Story of Paranormal Experience – THE GUARDIAN ANGEL
Photo credit: diciu from morguefile.com
Diving was always one of the greatest passion of Anthony O’Conner. He could have spent hours in the sea,not minding at all. It was one of his most favorite hobbies of all time. So, at the time when summer was already knocking on the door, he knew on what he’s already reserved himself. Hunting octopuses was one of his specialties, actually.
That day, weather couldn’t get better. As he walked towards the beach,he could feel how calm and silent the moment was. The sound of the little waves crushing on the rocks was the only thing he could hear,and that exact sound was relaxing him in the best way. Before he went to the sea,he stopped for a minute. He wanted to take a look of the view that was in front of him. He could see the beautiful horizon,the way sky and sea were colliding and making an incredible version of shining blue interwoven colors. He knew that this wasn’t an usual day. Something was special about this one.
With a sea suit on,he moved slowly between the small waves, focusing himself on the bottom of the sea.
He loved the way sea was keeping him calm,clearing his mind,making him forget about everything for a while.
Seabed was specially beautiful that day. It was interesting to see every movement of the sea creatures,little colorful fishes swimming and following each other around,octopuses trying to hide under rocks,elegant squids flowing nearby…
He didn’t even payed attention on time,because the scenes in front of him seduced him completely. But, even though he was focused on that, he would still often raised his head from the sea, and looked around.
It was that feeling…the feeling like he’s been watched,from somewhere,from someone…Although,nobody was around and he couldn’t see anyone,he knew that someone was there. It was one of the most powerful magics of all,the mystery of the sea,the secrets of his large depths. It makes you forget about everything that’s around you,the clock stops,time gets blocked. Probably hours has past by,but he didn’t even noticed.
He was supposed to get home at the time, but he didn’t. He should have,that’s for sure, because it’s unbelievable how many things can be discovered inside the spacious sea depths, once it gets late.
Suddenly, he felt cold tingling through his body, like he stepped inside some cold dimension…He wasn’t supposed to get cold, he had a sea suit on, after all. Something was wrong…his legs were getting frozen…he couldn’t even feel them no more.
It was one of those things that happen,the unexplained,the unknown,that terrifying feeling…
His heart started beating faster when he realized that the cold chills started walking through his whole body.
He wanted to go back, so he started swimming back. But no matter how hard he tried to swim back, he wasn’t able to move. At one place,he was standing hours,not being able to move from it. His mind thought that he was moving,but he was actually standing at one place, with no start up. It felt like he found himself in some sort of vacuum,and it was impossible to get out from it.
Panic and fear were taking him over,more and more each minute… No one was around,just him,feeling completely lost.
Sea current lead him,while he was trying with the top of his lungs to come back,to start moving…without a chance. Nothing was happening. Something was constantly pulling him under,something hard and strong…he couldn’t see what it was, but it was freezing and he wasn’t able to escape from it. The helpless feeling covered him because of some ‘marine drunkenness’ that was taking away all of his strength. Confused and scared, he still couldn’t believe what was happening to him. Something like this never happened to him before. It was weird,terrifying and horrible. He didn’t know what to do anymore,but he still remember to turn on his back and start to swim backwards.
Now,he could see the twilight time,how the Sun was slowly fading away,the first star that showed on the sky…it made him start to think. In front of his eyes the scenes started to show… it was his own life flashing in front of his eyes.
The air…he couldn’t reach it no more,he was losing himself. Suddenly,in front of him the dark clouds started to show up slowly filling up the whole sky, along with some disturbed faces in the middle. Black silhouettes were coming closer to him,shadows trying to reach him…long hands that were pulling him under.
There was no hope for saving himself…It was over,he was giving up.
Right at the time when all was gone,he saw something different in the middle of those dark scenes in front of him.
The light…it was white and shine,showing up out of nowhere,coming closer to him…he should have probably got scared by it,but he wasn’t. It was so peaceful,giving him the feeling like he has the ability of flying around…
As the light approached him even more,he wasn’t feeling freezing anymore.
It was the strong glittering light that was removing all of those dark clouds,faces and silhouettes…
Now he could see something different. It was still light, but now it was transformed in the person. For sure, it was not a living person, but it was someone… It was a woman. A one beautiful woman full of light,wearing only a white long shiny coat. Even though his eyes were barely still opened,he realized what was happening. She was trying to save him…save him from that dark dimension he fell into,trying to fight those things that were attacking him. She disposed with this huge energy and strong power. She was…simply extraordinary.
At the moment,everything that happened to him was undone. She succeed and slowly brought him back…
He could breath again,but he still wasn’t able to speak. Those was the most horrifying and wonderful moments that he had ever experienced. Suddenly…his eyes slowly opened,so he decided to look around. He found himself near the coast,with the ability of moving again. He got out the sea as the quickly as he could with a wonder look on his face. What just happened?
There were so many questions that he asked himself,while he was looking at the calm sea in front of him. It seemed so magnificent,calm and stilly…yet it had so many things hidden underneath. He realized that the ability of breathing,speaking and moving was restored…He was alive,even though for a moment there…he wasn’t.
There were many questions that were bothering him in this moment. Who was that woman? The one that saved him from everything? Even though he was still in shock,there was one thought that was running through his mind.
He wanted to find that woman and see her just one more time.
Her beauty completely blinded him and also the way she saved him…there was no doubt,she was a true diva.
He wanted answers to everything that he just saw and those answers were including her.
He started walking around the beach with a thought of finding her. He was barely standing but he still wanted to find her. At one moment he stopped himself, because he saw it.
Far away,on the big sea rocks,she was standing peacefully. He barely saw her because she was shining with a strong light,but he did saw her. She was real and he was able to see her once again.
“Wait!”,he yelled and then runned towards her. As he was coming closer she was more and more fading away…
At the moment she was there and the next…she was gone. Out of nowhere,he heard someone walking behind him.
He turned around quickly thinking that is her,but she wasn’t there. It was his family coming to him.
“Where are you? Oh God…we were so worried about you…What are you doing here? Are you okay?”
“Yes,I’m fine.”,he nodded slowly. “I was just coming home…I kind of forgot about the time,sorry.”
“Let’s go then,but you look really pale,though. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes,I’m okay.”
His family started walking at the way home, along with him following them behind. He was still under the impression of this whole thing, but he didn’t told anyone what happened to him. He just slowly turned around before they left the beach…
“Thank you.”,with a quiet voice he was referring to the stunning lady that saved him,while looking at the same horizon that was in front of him before all of this. It was incredible, how many things he discovered through just one day.
For a long time after that he tried to look, research and investigate what was that happened to him. There was a million explanations, stories and legends that told him all different things. Those never really explained every little thing, some things always ended up locked inside that box of mystery that was unable to resolve.
But, he would always come back at the same place once in a time…On that same place, same beach and same rocks.
He was always hoping that he will see that lady again. But,no matter how much time he waited,she never showed herself again. She did it only one time when she saved his life,and second time,when she wanted to make him sure that he wasn’t hallucinating or dreaming.
But,even though he didn’t saw her no more,he could always feel her presence on that one unique place.
Oh,she was definitely there…Always. Looking. Out. For. Him.