Story with Unusual Experience – Haunted house
Photo credit: imelenchon from morguefile.com
Chapter – 1
Clara felt something strange on stepping her foot to that house. The house looks so lonely amidst the village with lots of windmills around it. She can find some rough finishes on walls, fire places for warmth and windows with small panes which exactly characterizes a country home. Tears rolled down from her eyes thinking about the things that happened in her life.
Two years before……
Hi John I’m over here. Turn back…. Clara yelled at john. Clara got down from the bus adjusting her black sheath.
“Wow you look gorgeous clara”
Thank you John. Sorry that I’m late.
“But you can always count on me.” John winked.
Both went to the restaurant “Dreams”. They ordered for pizza and orange juice. Suddenly John kneeled down and lifted a red color box wrapped with satin ribbon and opened it before Clara. He took a shiny diamond ring from it.
“Clara will you marry me” John proposed to Clara.
Clara feel like flying and said “Sure John”.
They got married on one fine day in St. Louis church. Life went so smooth for one year. They were so happy with their two children Peter and Mary. John worked fulltime in a Pub where he almost drink rather to do work. John was not able to control his drinking habit and gradually he got addicted to it. So Slowly there love life got ruined. There was no proper income.
They were not able to hire a house and finally they decided to leave for john’s Aunt’s Home at a Village.
“Mom” peter grabbed his mother Clara’s hand. Clara turned back regaining her consciousness.
“Hi Sweetie this is our New home that we are going to live in”
John excitedly saying placed the luggage on the floor. All went inside their new country home without knowing that a storm is going to blow in their life.
“Aunty I’m so glad to meet you” John came to hug his aunty.
“Hey don’t come near me, I don’t want to see your despicable face anymore. How can you be so ungrateful to your family?. I have called you only for your family sake and not for you anymore”. Aunty Evy yelled.
Aunt Evy is an 85 years old hag. She lived in the village at the country home for many years. Everyone had whispered about the family of her and about her Big Country Home.
“Mary come here dear. See what I have got for you” that old lady Evy called Mary and handed over a chain with dollar which has a dragon and snake picture as mingled together.
She died on the very same day when John and his family came to the village. Mary suddenly woke up from her bed. It was around 12pm.
“Oh god!. Is that a dream. Why just this old lady keep reminding me and just following in my dreams too. It has been a week since her death. I got feared on that day itself when I met her for the first time” thinking in her mind she lifted her dollar in her hands from neck which Aunt Evy gave her.
Next day..
“Clara I’m going out of this village searching for a job. As I have experience working in Pub as a Bartender. Hope I will get a job in “Paradise Pub” outside of this village near lakeside.” Saying so john left in urgent.
Clara just prayed atleast now he should not fall for drugs again.
On the same day night,
“Clara!!!!!!! I got the job. See I got some money in advance.” John sighed.
“Is it?” clara smiled.
For about a week there were no sign of any unusual things happened in that house and John also stayed good leaving his drinking habit. Clara felt happy and just thanked aunt Evy in her mind for bringing them to that village. But she don’t know that time that her happiness will not last forever. After few days John came drunken to his house.
Clara got astonished. A tough fight went with Clara and John on that day. Suddenly a big noise came from Peter’s room. Peter ran from his house shouting louder and gave a jerk…
Chapter- 2
“Hey you chicken! Do you scare for everything “ john yelled at peter.
Peter mourned and hugged his mom. Clara enquired to peter about what happened exactly that scared him in his room. She went inside the room followed by her husband. Clara got shocked seeing her daughter writing on the wall “Will kill you john” in blood.
“M.. Mary stop writing. What are you doing?” clara shouted at Mary. But she never turned back. John stunned and stood still in his place. Clara pulled mary aside and shake her shoulders. Mary regained her consciousness and hugged her mom crying aloud.
Mary was pulled back automatically and suddenly the clock’s needle started to rotate unusually fast and got stuck up. Small droplets of blood came from mary’s nose and she became unconscious.
“I’m not going to stay in this home. I’m leaving. You live in this old witch’s house” Saying so clara rushed to pack up her things.
John interrupted her and forced her to sit. “ Clara we are not leaving. Believe me there is nothing wrong in this house. Soon I will call my friend Roy to solve our problem. He is expert in voodoo”
“What you are calling a person who is expert in voodoo. What a companion you have? John what happened to you. You are annoying me a lot. You want me to stay in this house? From the very first day I saw strange things happening in this house”
“I love you clara. I’m doing this for our sake only. It’s my entire mistake for bringing our family here. I don’t want to hide anymore. On the day when I went to Pub for seeking job, I met Mr. William. He is my Aunt’s close friend. He told that this house is haunted and it has been the ghost of Richard which is roaming around this country home. He also introduced Roy to me. Everything is going to be alright.
“No…..” Clara screamed and become unconscious. John lifted her and dropped in the couch nearby.
John rushed to William’s house.
“Come in john I was waiting for you. So shall I call Roy” said William. “Yes sure. Please call him immediately” john replied. “You look so threatened. What happened? “ John narrated things that have happened.
William smiled. “Yes I know. This will happen. Richard made your daughter to do so. He has never changed.”
“What do you mean?”
“Yes Mr. John. I will tell you. But let’s call Roy and leave to your home immediately”
Both came to the country home. Clara was about to leave that time and she dragged her bags and came to entrance of her home almost when they have entered. “Clara stop. Meet Mr. William” john pulled her.
Clara reluctantly said “Hi” to William and kept walking. “Hi Mrs. Clara john. You may not like me. But only I have answers for your puzzles”. Clara stop walking and turned back.
William started to narrate the story of the Big country home.
Chapter 3
10 Years ago, this country home belongs to Evy and her only daughter Julia. Evy had loved her daughter so much and she has decided to find a groom for her. But Julia went against her and married Edward who was from poor family background. Evy don’t want to lose her daughter, so she kept her daughter with her though she went against her. Things went smooth for year and Julia was pregnant.
One Midnight..
Someone knocked the door. julia woke up from her sleep suddenly and sighed. She tightened her robes and switched on the lights. She went near the door and opened it. It was none other than Edward standing. He was drunken.
Julia: Edward! What is this new habit?
Edward: Why? Am I not supposed to drink.
Julia: Yes not like a animal.
Edward: Animal wont drink. (Saying so he went inside pushing Julia aside)
Julia started arguing with him and a tough fight went with them. Julia was kept weeping and went back to her room. From that day onwards Edward behaved so badly and he was totally addicted to drugs. He didn’t care about his family and started drinking all the time. Evy got many complaints about him from the village and she just beared all of it only for her daughter. She don’t want to make her daughter got upset as she is going to give birth to a baby.
Julia gave birth to a beautiful boy baby. She named him as Tom. But she has never expected that even nature will play against her. Her son was mentally retarded by birth and she came to know it only by his fifth birthday. She lived her life only for her son. Edward never take care of his son and instead he showed his anger towards that little kid being mentally retarded. So Tom hate his dad and scared to see him. Julia got terrible beatings from her husband each night and there will be rough conversation between them all the night.
Evy was able to watch only these things and she cannot tolerate it anymore. So she decided to bring her friend’s son William to her house for Tom’s treatment.
Evy: Hi Mr. William. Glad to meet you.
William: You are my mom’s friend Right?
Evy: Yes William. Thanks for coming. Hope you know about my grandson. I already explained my friend about it. Hope she would have conveyed.
William: Yes I know. May I see him?
Evy called her daughter and grandson to meet William. They all had lunch together and got good understanding. Tom felt good about William and mingled with him which surprised Julia and Evy.
They felt happy. William spoke with Evy and Julia “ As far I have diagnosed Tom, he is not in a worst state and he still can understand about people behavior and everything. You should take care of him knowing what is his real interest and he can get cured easily by proper counseling. I will come to meet him every week. Don’t worry. Everything is going to be alright.”
After that William have become so close to that family. Edward hate the entry of William to the big country home and he hate to hear all those pranks about William.
Julia felt so happy that her son is now normal than before and she has found that her son has great interest in painting. She believed that this art of painting will be a medicine for her son.
Chapter 4:
Edward had not come to home for a month. Evy felt very happy that he has gone away from her daughter’s life. So she decided to reveal her wish to Julia. Thinking so she approached Julia. She entered Tom’s room. He was painting some pictures in the paper. She embraced her grandson and appreciated him. She took a long chain dollar made of gold from her knapsack and put it on tom’s neck. She looked for her daughter around and saw Julia cleaning the floor.
Evy : Julie What happened?
Julia: Tom had broken the paint bottle. That’s why I’m cleaning.
Evy: Its ok leave that. I will ask the servants to do it. Why you are doing these things.
Julia: Mom don’t you know Tom will not allow anyone to his room except you and me. Its very surprising that he allows William also. Otherwise he would just scream.
Evy: Yar. I forgot dear. Please come to my room once you are done. I want few things to speak with you.
Julia: Sure Mom.
After cleaning Tom’s room Julia pattered her son and left his room.
Julia: Hi mom. Now say what you want to speak?
Evy: Julie I know that Tom is your life and he means everything to you. But as you are so concerned about your son likewise I’m so cared about you my daughter.
Julia: So ?
Evy: Marry William. He is the perfect partner for you.
When they are speaking, sudden noise came from downstairs. Both rushed to downstairs and got shocked to see Edward came with a woman. He looks awkward. He called out Julia loudly.
Edward: See my new wife Julie. We are just married.
Julia: (Weeping) What is the hell going on here?
Edward: Don’t shout. (Turning to his new wife) hey sweetie let me show our room.
Saying so Edward climbed the stairs and went inside Tom’s room. Evy and Julia rushed following back them. Edward went inside and pulled back his son and throwed him out of the room.
Evy: (Yelling at Edward) This is not your home Ed. There is no place for a moron like you in this home anymore. Get out from here.
Edward: Yes this big home is not mine. But Why don’t I make it one.
Evy: Don’t ever dream. This home is for my only daughter Julia and my grandson Tom.
Julia: Please stop mom. You go down. I take care of him. Edward please don’t do this to me. Don’t you remember how we have loved so much. Those days of ours together.
Edward: Shut up poor lady. I have loved your assests, your richness, your big country home and your money. But not you.(Edward laughed loudly.)
Hearing it Julia grabbed upon him and holds his neck tightly. She went upon him and gave several slaps. Evy tried to stop her. Tom stood still and leaned back on the table which has fruits placed on it along with a knife. Edward lifted Julia and throw her away from the balcony. Julia fall down on the floor and lost her conscious. Blood flowed from her head and filled the floors. New lady and Evy rushed to see her down. To be so sad Julia died on the spot. Evy got her daughter in her laps and cried aloud. Edward fall down from the same balcony with a knife inserted on his back. Evy and the lady shocked to notice the person who is standing at upstairs.
Chapter 5:
Evy shocked to notice that it’s none other than Tom standing there. Police investigations couldn’t suspect that it was Tom who did the crime. So they closed the case. Tom after that never spoke even with Evy. William, as a good family friend visited their home and regret for the things happened. He advised Evy to leave the home. But Evy don’t want to leave her home where the presence of her daughter filled. Years rolled and One day..
Evy heard Tom speaking with someone in his room.. She went inside to see to whom he is speaking. She couldn’t find anyone around. But he just spoke seeing the wall. Evy cannot understand what he is speaking. Its not seemed to be English. Its like some kind of humming or unusual word. Tom keep on speaking and draw something on the wall. After drawing he went to his bed just like that as if nothing happened there. Evy got puzzled and she decided to call William.
William came to country home after Evy made a call. Evy explained everything about the strange things going on with Tom. William asked to stay Evy out and he went inside Tom’s room. Tom’s face looks so calm and peaceful. He was lying over the bed sleeping with his teddy bear hugged tightly. He examined about the drawings drawn by Tom on wall and also some words which is seemed to be strange. He took some paper and note down those words in it. He then took some snaps of the drawings in his camera.
He consoled Evy and left to his clinic. He examined each and every word for hundred times. “These words are meaningless for sure. Since Tom was a mentally ill child, he could have done this but why all of a sudden change. When I spoke with Evy, I came to know that Tom has never behaved like this before.” William kept thinking and looked outside the window of his room. He can see some children playing around in the park nearby. Its very clear to see them what doing.
One girl was writing a word in the slate which seemed to be like unknown word in English. Another boy tried to encrypt it. They were just playing. Something flashed in William’s mind seeing the game that children played. He immediately took a paper and tried to encrypt each word. He wrote the words in the paper “ tedha tishe ginbnenign” After some time William able to make it as “Death is the Beginning”
William was dumbstruck to see the encrypted words. Now he has some clue anyway. He then watched out all the snaps that he had taken. Tom has drawn a picture like Home and a lady holding a small boy in her hand near by the house. He could not understand what for Tom doing all these things. “Did he want to convey anything” thinking in mind William decided to stay with Evy in the country home for a month. He ringed Evy and said all about the information he has collected and asked her permission to stay in big country home. William arranged his belongings and some clothes in his bag and locked his home. He then bought some chocolates with him and left to Evy’s home.
William: Aunt Evy I need a room nearby Tom’s room. Can you please arrange for it?
Evy: ok Sure Will. There is a room nearby tom’s room which is not in use. I ask my servants to clean it up to provide you. You can stay there.
William: thank you
Evy: Well will another important thing I need to say you. Yesterday night I heard the same noise from his bedroom. He spoke with someone. But when I came inside, he just ran and slept on his bed. I checked the room walls to see whether he has left any notes or drawings like he did the other day. But there was no signs.
William: Its ok. I will soon find the reason for his sudden change. Please don’t worry. Then here are some chocolates I have bought Tom. Please give it to him.
Evy: (Smiled) Sure.
William: I will have Tom under observation for this week. Only then I can have his attention.
Evy: I believe he will respond to you.
William: Hope so.
At the same day night, William heard some noise from Tom’s bedroom. William walked slowly and saw Tom’s room door keyhole. William cannot believe his eyes after the scene he has seen in Tom’s room.
Chapter – 6
William again peeked through the key hole of Tom’s room. Tom is standing with a women and the lady is none other than Tom’s mother Julia. Will got stunned and took two steps backwards. He then left to his room. He cannot sleep that night and was restless. He keeps on think about the scene he had seen.
“Does Julia ghost exist in this house? But if so. Why?” and many questions arise in his mind. Every day night William had the same job of peeking through the key hole of Tom’s room and shocked to notice Julia’s presence there. One day he tried to open the door but it was locked.
Finally he decided to meet his uncle Robert to have his doubts get clarified. Robert is one of the successful psychiatrists in the city and he is currently researching about the Ghosts theory after man’s death. He has met many cases and has got a sound knowledge about this ghost’s theory. William strictly believed that only his uncle could help him. He went to meet him in his house.
Robert: What a surprise? Come inside Will. Long time no see?
William: (Smiling) I was little busy uncle.
Robert: So how are you young man?
William: I’m fine. Well I have come here to discuss about a case uncle?
Robert: Hmm..Let’s start having a cup of coffee.
William: ok sure.
Their conversation went for 2 hours. William narrated everything that went in big country home right from the beginning and his experience in that house. Robert asked to bring Tom to his clinic. William made a plan to bring Tom to his uncle’s home. He informed about his plan to Evy and asked her to do as he explained. Evy went to Tom’s room. Tom was as usual playing with his toys and was painting something. Evy called him for several times to make his attention to her. He never turned back. She kept calling. She just pulled him with anger and she can able to see Tom’s notebook where he has just drawn the same pictures that he drawn once on the wall. He dragged her but he didn’t make a move and just grabbed the bed’s leg.
Suddenly voice of Julia heard outside the room as “Honey would you please come out? We are going out.”
Tom ran out of the room pushing evy to see his mom. A lady who resembles Julia stood outside with a handbag. It was William’s plan and he is one who brought that lady to the house. Lady lifted the boy Tom and embraced her. Tom simply stared at her and kissed in her cheeks. He cannot recognize her properly and he believed that it was Julia who came to meet him. William took them to his uncle’s home. Evy was asked to stay back in home. Tom knocked the door twice. Robert took his specs and cleaned it to wear. Wearing it he went to open the door.
Robert: (Opening the door) Hello Will! You came so sharply.
Will: Yes uncle. I don’t want to delay. Shall we start.
Robert: sure Will. Take a break. You want o have something and also what about this young lady.
Will: (Winking) this is Julia uncle. Tom’s mother.
Robert: Yeah I know.
Will: Tom this is Uncle Robert.
Tom takes his look away and keeps it in different direction. Robert smiled and took will alone to a room. It’s a very big room having many medical types of equipment.
“Will as we discussed earlier, we are going to drive the subject tom to a hypnotic trance state. I will slowly talk to him and observe his condition and thereby we can collect the information from him. But will Tom Co-operate to us? Exclaimed Will.”
“No definitely not. But we can achieve it with the help of our fake Julie.”
Both spoke for a while and fake Julie was called to bring Tom with her. The room was filled with dull light and there was a long folded sofa. There was a light stand highlighting the sofa. “Mrs. Julie Ed can you please drop Tom over this sofa. So that we can start”. “Yes Mr. Robert.” Julie dropped tom over the sofa and make him to lie on it comfortable. Tom reluctantly left from the fake lady’s and sat on the sofa. But he still holds her hand with him.
“It’s okay Julie you can stay with him.” Saying so Robert try to bring Tom’s attention.
“Tom will you please see me. Look into my eyes. Look into my eyes. Don’t you want to be with your mom again? If you are not co-operating she is leaving. Look into my eyes” Robert tried to bring his attention.
He started his countdown and go ahead 10, 9, 8………and at the count of 1 Slowly Tom closed his eyes and went to a trance state. Robert wants to make this opportunity. He switched on the tape recorders and increased the microphone volume which is attached along the sofa. He then slowly started questioning him.
“Tom now you are with your mom in your room. You are speaking with your mother. She loves you a lot right? You want to be with her I know it. May I know what you both speak when u meet? “
Tom opened his mouth to utter something but he closed without saying anything.
“Come on Tom. Imagine your mom and you are now speaking with her. What she used to say when you meet her”.
Tom again tried to speak. His hands are shaking. “My… er ah m m Mom” he struggled.
Robert without losing his confidence gave him strength to speak. Tom again tried to speak.
“We meet every night after all slept around” Tom gave a gap while saying each word. “Yes Yes go ahead” Robert politely said.
Chapter 7
“Mom wants me to be with her. She needs me to do a thing. She She..” Tom again struggled.
This time it takes some time for him to begin again.
“She wants me to save this world. She wants me to take care many mothers who are like my mom suffered by their husbands. I have promised her to do the same and fulfill her dreams.”
Robert maintained the silence and Will and the fake Julie listened to him eagerly. They all waited for his next words. Before that Robert interrupted “Okay. What are you going to do then?”
Everyone is now expecting Tom’s response. Tom broke the silence and said “To Kill”
Everyone in the room has not expected such a reply from Tom. Robert realized that it’s too dangerous to continue it further. Hypnotism is a kind of driving people into nervous sleep so it should be handled only by experts like Robert. If it is mishandled people have to face serious consequences. Doctor Robert knows it very well and thus he finished asking his questions after that. Suddenly all the lights in the room started blinking and there blew forcefully shattering the things and furniture inside the room. Everyone in the room was pushed by the wind and they cannot have firm grip on the ground. Tom was not even moved from his place and he just laughed loudly and he yelled at them.
“What you want to hear from me. Yes this is Julia. I want to help my son. Don’t disturb us. And from now onwards my son’s name is Richard and not Tom. Richard is not the one who is soft like Tom. He is the one who is going to save this world. Ha ha ha..”
Tom roared in a female voice and it was very unpleasant to hear. The voice seems to be like a tore old tape.
Tom felt unconscious and felt down from sofa. Everything came back to normal. William rushed to give a hand for Robert. He helped him to get up. Fake lady unable to stand and she got wound on her leg. She felt like crying. She struggled to walk. Both will and Robert made her to sit comfortable in the chair and put some medicine for her wound. Suddenly someone came inside the room. “Who is it? “ Robert questioned seeing the entrance of the room.
“Evy you are supposed to be in home” will surprised.
“No Will how can I stay in house simply. I want to know what’s going on with my grandson. After you left I followed you and I was watching all that happened here. I’m neither afraid nor disappointed. I’m glad that my daughter is back”
“But Aunt Evy your daughter is no more and she is dead. It is only your daughter’s soul taking your grandson as host.” Evy simply went inside and lifted tom and left the place without saying a word. Will got wondered to believe Evy’s behavior. He ran immediately to stop her.
“Aunt Evy please stop. What happened to you? You have not answered me”
“Will thanks for helping me so far. Please stay away from my house and also from my grandson”.. Will unable to do anything and when he tried to say something. He can only see Evy walking at a long distance.
“That is the last day I spoke with Aunt Evy” William sighed and finished saying the story of the big country home.
Chapter – 8
John and Clara saw each other. They were so annoyed by that time. John asked Will
“But what about Tom? Have you not made any attempt to meet Evy after that?”
“Yeah. I did. But of no use. I tried many times to visit the house. But Aunt Evy never wished to see me. Even if I ask about tom to her when she came outside, she will not answer and just give a look as if I’m a stranger. I asked her about Tom. But she has never told me. All this behavior of Aunt Evy is probably because of her mad love towards her daughter and grandson. After that I heard many gossips about the country home like Tom is dead and many drunkard people in the village have dead and so and so. Many told like they have seen him around the country home and he just called him as Richard and approached him for food and water. But I don’t know how far it’s true. But I believe that Tom is not dead. “Then you mean Tom is still alive and he is the one who is doing all this things? “John interrupted. “Yes I guess so” William replied.
“I cannot stay in this house anymore. Now it’s confirmed what is there in this house. I hope it’s better to leave this house as early as possible. Please john you too come with us.” Clara begged john.
“Sorry honey! First of all forgive me. I feel very shame for being a boozer so far. I promise you that I will not drink anymore. I will not leave this house. You take peter and Mary and stay in our neighbor jeni’s house tonight. We will live in this house happily soon solving all our problems. Roy will come here soon. Meet you tomorrow morning ”
“I hope we will” saying so Clara reluctantly left the place. John waved his hands and bid goodbye to her and his children. Will and john entered into the house. Someone touched Will’s shoulder from back. Will turned back
“Oh Roy you scared me. Why can’t you call me man? We are waiting here for you long time.” Roy looks like a 50years old guy with wrinkles cheeks and grey hair in his blonde head. He has sharp nose and blue eyes. Roy is new to the village and it is William who brought him to the village.
“As I told you earlier, I have been working on this case to find tom and the misery behind it. The very Last time when I saw Tom, he spoke in female voice and I believe it’s Julie who has taken her son’s body as host. I need your help to save this family Roy.
John and Roy shook their hands and greeted. “I plead you to solve this problem Mr. Roy. I will be grateful to you.” William interrupts and said “Don’t worry john. Everything is going to be alright. Roy has the practice of casting out demons from people or from any kind of medium. He has performed Exorcism before.” “That’s good” john sighed. Roy took a table nearby and put it on the centre of the hall which is very wide. He then took a leather bag which he had brought with him. He took out a designed glass bottle which consists of Holy water. He also placed a bible, huge coin which has cross symbol and a cross made of metal. He then said “Let’s start”
Chapter – 9
Roy took out a candle from his pocket and lighted it. He poured few droplets of holy water over the floor and also on the table around the lighted candle he kept on the table. He then took a clock like device which looks like anemometer that finds the direction of the wind. John and William curiously watched everything and they are little nervous. Roy kept that anemometer like device on the table and started reading the bible. Now the cool environment with light breeze turned to wild wind. All the windows splattered and gave a thunder sound effect. All in the hall are pushed back by the wind. Roy didn’t stop reading the bible and he continued reading it. The needle inside the device slightly moved from its position and pointed towards east direction.
“Go.. Bring Tom from that direction. Come on hurry up!” Roy pointed out the east direction and instructed Will and john to leave in that direction. John is so puzzled and he replied “But there is nothing in that room. It’s only a old store room and we have never visited there.” “Just do what I say” Roy roared with anger. Without saying a word they left to the east direction where the store room is present. They went inside. It was so dark and was occupied by spider nets. They switched on the torch lights they brought with them. They could see only the waste items and old unused things which were stored for long time.
“No person can live here. If tom is alive definitely he will die in this foul smell itself” john commented. William smiled and said”Shhh…Come here and see. We may get some clue.” They removed the objects from the place to have a clear vision. Suddenly a object flied against their face and disturbed them to proceed further. William got frightened and afraid to move forward. The same object again flied and scratched their head and hand with its sharp claws. “Hey it’s a bat….run” john yelled. Both ran and they tried escape by jumping from the window. Both ran fast and at the same time the bat chased them. John tried to pull up the window door and will helped him. Within the fraction of second john and William moved away and the bat that chased them get crashed hitting the glass window.
Both sighed and came to the same suspected place. This time they carefully handled the objects and throwed it away to make a comfortable path for them to proceed. To their surprise they saw a basement door on the floor. They opened it and went inside. The light from torch helped them to move in the steps of that basement. After crossing about ten steps they saw a room. They heard a howling sound from that room. Both hesitate to go inside but somehow they bring their courage and went inside. They saw someone sticked to the wall and mourning.
“Tom !” William ran towards to grab tom. “Doctor please ask Roy to leave. I’m innocent. He is hurting me. It’s very paining. See how I got hurt.” Tom showed his wounds in his body. It seems to be in the form of cross. Wil could find it everywhere in his body. “Tom you will be cured soon. Roy came to help you. He is not here to trouble or hurt you. Come with us. John give me a hand. Let’s take him up.” John helped will to take Tom to the hall. Tom closed his eyes and he didn’t co-operate to lift him. He simply kept his face down. “Tom what happened. Look me!” Will urged to hold tom’s face and took up his lowered face.
“You cannot take me up idiot” tom gave a cruel smile. Will got frightened and took away his hand. They saw his face turning as Julia and again back to tom’s face. For about some seconds it get altered. Tom pushed away john and William apart. Tom chased them up when they ran to upstairs. “John let him chase us. Then only we can bring him up to Roy” both ran and came to the hall. Tom reached to the hall chasing them. He stopped seeing Roy with a Cross in his hand.
Meanwhile in jeni’s house (neighbor of john’s family)….
“Thank you for allowing us to stay with you today jeni.” Clara thanked jeni. Hey you have said it for third time. Please don’t mention. Now have this cup of coffee.” Jeni handed over a cup of coffee to clara. While they have some little chat. They heard screaming noise of peter and mary from the bedroom where clara left her children. Clara dropped the glass in her hand and rushed to the room. Mary was flying off from the bed and was sticked to the ceiling. Peter tried to bring her back by jumping. Clara astonished to see that scene and tried to pull mary back. She then dragged a wooden stool nearby and climbed on it. Now she is just half away from the ceiling and she is now able to catch her daughter easily.
Chapter 10
Mary was caught and clara put her on the bed. Jenny astonished to see all the things and stood like a statue. Clara embraced her daughter and told “Don’t afraid Mary. Mom is there.” Mary was not consoled and she kept weeping. She then screamed. “mom please help me. Someone is beating me. I feel like I’m in fire.” Clara don’t know what to do and she hugged her daughter tightly. “What else you want from us? You are you doing this to us. We are innocent.” She shouted at the walls. Something stroked her mind. William told that Evy has presented a chain to Tom whether it would be same that Aunt Evy gave mary. She immediately searched on her daughter’s neck. It was the same chain Mary was wearing. She pulled it from her neck with great force and throwed it away.
“Jeni please take care of my children. I’m leaving to country home now. I cannot leave my husband alone there.” “But you are not supposed to go there now.” Jeni replied. “No jeni. I have to be there. Do me a favour. Burn that dollar chain.” She pointed out that chain which is throwed away.
At country home,
Roy: Tom stop!
Tom: I’m not Tom. I’m Richard. If you want to die. Come near me. (Howled)
Roy: have this holy water.(Roy dropped holy water on his face. Tom’s face again changed to julia’s face.)
Roy: Julia Go off from Tom’s body. In the name of jesus I’m saying. Leave this country home.
Tom: No never. I’m here to save the people. (Tom laughed)
Roy dragged tom aside and touched his body with cross in his hand. He then did the same all over the body again and again. Tom suffered a terrible pain and screamed. His skin turned red and bulged like a bubble all over his body.
Roy: Julia get out of this country home.
Tom: Never (crying with pain)
When Roy tried again to keep the cross on tom. Somebody stopped him. It is clara.
“Clara why did you come here.” John yelled.
Clara: “No john please let me talk to Tom.”
John: “Roy will take care of it. You just get out”
Clara: (with anger) no. You know what happened in jeni’s house. I found the same dollar what William told about the country home in our daughter’s neck. she was pulled to the ceiling. Enough john. I don’t want to take this too far. Lets us finish. Please give me a chance.
Roy: ( seeing at john) john! Let her speak. I think it’s a good idea. May be we can find a solution.
John: okay
Clara: (approaching Tom) Julia! Do you really love your son.
Tom (in the form of Julia) : yes
Clara: No. You are not. You are selfish.
Tom (in the form of Julia) : What? (roared)
Clara: If you have really loved your son. You would have not let your son to be like a beggar living in his own house. I can understand your feelings and i feel sorry for the injustice happened to you. Let it be with you. But what was your son’s mistake? Why you are giving punishment for him. Put an end for this.
Tom cried in a female voice and everybody can see the face of Julia in him. Clara hugged him and said “It’s a promise Julia. I will take care tom.”Suddenly Tom gave a jerk and felt unconscious. Everybody surprised to see the smoke like creature coming out of his body and flew on the air. Its none other than Julia.
Julia: Clara you have opened my eyes. I don’t want to ruin my son’s life still. I’m leaving this country home. Please take care of my son. Saying so the ghost vanished and dissolved in the air. John came and hugged clara. Roy and William greeted them and bid goodbye to them.
After six months………….
John: Welcome William. Thank you so much. This will not be made without your help. I’m very grateful to you.
William: Why this formality. You are my friend. I should thank you actually for starting a Rehabilitation centre for drunkard people in this village. I’m proud that I helped you to provide some money.
Clara came to the scene and greeted William. Roy, Jeni and many others in village also arrived to the opening ceremony of their newly opened “Rehabilitation centre for drunkard people”. Clara went inside the room to call Tom.
Clara: Tom are you ready. You have to open this ceremony. Come soon. Saying so she opened the door. She shocked to see Tom drawing something. She touched his shoulder and turn back him. “ Hi “ tom shouted. “You scared me almost. What are you doing tom?” “ “See what I have painted “ tom showed a chart. “Wow Is this my family” clara surprised. “okay lets go. We shall show it to john and let’s move fast to the ceremony”. The ceremony started and Tom cut the ribbon with the scissor and William gave the speech followed by clara and john.
John: Clara I would like to say something to you.
Clara: Yes. Shoot your question Mr.John (Winked)
John: You look gorgeous today. I love you.
Clara: (Blushed) I love you too. Both hugged each other and lost in their own world without noticing their children laughing at them.