Happy Birthday – Unusual Short Story
Photo Credit: www.cepolina.com
A man with mask on face is running furiously on a lane beside a road flushed with traffic, pushing and thrashing men and material on his way. He is being chased by few guards with sticks in their hand . One of them throws stick towards the man running and in the mean time he turns into a street . By the time guards has reached the street man had vanished from site. They ponders in the bins on street but all in vain.
GUARD (ON PHONE) :Target is out of site.
Tom removes his mask. Sets his hairs. Hires a car and moves on. Inside the car he kisses a diamond ring and goes in flashback .
Tom enters a jewelry shop in a spic and span attire like a business man . His eye catches a sight of a diamond ring which a salesman was showing to a woman. He makes his mind to get it. He is approached by a salesman.
SALESMAN: Good afternoon sir how can I help you.
TOM: Thanks ,can I have a glass of water its too humid outside.
Sales man goes to get water for him.Tom goes to washroom nearby inside that shop. Puts on a cap and a mask on his face. Comes out of washroom and rushes towards the sales man, showing that diamond ring to a woman. Without any second
thought he snatches that ring and before anybody could decide anything he has already kicked one of the guard on door and had ran away.
Tom is being chased by guards. He see’s that ring and again goes in flashback thinking about her wife, Stella. A flashback in flashback which took him in his bedroom.Stella has just woke up and Tom enters the bedroom.
TOM :Happy birthday darling.
STELLA :Thanks,
Both remains quite for some time.
STELLA:And where is my diamond ring.
TOM :Sorry darling I could not make it this time.
STELLA :But you promised.
TOM :My love.
And then sees distorted face of Stella and remains quite.
TOM :Then today either Ring will come or I will not come back.
Tom moves away from room. And returns back from flashback. Tom being chased by guards again kisses that ring. And return back to his original flash back ,into the car still kissing the ring.
To surprise Stella with diamond ring Tom tries to enter from backside of home. Without any noise he enters the room. And
is stunned to see Stella hugging a guy who is pressing her buttocks and Stella moaning in lust. Ring drops from Toms hand making sonorous sound .Stella and that guy both remains awestruck. Ring moves round and round and before it could
stop Stella wakes up from her bed and finds that she was dreaming. Stella realizes that it was a dream in which she has seen his husband stealing a ring.
STELLA: Thank god it was a dream.
Tom enters the bedroom.
TOM: Happy birthday darling.
Both remains quite for some time.
STELLA :And where is my………
And stops from saying anything as dream comes in her mind.
TOM :Tell me what do you want.
Stella hugs and gives a kiss to Tom.
STELLA: I want you only.
TOM:But I had promised to buy a diamond ring for you
STELLA :No, I don’t want it.
TOM : What happened darling I will do anything to get it for you.
STELLA: Not this time.
Both hugs . Tom thinks in mind, its too good she herself had said no otherwise I would have to say sorry and smiles cunningly.
Tom and Stella are getting ready.Tom putting on tie and Stella drinking juice.
TOM :I will come early today.
STELLA: I have an appointment with doctor today after that I will do some shopping. Tell me if you want anything special.
Tom holds the hand of Stella. Stella puts down the glass of juice from her hand. Both starts staring in each others eyes.
TOM: I have already got the most special thing in this world.
And kisses Stella. Tom then moves away. Stella then moves inside his room to wear her ring before going out. This was a golden ring. Stella starts searching for ring in her wardrobe.
STELLA (murmurs in mind): Where the hell is my ring. I have kept it here only.
With saddened face she decides to call Tom. Picks up the phone but stops.She thinks in mind about the dream. What if Tom will go and steal any ring for her. She thinks that dream was sing of something bad to happen. And decides that she will tell Tom some other day.
After completing his appointment with doctor Stella goes to a shopping mall. Stella is searching for something in a there and finds a lady wearing a golden ring which she thinks is her, which she was not able to find earlier in home. She tries to go near to that lady. And her guess becomes surety that it was her ring. Stella than approaches that lady but as if nothing has happened.
STELLA :What a nice ring!
LADY :Oh thanks
STELLA :I hope its a gift from someone special.
LADY :Actually yesterday was my Birthday so my lover gifted me this.
STELLA :Lucky girl.
LADY :Thanks.
STELLA :Your lover is not with you.
LADY :Ya , there you can see.
Stella turns to see Tom standing there. Tom when see’s Stella and that lady together he is frightened and without any other thought he runs away towards the door of mall. Thrashes one of the guard and runs out. Stella yells.
STELLA: Stop him he has stolen my ring.
Guards start chasing Tom. Now Tom is thrashing men and material on his way and guards are chasing him undeterred. And immediately after that Tom finds himself moving his legs on his bed. And wakes in rage. He is astonished to see that he was dreaming. Stella enters the room.
STELLA:Happy birthday Tom.
Tom is quite he realizes that it is his birthday today. Then he finds that it was all dream. Even his wife was only dreaming in his dream. He starts laughing loudly. Stella watches him with amazement.
TOM:Nothing. Tell me do you have any affair with someone or do I have any affair with anyone.
STELLA :What are you saying.
TOM:Actually I had a dream, and what even you were dreaming and that also in my dream.
STELLA:And what was all that about affairs.
TOM:Nothing baby.
Tom then tells Stella about his dream. And both laughs.