Friends Poem – Lonely, I’m lonely..
Photo credit: slowfoot from morguefile.com
One may see me surrounded by friends,
One may say many friends I own.
But the fact for real, is actually that,
I’m alone, I’m really alone.
At the times when I need someone,
I look back to realize that there’s none.
Walkin’ by the roads, I’ve no one to talk,
Lonely, I’m lonely in the silent roadside walk.
In this long-long journey called LIFE,
I’ve got nothin’ to do but strive.
To have a ‘SO CALLED FRIEND’ of my own,
And then watch him leaving me alone.
I don’t know why this always happens with me,
There is nobody who can actually understand me.
Can’t figure out if it’s their fault or mine,
But it always just ends with me foolishly cryin’.
What are best friends, I don’t actually know,
Lonely, I’m lonely, I really feel so.
Friends only leave my hand, let me fall down the stairs,
It’s the same with life, no one actually cares.
Today I realise, that a friend in life is a must,
But rarely find someone who’s worthy of my trust.
I’m getting’ isolated, waitin’ for my call,
Lonely, I’m lonely, with no company at all.
Searching the one who’ll always hold my hand,
Whatever be the situation, who’ll always understand.
Someone who’ll care, who’ll feel my pain,
Lonely, I won’t be ever again.
Who’ll smile when I smile, cry when I cry,
In every problem of mine, who’ll strongly stand by.
Who’ll be there to cheer me, whenever I’m low,
Lonely, who’ll never make me feel so.
Who’ll never let me drop even a single tear,
Who’ll be really special, a friend very dear.
This crazy silence is badly killin’ me,
But I know, someone’ll come for fulfillin’ me.
I’ll surely find the one, my TRUE FRIEND FOREVER,
“Lonely, I’m lonely”, I’ll never feel ever.
“Lonely, I’m lonely”, never again forever…!!