Next day they both friends went to the king and took his permission for that task, the king gave the map to them and also made arrangements for their journey.
Diary (part-2)
These five group of people were treasure hunters in their past life. Priyanka was one among them. They were all brutally murdered by their enemies.
The Emperor of Soap
Eddie tended to drift into whatever jobs were available that would pay the rent, and that often led to him living some of the craziest stories you could ever hope to hear.
Twenty Dollars
People oft blessed with good fortune hardly ever manage to recognize it’s true value, for only those unsuspectingly favored by fortune know it’s true worth.
The Weigel dilemma
The clues led us to a picture, which might be connected through a tunnel to the lake which is behind the mansion. That old man was a true genius indeed.
As no one believes the Truth
The boss saw his driver coming, running from the other side with two swords in both his hands. The other two were nowhere seen. They could attack from any side. The boss was afraid.
The previous owner, Lotlikar was a gold-merchant. He lived here alone and apparently after he died, a lot of his wealth was never found. What if the missing gold is under there?
The Claythorne Jewels
Story of the Month Jan’2016: Read thrilling and spooky story of two men in quest of haunted jewels, the Claythorne jewels, guarded by spirit and desired by many.
Lost Memory
As expected Kamala fell in the trap laid by the boys. The boys went to the local cops and explained what all happened. The police too decided to catch the culprits.
I still love you with all my heart
Real treasures are the time when friends are with you,But when they start appearing as strangers,start thinking thereon its not they, but you, a stranger,