Suspense Story – My Secret Guest
Photo credit: mantasmagorical from morguefile.com
It was a night of Halloween when I was in my room playing piano, punching do re mi keys figuring out which pairs of them sounds good together. I was 12 years old this time and I used to have many hobbies I could do back then. I did not care about the holidays unless it is Christmas. While I was punching some keys, I suddenly thought that I was the only person in my room because it was quiet except the sounds of the piano. I suddenly felt chilly and seems like someone was watching me. “Stop! Don’t think scary stuff!” I said. I focused on the keys punching and then my mother, in the living room, called my name.
“Jey!” She called. The scary atmosphere was still there and my heart beat was beating fast. I stood up and walked as fast as I could to reach my mother.
“Jey, were you the one who went to the kitchen?” She asked.
“No. I was in my room playing piano.” I replied.
“Oh S**t! Then it wasn’t you who just rushed from your room to the kitchen! I knew it!” She said.
She sat and thought what just happened with her expression of disbelief. I observed her for a while how she reacted be seeing something what it is or who it is?
“So mother, what was she wearing?” I asked curiously.
“She was wearing a white dress.” She replied with fear.
I stood there in front of her and thought that my father and brother were not home, and the uncomfortable feeling back then was not my imagination. It was actually real that a ghost came from my room. I got curious and asked my mother again what it looked like. She told me that the ghost was a lady and she had a short hair, white skin, and floating, which her feet did not even touch the ground.
“How about her face?” I asked. I watched many horror movies on TV and I learned that many ghosts have different forms and appearance.
“Honey, she doesn’t have a face. She only have a blank white face.” She said.
I stayed with my mother after that because I was afraid to go back to my room. Was the ghost lady watching me there where I was playing with my piano? Did she stayed there for a little while enjoying the sound of the keys I was punching? Did I just focused on my eyeballs on the keys so that I didn’t have to look around and see the ghost lady? Is that why my hands were cold and my whole body just freeze because of that strange atmosphere? The only conclusion I could get was that lady was in my room, accompanied us and left before the night ended.