This is the story of Pikachu and Grovyle who are destined to defeat Darkrai and put a full stop on his evil scheme.
Honeymoon in Mars – Episode3(Our Heroes at Miami)
Bubblemarine is in development stage and is just a prototype.It is our back up option and not truly the best way to travel around 10 miles under the water
Honeymoon in Mars – Episode2(The Road to Articus)
.We require elite team of scientists at the Articus to demonstrate if Bubblemarine is actually a more efficient way of travelling
Sight,so it seems
It’s in his eyes, colour fading out. Transitioning between a glazed over blue and the purple reflecting off from the bright fireworks lighting the starry sky
Will the defendants rise please? Members of the defending race of Nahmus; members of the rest 127 races. The Supreme Court of the Galactic Union, taking into account all the evidence presented during this trial, has reached its verdict.
The Coliseum – Science Fiction Short Story
Science Fiction Short Story: In the year 2476 my good friend John, a scientist of some renown, sat me down with the intent to share a family secret.