Short Story Of Afterlife – Beyond
Photo credit: Piresco from morguefile.com
I was told many stories growing up about the after life, what happens to us when it is our time to go. Some stories you can tell right away they are fake, but some stories you just have to believe. Some people have seen, heard, or felt something they can’t explain. Maybe they saw a chair move a few inches, maybe they saw a person beside them then when they turn back to look at that person that person had disappeared. Whatever the stories, true or fake, they came from somewhere.
Let me tell you about my story, what happened to me. I was 10 years old sitting on my bed close to the wall, my bed against the wall, i was sitting my back against the wall but not touching it, I was playing ps2 a Stuart Little game. All of a sudden the left side of my head started hurting it lasted a minute, within that minute I had a feeling something no good was going to happen, the pain stopped and that feeling stopped I shrugged it off and went back to playing. About 2 minutes later the pain came back it lasted longer it was persistent this time. And that feeling that something no good was going to happen came back. I jumped so fast off my bed at that same time the glass frame that contained a tiger picture that had been sewn by my grandma had fallen the same time i rushed out of bed. The pain in my head went away for good the rest of the night and so did the feeling something bad was going to happen.
I was walking from the bus stop to my home (parents house) and i was walking by the neighbors yard not in it but as close as i could get to it, as their was no side walk. The pain at the left side of my head came back and the feeling something bad was going to happen came back with no mercy i keep walking and I turn around, when I turn I see a car driving toward me the driver dropped something on the floor and tried to pick it up I jumped out of the way to safety the car drove in the persons yard and sat up and swerved and got back on the rode, my pain and feeling that something bad gonna happen went away.
This recently happened, I was 20 years old (i’m 20 now, this happened 2 months ago) I was working nightshift it was about 2 or 3 am. I went into the kitchen and as i’m walking I start to hear voices, a group of a few people having a conversation, how could that be when I was the ONLY person in the kitchen? I checked to i looked in every room behind every door every hiding place, no one but I was there. I ran out of there.
I also have had things happen at home after my small rodent pets died the wheel would move on its own food in the bowel would fling out the bowel. I had a hampster that i think his spirit stayed a week then went into the light, then a guinea pig he died a year ago he stayed a couple days then went into the light.
These experiences make me believe in guardian angels and life after death and that maybe my family, humans and animals, are watching over me. I told my friends all my experiences they think im psychic cause i could feel something bad was going to happen not only that i had dreams of my pets dying of old age then weeks later they pass away. Maybe I am psychic, or maybe i have a really good guardian angel protecting me so I can serve my purpose.