Creative Writing Competition 2012 India | |
CODE | 778 |
SETTING | Old Palace OR Bungalow |
OBJECT | Any Jewellery – Necklace, Ring… |
THEME | A Strange Day/Night |
This short story became SPIXer (Most popular story) on 18 Aug 2012 and won INR 500 (US$ 10)

Unusual Short Story – The Trip
Photo credit: clarita from
Srinivas, the thirty-one years old, single man has achieved more than any one would expect him to achieve. He was a hard-working business man and the owner of the textile group named ‘Srinivas textiles’, which was making good profits every year. When others praised his luck and fate, the atheist Srinivas believed, everything was in the timing.
Besides being a successful entrepreneur, Srinivas was also a lover of adventure. He used to drive his Scorpio car alone to faraway places and had visited many risky sites which others many not venture. He loved mountaineering and skating as well.
When he started the new branch of his shop in the metro city, he wanted to celebrate it. Not by throwing a bash, by making a trip to the isolated hill station, which required a ten hours drive. The beauty of the place from the description of his friend, Vishal, had hooked him. Vishal too was equally adventurous and that had made them friends, though they were ways apart in their profession. Vishal was an engineer.
“The journey won’t be smooth Srini, but it would be thrilling” Told Vishal who had been to the place once, that too alone.
“That’s what I need, a thrilling trip, and you know that!” Replied Srinivas.
“The way to the destination is very steep and has many hair pin curves, but what you see when you reach the place will pay for it all. But I will tell, you must be extremely cautious while driving”
“Okay, I will! Any other tips?”
“What else? I have already done what I could; have arranged your stay in that old bungalow where I had stayed and also have called that caretaker, who had attended me, to look after you, is not that enough? That caretaker is a good cook too; I still have those tastes on my tongue. Anyway, there won’t be much rush or traffic there, the point being still unexplored. But it is indeed a mystical place, with mystical beauty, that you will never forget!”
Excited Srinivas told “Okay, thanks dude!” and set for the trip the very next dawn.
He started at 3am and enjoyed the dangerous journey without bothering about possible dangers. His timing was good again. No rain. Pleasant climate. He reached the place at 3pm. Relishing that heaven on earth, any one would forget about their earthly life and business.
Srinivas couldn’t believe he was on earth. Mainly because he was at such a high altitude. He could see the clouds touching the mountains and passing like light cotton bundles. He thought he could touch them. It was so cool around and he saw only four or five other travellers, all males. They were making joyous sounds, so that they could hear the echo.
Minutes later, somewhere on the western horizon, he saw the red sky, as if someone has sprayed vermillion on a white canvas. And soon darkness fell upon them. Srinivas drove to the bungalow Vishal had arranged for him. He had strongly advised Srinivas not to drive back at night.
The bungalow was huge like a palace. Lights were glowing in the front. A man, wearing sweater and a monkey cap, was standing at the gate expecting him. Srinivas got out of his Scorpio and talked to him. The old man greeted him and ushered him in.
The man asked about his food and drink preferences, while leading to a big room, clean and decorated with many alluring lights, photos and antique things. The bed was neatly made.
When the man came with a hot tea, Srinivas asked him about the bungalow. The man mentioned some strange names of people who had owned that bungalow many decades before, but he didn’t know much about how it became a resting place for travellers there. The only thing he knew was that the last girl in that family had been a great dancer, but didn’t know what had happened to her and her family.
Srinivas took a hot bath and walked around that huge bungalow. Some rooms were locked. When he saw an open room with lot of paintings he entered it. He looked in admiration the many beautiful oil paintings hung on the wall. Among them he saw the painting of a dancing girl and scrutinised it.
“What a perfection!”
His eyes read the legibly written name of the painter at the right bottom – ‘Rudrani’.
“A rare name, Rudrani!” Chuckled Srinivas.
He was startled to hear some strange sound like that of falling bangles and turned back.
He saw the old man standing at the door of the room.
“Sir, dinner ready!”
“Whose room, no…. what room is this?” Asked Srinivas.
“I don’t know sir. There are many other rooms here with lot of old stuff like this. But I have the key of this room only, which I open when there are visitors in the bungalow. Today I opened it for you sir. Hope you like them”.
“Yes, of course, who won’t like them? They are so great! Are these paintings for sale?”
“NO…..NEVER!!” The strange and stern tone of that old man who was so obliging till that time, shocked Srinivas.
“Sir, dinner!” The man continued in his humble voice.
“Okay, I am coming.”
When he was about to get out of that room, he saw something lying on the ground, shining. He looked close and took it. An anklet, a golden one!
He was surprised beyond words. But it made him suspicious as well. How could that anklet come there? He looked above… A perfect wooden ceiling!
“Nothing from above, no woman around and how this thing came here in this big bungalow where once lived a dancer and a painter Rudrani!” Srinivas told himself.
Then he again heard the similar sound as before. To his astonishment, the second golden anklet has fallen from nowhere before him.
Now the strong atheist in Srinivas was a little scared. “What the hell is going on here? Is someone throwing things at me?” He was stirred.
He put both anklets in his kurta pocket and headed to the kitchen. His mind told discussing the matter with the old man was not a good idea. At the same time he was doubtful whether the old man has already heard the sound when the anklets fell down.
He finished the dinner, it was okay, but not that great as Vishal had mentioned. He walked to his room.
“Tomorrow at what time will you leave sir? Any preference, in case you need breakfast?”
A query from the old man made him turn back.
“I am thinking of leaving when there is enough light to drive. I think I will have breakfast, you can make whatever you used to make, and that will do.”
“Okay, good night sir!”
“Good night!”
Srinivas wanted to tell his friend about his odd experience. He dialled Vishal’s number. Every time he got the same reply “switched off”.
Sitting on the bed he texted him, and yes, SMS language!
“Hey dude, rechd here, hd a gr8 eveng; D place-so beautifl. Nd,u knw Rudrani, d painter?”
He sent the text, but it didn’t show “delivered” report.
His eyes then caught something glittering on his bed. A nose pin!!!
The dumbstruck Srinivas stared at the round and huge nose pin, decorated with different coloured stones!
He now noticed the strange fact that whenever he uttered the name Rudrani or wrote or texted it, some sort of jewellery would make sudden appearance. Being a businessman he could see that as a boon, but Srinivas was not that greedy to gather ornaments from there and sell it for price. Moreover, they appeared precious and pure, the stones as well as the gold, too heavy too.
“Someday I may face an interrogation even, if I sold them!” He thought.
He couldn’t sleep, though he was tired due to the hectic drive. The incidents in that big bungalow were not scary but they were mysterious and bizarre. He remembered Vishal’s words.
“Mystical place, with mystical beauty, that you will never forget!”
“He also might have got something like this, but then he would have told me definitely!” Srinivas tried to forget about the ‘gifts’, though he couldn’t. He wished to leave the place as early as possible the next morning. After 1am he fell asleep.
He woke at 5 am and saw no sign of light outside. At 6am he went to the kitchen and saw the old man arranging the breakfast.
“Good morning sir, how was your sleep sir?”
“Good morning and yeah, it was good. Good place, good climate. By the way, where do you live?”
“I live there in the out-house sir”. The old man told pointing to the north side through the window.
“Okay, aren’t you scared, to live in this isolated place? I can’t see any other human soul here. How are you managing?”
Srinivas waited for his reply and what the old man gave was a uncanny expression; grin or smile?
Srinivas couldn’t make out.
After that the old man remained silent. No questions. Srinivas felt something was wrong with that man too.
When he had breakfast, Srinvas looked out. The time machine showed 6.30am. There was enough light to drive. He went to pack his things, not many, only a small bag, which contained his belongings, which weren’t unpacked much. He put the two anklets and the nose pin in a separate cover and kept in his wallet, though he didn’t know what to do with them. Selling was not there in his options.
“Either gift it to someone or get rid of it somehow!”His mind told.
Again, gifting means, he should give it to some woman, they being anklets and nose pin. But being single, he dropped that idea and decided to get rid of it.
He got out of the room and put the bag in the Scorpio. He has to pay the man the amount Vishal had mentioned much before. He looked for him in the kitchen. Seeing the empty kitchen as well as the whole bungalow , Srinivas headed to the north in search of the out-house which he believed to be there, as told by the man. All he could see were tall grasses and trees around the bungalow. He felt something unusual and swiftly made his way back to his car.
“The man was a cheat?”
When he came back to his car, he noticed the front door of the bungalow being locked. Fear gulped him. He got into the car, without further thought. He started the car and didn’t take his feet from the accelerator till he was far away from the bungalow. He was obviously disturbed, rewinding everything from the previous night. He didn’t get concentration, but there were no vehicles or horning, thus he managed to forge ahead.
After half an hour, he suddenly stopped the car, opened his wallet and took out the two anklets and the nose pin. He threw them away into the deep abyss on his right side.
He realised he was sweating and drank several gulps of water from the mineral water bottle he had kept in his car. His discernment was terribly challenged. He didn’t know how to judge those events – whether to believe them or not.
He headed to town. He kept on contacting Vishal, but all trials were in vain.
At last he got Vishal, who started yelling before Srinivas could say anything.
Srinivas stopped the vehicle on the left side of the wide and empty over-bridge. Below the bridge flowed a big river.
“I am so sorry dude. I couldn’t contact you since the last time I called you. Everything went out of order, including the wi-fi, and only just now I got them right. I am extremely sorry. I had called your home and came to know that you had already started. And I was under tension since then!”
“Stop it!!”
He screamed out of mind. “What are you talking about?”
“Srini, I am sorry!!”
“I had arranged your stay in that bungalow and had also arranged that caretaker, who attended me. I told you that before.”
“Yes, you did, so what??”
“He had called me after I called you last time and told that his aged mother had passed away and so he won’t be there to attend you! And….I don’t know how you did manage the last night!”
Hearing this, the very air in Srinivas left for heaven.
“What do you mean? So who was that old man, in that bungalow where I stayed?”
“I mean I have stayed yesterday night in the bungalow you mentioned and there was an old man who took care of everything and who prepared me dinner and breakfast. So the other man arranged him?”
“Are you kidding Srini?”
“No , I am telling you the truth!”
“Srini, I can’t understand what you are saying. The care taker I mentioned and arranged for you was not an old man. He may be of some 30+ and he is the only man who possess the keys of the bungalow . He stays down the valley and he had called me on the way to his mother’s funeral. He hadn’t arranged any one there. Moreover, he is the only man who goes to that hill station as well as that bungalow other than the tourists. There is no one else around. And no shops too, you might have noticed it already!”
Srinivas couldn’t believe his ears.
A moment of silence passed.
“I am afraid, are you okay Srini?”
“Oh my god! This can’t happen! I can’t believe it!”
“Relax Srini, relax!….you might have had a bad night in your car, may be a dream too. But I am happy and relieved that you are safe. I will surely make up for this. I am sad that I couldn’t give you company!”
Srinivas was not at all okay.
“Just tell me …eh….whether you know some thing about …hmm ……..” Srinivas stammered.
“Know what, Srini?”
“You know anything about ….. a painter, a female probably, named…..ehh……”
Srinivas got out of the car into the empty over bridge.
“ named like….like….”
“Why are you stammering, Srini?”
“You know anyone named Rudrani?”
“No, who’s that? Did you meet any one there, huh?”
Srinivas heard his friend chuckling.
“Okay , nothing, will contact you when I reach home, bye for now”.
He was frozen and looked around but saw no ‘precious gift’ this time. He felt a little relieved.
He got into the car and was about to start his way back home. Then his eyes got glued to the shining necklace on the dashboard of the car.
He was scared stiff beyond words. He took the small necklace that weighed more than its size.
He again stepped out, without a second thought and threw it into the river below. And, it sank into the depths of the river.
The strange night and day had made him almost hysterical.
He kept on assuring his troubled self that everything was okay.
“The assumption that seeing is believing makes us susceptible to visual deceptions.” Yes, that’s what happened!
After a few hours, he felt normal.
Then he decided never ever to utter or write or type that furtive name in the future.
For Vishal’s doubts and questions, he could cook a story about a bad night in the car and a strange dream.
He felt confident and continued his drive.