Poem on Woman – Her Life
Photo credit: Alvimann from morguefile.com
The manifestation of the great celebration
Begins with the congregation of all cousins .
So was the great event of her life,
She was about to become the wife.
They got the perfect bridal dress
All the Aunt’s and sister’s were impressed.
The festivity was of a long week
The bride was sitting there all meek.
The wedding bells rang
And the old cronies sang.
They performed all the rituals
Among all the noise and babbles.
The relative brought gifts
As the melancholy music drifts.
She had tiaras and bangle
And silver anklet at her ankle.
She had all the finest sari
The bride was shining brightly.
Bride was loaded with all the bling-bling
The groom felt himself to be the king.
She began her life’s second inning
She was a petite thing.
It was excepted of her to be a good wife
A fully functional housewife.
So every morning she woke at first alarm ring
It just went once trrrrrring.
She had no button called snooze
She could shame a whole crews.
She knew all the spice can in the queues
She never missed when the bill was due.
While the pot of coffee brew
She hastily patched her shoe-sole with glue.
And then it’s always 8 o’clock
Time to march down the blocks .
To get the earliest bus,
On time in the office is also a great plus.
Toiling through the day
She didn’t notice the last sun ray.
Up-up time to go home,
Maybe an hour will be left to roam.
One day she will visit all the worlds wonder
Well that’s what she hopes at least once.
Right now she will deal with traffic nuisance
This is a major daily grievance.
Then along time will come bundle of joy
Constant crying, nagging will annoy
But she will be as calm as saint
Because she can deal in all complaint.
Then one day she will realize
Looking at dying flies
That her skin is dry
But she has groceries to buy.
Then in a blink
She will be searching her daughter’s wedding link.
In few months she will see a grandchild
She will smile and her heart will be running wild.
And likewise life will play its course
May divine bless her with all its force.