Unusual Short Story – Coach-S3
Photo credit: dhester from morguefile.com
‘Anoop’ ‘anoop’ ……. come here
This was my mother voice……
She was calling me. I reached to her and asked “what happened Mom ?”
She showed me a letter and asked ‘What is this , Just see it, Postman drop this out and on this your name is written, just have a look . What it is all about ?? ‘
‘Mom … This is an call letter for SSB exam came from Indian army.’ I said with sparking smile on my face.
This I applied 2 months back for Officer grade. I replied firmly with some excitement
She replied ‘ Then get ready to face the exam , work hard ,you have to clear this exam. I am with you. You need to get through the selection process ‘ she boosted me with energy and enthusiasm.
I was very happy . I opened the letter and spent some time reading all the instructions carefully.
Exam was after 20 days at Bangalore…… oh I forget to tell u all , I stay in Hyderabad with my mother and I am currently working on apprentice in a BSNL office.
I soon started my preparation for the exam, bought all the required study material, downloaded some relevant information . One of my uncle agreed to give me his guidance on this exam as he was retired as Colonel from army.
He worked on me and helped me to gain stamina and confidence to face the exam and also shared some useful tips to get through the selection.
I spend my time wisely on exam preparation apart from my regular job.
“who know if I get selected ?”, I will be in reputed Job.
Now Countdown has begun. I already booked train ticket for Bangalore and packed my luggage and all set to start. Finally I started from my house to the station. Train was from Hyderabad station at 7:00pm . I reached station one hour before to reduce last moment stress and to settle down at ease. I reviewed my ticket and confirmed coach number , timing and seat number details once again to avoid any mistake.
I reached to platform number 07 where Bangalore -Hyderabad train was already there on track. Still there was about 45 min for departure , So I thought to sit on platform on a bench , relax and have a cup of tea. I found a bench in front of my coach no S7. I kept my luggage on the bench and took tea and 2 biscuit from nearby tea stall.
While having a tea I was looking around . Passenger started coming for the train and some even sat in the train on their respective seats . In this process , I spotted a girl 3-4 coaches away from my S7 coach. I think it was coach no -S3 yes it was coach # S3 only.
A girl was sitting at window side facing the platform. I started looking her and almost forget that I had a biscuit which is waiting to get in my mouth. I keep on staring that girl .
Though I was a graduate but I still didn’t find any word which can describe her beauty ….
Amazing, beautiful, marvelous .. etc fall short to describe her beauty. She was so beautiful that I could not move my eyes from her face.
Fair calm face , a long black bindi on forehead , black scarf over her head , Red wet lips and a mole below her lips on right side adds stars to her beauty. Her face was like a calm wave. Her eyes have a language of her own as if they hold an unload story in them. I wish she could look at me for once and see my eyes which was carving for her love….
She was reading a book which I was certainly not concerned about as I was Busy reading her. This is the most beautify face I ever saw in my life till now. I wish to see her as it is through out my life and hoping this moment last forever . My heart was coming out for her. Really she was exceptionally beautiful.
My hot tea was no longer hot and I still hold that biscuit in my hand like an idiot. Really I was in another world with her and imagining my life with her .
What a beauty indeed !!!
With the honk of Engine I came back from my imagination. Oh my god It ‘s time to go. I rushed into coach S7 ,but cursing my luck for not being in S3 with that girl. Train started and I sat on my seat no 26 , adjusted my luggage along with me there was a sikh family and one person,and I was least concerned about any one around me. I waited for TT to come and check my ticket so that I can move around and go to S3.
TT came after 30 mins , It was really very hard for me to pass these 30 mins. Alas !! he came and did the formality. Once he is done with it, I immediately rushed towards S3. I was moving slowly through the passage when I entered S3 , I saw she was sitting at a corner busy reading the novel .
Around her there were 3 men in front berth and 2 women sitting besides her on same berth. I just had a glance and moved forward and went straight to wash basin at the end of door. I washed my face, and comb my hair looking into mirror. I even tried certain expression and was busy setting the cute smile on face when I will be meeting her. I was enacting the dialogues like ” How are you ?” , ” where are you from “? all these in front of mirror.
Finally when I felt that I did enough practice,I took deep breath and retreats toward S3 again. I spent nearly 30 min working on my mannerism to impress her as if I have not come for SSB but to impress this girl. But really she was worth a try. I need to impress her anyhow.
I slowly reached to her place. She looked at me while turning the page of her book.To my surprise I found there were only 2 men , I took the advantage and sat there and asked the fellow person about time. I knew this is an old technique to start the conversation but I found this effective . Man replied ‘8:20’ pm.
I said ”oh…” as if I was really interested ‘So there is still time for dinner’ I added. I again asked the same guy
” Bhai sahab aap kahan tak jaa rahe ho ?” though I was not interested in his answer as I was silently looking at that girl, he replied
‘ Bangalore’ .
I responded ‘oh accha accha, I am also going there to appear in Indian Army officer Grade exam.’
This I said a bit loud to impress every one around and as you are aware, this was meant to impress the most beautiful girl in front of me. She was really a cute charm.
Suddenly light turned off and there was a blackout in the train.
Oh my God !!!! what happened I said to myself. After 2-3 min a dim red light blew and in that dim light I can see only that girl and no body else in the entire compartment.
I wondered what’s going on. That girl was still sitting on same corner but this I Can’t believe my eyes. Suddenly her hairs fall on her face and she was shaking her head to and motion motion like any vamp. I gained some courage and asked her
” who are you? ”
She looked at me , slowly her eyes turned into red color , face turned into pale white and lips began to bleed. She opened her mouth and in this act 2 sharp teeth appear outwards . She jumped on me and moved her armed towards me to hold my neck , her hand has long sharp nails. She hold my neck so tight that I couldn’t move a bit , She opened her mouth to the fullest and bit me on my neck, suck the blood from there and took out flesh from there and ate . ‘
‘W h o are y o u….’? was my last 3 words before I fell on floor to die…..
The most beautiful girl tuned out to be a vampire who knew I will be attracted towards her and she killed me . I was dead.
Anoop anoop…………… I heard this voice again
Get up beta, take the tea.
Time to wake up son.
This was the voice of my mother.
I suddenly wake up and touched my neck. I was alright . Oh God I was in dream. Thank God I was in dream .What a deadly dream it was. It took 10 min for me to realize that I was in dream.
My mother came again to me and said ”’ look at this, Postman dropped this yesterday, but I forget to give you.”
To my surprise it was the call letter from INDIAN army to appear in SSB exam.
Oh no , I will not go ( I told to myself) . I just saw a horrible dream that too in morning time …
I lied my mom and said ” It is nothing mom, letter from old school friend.”
And was set to get back to work at BSNL…