There have been five murders in the city after 6:00pm, today. The killer, we believe, is a psychopath. He has been killing children
Published by Akil in category Suspense and Thriller with tag kill | night | police | serial killer
Read, Write & Publish Short Stories
Published by Akil in category Suspense and Thriller with tag kill | night | police | serial killer
There have been five murders in the city after 6:00pm, today. The killer, we believe, is a psychopath. He has been killing children
Published by MISHRA BRAJENDRA NATH in category Hindi | Hindi Poetry | Poetry with tag election
This Hindi poem is about the election scene in India where leaders forget all the codes of conduct in a bid to win the elections.
Published by AKL Rooster in category Family with tag bird | Computer | crush | Dream | kiss
The rest of the afternoon was a blur to me, just a few images of the bird and my dinner.I fell asleep thinking about the bird, and it was still on my mind the next day.
Published by BR Raksun in category Social and Moral with tag IAS Officer | India | student | Teacher
We are always students, not masters. We have to keep moving forward with getting enlightenment.
Published by Marinna in category Paranormal Experience with tag Beautiful girl | Cold | mystery | sea | waves
Now he could see something different. It was still light, but now it was transformed in the person. For sure, it was not a living person, but it was someone..
Published by Ananya Mahapatra in category Childhood and Kids | Social and Moral with tag food | friend | God | lucky | parents | school
“Why did you make my day so bad?” I blurt, tears spilling from my eyes as my mouth forms the words. “Why am I so unlucky? Every bad thing in the world happens to me!
Published by Nicole Travasso in category Childhood and Kids with tag cousin | diamond | gang | police | theif
The next morning the children had a hurried breakfast. They were all very excited as Nicole had told them that she had solved the mystery.
Published by Venkatraman in category Love and Romance with tag cancer | daughter | Friends | heart | Love | Mother
My heart which was already filled by his face, is now going to be filled by his voice. He looked stunning and the girls started shouting.
Published by Spidey Krishna in category Childhood and Kids | Kids' Bedtime with tag king | tiger | Trust
After some time a tiger came there. That was observed by the horse and king. The horse went away and king climbed up the tree.
Published by jenny2001 in category Love and Romance with tag cancer | cheating | Honeymoon | Love | phone | SPIXer
After Tori got in the shower her phone rang again. After 2 minutes the phone rang again. Jason got suspicious, but he didn’t check her phone.