Paranormal Short Story – Larry!
Photo credit: krosseel from morguefile.com
Larry was obsessive, very obsessive , said his Dad crying as he was crying burying his elder son . Larry had killed himself after a girl rejected his advances, he was 18. The girl who rejected his advances ,did not understand why someone would do this to themselves.
Lindsay was 16 , she was Larry’s younger sister, she was not like larry , she was depressive but not obsessive and mean like Larry was . She loved her brother though and could not bear to see him dead. Larry’s mother was distraught , no one was understanding why Larry took this step . Was it simply to prove a point?
Three months passed, Lindsay was still depressive,she was continued to be bullied in school more after Larry’s death , everybody was telling her that her brother was a Looser.
Lindsay wanted to die also… she planned to kill herself in her room , she made herself a noose out of her bed sheet to ease the pain life had put her through .. as she was ready to jump out of her chair on which she was standing , she saw Larry , he had come back….
OMG , Its really you…
Yes Sister.. its me !!!
Larry’s spirit was there , hugging Lindsay when she realized maybe she was dreaming…
no you are not dreaming love… i have come back for you. Now let us make the world pay!!! I got ur back!!
Next day , Lindsay got up in a chirpy mood , she got dressed and went to school , the moment someone bullied Lindsay they were slapped or pushed or punched… People became afraid of her..suddenly Lindsay was enjoying the attention she was getting and started liking the control in the school and Life she hated so much..Her new found confidence did not go unnoticed. Her parents grew concerned , they thought she was upto something and took her to a Shrink.
There is nothing medically wrong with your daughter, said Dr.Bruce to the parents.. she is coping up with the grief in her own little way , so just let her be ..
Lindsay chuckled as she shared her jokes and the fear she saw on her torementor’s faces with Larry . Three months had passed and the parents could hear the silent chuckles and giggles..
One day Larry told Lindsay it was time for her to enjoy the other worlds!
Whatever you say brother, Lindsay got upto the roof of the top of a nearby apartment building. Ready to Jump , when a hand pulled her, a Tight slap on her cheek followed!!
what the hell are you thinking? It was her father.. he had followd her ..
I donot know DAD ,
Mother came rushing as well.. Larry told me to jump she innocently pointed to the spirit on the wall..
OMG… Its Larrry , his spirit, the parents wanted to hug him but saw the anger inside him.. this was all happening on the Roof of a apartment building… omg, all of the three got down from there.
Lindsay then explained about everything.. fearing for their lives!! the parents called a Oracle or a Medium (not from Long island).
The Oracle told , that Larry was a manipulative person and his spirit now wants to use all of their energies to become powerful, they will need to perform rituals for a month to push the spirit or to destroy it for ever.but all of them have to ensure that none of them spill any Blood..
Everything went fine un till the 17th day when Lindsay accidentally broke a mirror , she cleaned the glass up but guess she forgot one tiny part, and unluckily her dad stepped on it.. BLOOOD!!!
Larry was standing there, smiling :) asking his dad in his usual calm voice, hay dad how is it going? Did u sleep well last night??