Unusual Short Story – Destiny Cannot be Changed

Unusual Short Story – Destiny Cannot be Changed
Photo credit: wallyir from morguefile.com
Unable to believe what happened the day before I was up early even in the chilly winters.
Trying to find out do we births and really have rebirth, if so do we remember anything of our previous birth. ?All these questions were hitting my head like a bullet. It was quiet obvious that I was having various speculations and ideas of my previous birth.
And all I hoped and prayed that I haven’t committed any dreadful crime as whatsoever and has gone Scot free .If such thing has taken place then quiet sure I was that in this birth I have to pay for it .That is what exactly happened to my friend.
Born to an effluent family angad my friend almost got anything before him before he could complete his wish .Angad has been my childhood friend . In fact my best friend .Our families were also known to each other .Mr mukherjee that is Angads father had love for antique historic items .He even traveled all over the world to collect them .Such was his collection at the end of every year that high profile businessmen and philanthropists used to almost sat near his door to buy those items. But uncle was strictly against selling them. He believed no amount of money would be enough for those precious items.
Once he bought a old cupboard from a fair from Murshidabad. The cupboard was kept in Angads room for space issue. That was the very night from which my friend lost his sleep. Funny it might sound but that was the fact .He started dreaming about irrelevant items, of young princess getting killed . Each day his dreams were different from the other but one thing was definitely common of the fact that they were all of murders and horror and day they became so horrible that Angad who was among those friend of mine who cared about nothing started losing his sleep. Soon he became ill .A time came when he could not sleep alone but sad part was that none us believed in what he said .Forget about us not even his own parents.
One day after a lot of request from him I decided to spend the night with him . The night went very fine nothing happened .Naturally every body thought that he was joking with us .Someday latter a priest was passing by there house hearing the incident from a neighbor of the Mukherjees he visited there house and immediately he commented on the fact that something was wrong with the house .To this extent that some soul is moving around in the house.
After some research work ,and after meeting Angad and hearing his version the priest called us all and told us a story which made us all shudder .He told that some thousand years back a cruel king of Murshidabad had a fight with his wife and such was his anger that he killed the queen and so that nobody could no about the whereabouts of the queen he stuffed her body in a cupboard present in his room.
Already hearing up to this not only us children even the adults were sitting at one place no body could move .Then he narrated the worst part of the incident and it that this was that cupboard where the queens body was stuffed and Angad was that cruel king.
Hearing this we all had become numb .NO body was speaking .only the priest was continuing that the soul seeks revenge,
THE Mukherjees hearing this had left the place gone some were far but alas they couldn’t change their only sons destiny Angad had fever and no treatment could save him he died.
THUS we have committed a grave mistake at any point of your life we will be paid back for and if not in the same birth after many births maybe but we all need to pay for our sins .No amount of money, wealth protection can change our destiny.