f**k up all over again. One who hurts you and want your forgiveness should do any and everything in their power to please you and keep you in their lives. This pattern will never end.
You then realize this person will never change. When you realize you are being treated better by friends and strangers then this person you love that is when enough is enough. First step is accomplished you deciding you do not any longer want them around. The next step is to plan out the exit strategy. This step will be the hardest. Planning out a date when you will leave, how will you tell them and will you tell them at all. If they shown you no real respect none will come from you. It is not needed or deserved. Don’t leave based on emotion just because the time is not in your favor of greatness in your relationship.
Anything can be fixed and worked on. Leave due to you knowing enough is enough and you can not take their stubborn ways or their characteristics to the point you get to upset and there is not reasoning with them and you do not want to be around them anymore. You should not want to change a person , but if someone is not right for you they are just not right for you. Time heels all wounds. It may take time to get over this person. You may cry and not want to be around other people for a while. You may want to be around plenty of people just to do it or to get things off your mind. You may have fun or you may be in a depressed state. No matter what. You did it you broke away from the pain, the tears and you are ready to embark on a new chapter in your life . A chapter of no bullshit and doing what you want to do with no stress and worry in your life.