[Editor’s Choice: WHEN SCIENCE FAILS… Short Story Unusual Experience]

WHEN SCIENCE FAILS… Short Story Unusual Experience
Photo credit: clarita from morguefile.com
“I am on my way………. Yaaaaa, reaching in just half an hour.” I put my cell phone back in my pocket. I knew that using mobile phone while driving is against the law but what to do. You cannot park your car every time when your mobile rings.
People says that husbands feel great, have the happiest time when their wives goes to home but for me this situation always proves to be pathetic. I have to rise at 5’ o clock to cook food for myself and for my daughter; then wake her up, give her bath (hey, she’s only 6 years old), dress up her for the school, drop her to the school and then reach the office.
So in this whole process, today I was on the step where I have to drop her to the school. I was already a half hour late and got stuck in traffic.
“Ah…… hope I could just fly off from this traffic.” I started murmuring in frustration.
“Like superman, Papa?” my little daughter joined me in my conversation.
“Yes my baby but papa has no such power. Papa can’t fly like your superman.” I started to play with her to remove the tension.
“Papa, but I can call him. He will definitely come for her friend.”
“Baby, I told you earlier that they are just cartoons not the real one but still you talk like this.” I didn’t want my daughter to go deep in fantasies, so I lectured her earlier about the difference of man and cartoon.
My talks made her upset and she remained silent then. In the meanwhile jam cleared and we were on highway.
Suddenly I saw an overloaded truck lost control over it and toppled in the middle of NH. One car going just ahead me slammed hard on the toppled truck. I applied break on that particular moment. I was stunned for a moment then opened the door of my car, advised my afraid daughter not to go anywhere, and came out to see the effect of accident.
When I reached the site where accident took place many people surrounded the truck and the car. Car had a family in it, one guy with his wife and a 2 or 3 year son, and all were dead. Diver of the truck was alive and was trying to escape the scenario but people caught him. After some time ambulance, police, NHAI and a crane all were there.
I then came back to my daughter, sat inside the car.
“You okay, baby.” I asked her and behaved like everything’s normal.
“Yes, Papa I am fine.” She looked fine to me. That’s the beauty of childhood, whatever happens in front of you, you don’t have to worry at all.
I again started the car and forth to our destination.
“Papa did you see that on road?” she broke the silence between us with a very difficult topic. She was asking about the accident. I was thinking what to say to her about that.
“What, baby?”
“The superman.” Now I was puzzled.
“The superman?” now I was keenly listening to her.
“Truck was lying on the middle of the road, so car was unable to cross the road, so superman came and took three of them to sky.” Now I was a bit afraid. She was speaking a bit strangely.
“Whom? Whom do you see baby?”
“I saw superman came and took uncle, aunty and their baby to sky. They even waved to me. I told you papa superman is my friend. So he came.”
This was the first time I felt a sense of fear for my daughter. I know she was telling truth, she never talk fantasies. I didn’t know what to say to her. I remained silent and dropped her to school and I left for my office and life kept on going like that…