Family Short Story – True love
Photo credit: UnicornRetreat from morguefile.com
There is a huge big old tree in my garden my grandpa always seat in beside that tree in morning and he also talk with the tree.
One day when he talk with tree I ask him how he talk with tree then he say if you fall in love with someone you not need language to talk you may understand the silence of your beloved also.
I ‘m little confused I ask him its means you also fall in love with that tree then he say yes I fall in love with that tree and that tree also fall in love with me not from today but from my childhood, yes my son I plant this tree when I am 5 years old only…..
And now I am of 89 years old, but our love is just same my dear grandson promise me if I dead you take care of that tree then I say yes I shall take care of that tree but grandpa you never let me alone you always alive for me and after that i feel sad.
One day as usual my grandpa is seating beside the tree and talking with tree but today my grandpa is looking so worried and also the tree look wither I don’t understand why both of them are like this .because I always see both of them happy.
In night when I went to my grandpa’s room for listing story from grandpa I try a lot but he don’t woke up I ‘m so scared I rush to mom and dad and told him that grandpa have not wake I try a lot then my mom and dad see grandpa and they also try a lot but he don’t woke up then he call a doctor and after seeing the condition of my grandpa the doctor say sorry he is no more this is the sparingly painful night for me ,for my whole family and for that tree also now I understood why today my grandpa is worried and why that tree is also look wither because both of them realize that today something wrong shall happen.
Next day when I went in garden I see some mark on that tree when I go near to that tree I see the mark clearly and after seeing that mark I understand that tree also cry whole night because it knows that it lost its love and day by day tree start withering as the tree don’t want to live without my grandpa. But I promised grandpa that I should take care of the tree I can’t understand how I take care of the tree as the tree don’t want to live.
Then I went in garden and tell the tree that grandpa want that I should take care of you because he want to see you happy and verdant please for grandpa please support me and after that I give water to that tree and a proper care.
And after someday the tree became verdant after that I feel so happy because I dealt with the promise that I give to my grandpa.
And now I understand the feeling of grandpa and now I realize that it is not compulsory that a love is only among humans .animals had also a right to love some people loves animals. Some people loves tree and tree also love people because in both the cases plant or animal or humans understand the feelings of each of them……….