Love is something that is well known to all of us. It is a feeling that exists in various forms no matter who you are or what your inclinations are.
The Sonder
Read suspense story. When he pushed the door open, he found her lying on her sides on the bed, facing away from him. It looked like she’d rolled in mud or something; bad humour.
I felt she’d a sort of emptiness in her words, her voice…it felt she wanted something else… Before I left her house. Read story of lost love
Her voice was like music to my soul. I wasn’t aware of anything but herself and the fact that we were together. To me this was like bliss never known earlier.Read love story
Life without Colors
What he loved to do the most earlier, is now the thing he need to do for his mother whom he loved the most…
The Mystery of the Stolen Painting
The other police were all awake by now. Sophia came up and between the two of them they explained what they had told Thompson to do and how the picture was stolen now.
Anjali and the Painting Exhibition
Now the girl Anjali understand the bitter truth of life that in the world of fabricated people Creation is not important – Marketing and branding is most important.
DEATH IS DEFEAT is a story about an artist who continuously adjudged as the best artist. But one year, he is not adjudged and another one win.
The Curse
Nikhil picks up his brush again but is unable to mark his canvas with a single stroke. He realizes he has been cursed by his guru.
Love is eternal, it is a form of energy which cannot be destroyed, but can be transformed into another.