Short Creepy Story – Reflection
Photo Credit: www.cepolina.com
A man was out of town for a business meeting. It ended later than expected and when the man finally left, it was already night. After driving for a while, the darkness of the night and the unfamiliar locale made him decide to find a place to spend the night lest he got lost. He stopped at the nearest motel along the way and decided to spend the night there.
The man paid for a night’s stay and went up to his room. He opened the closet to lock his valuables in the safe when he noticed his reflection on the large mirror fixed on the inside of the closet door. His reflection seem to stare back at him but it looked like a pale and frail version of himself. Must have been the hours I put in today, the man thought, as he closed the closet and went to bed.
The next morning the man awoke and opened the closet to get his things. He noticed his reflection again. This time he looked even worse, the man thought. His reflection looked disembodied. His skin looked deathly pale and his eyes were blank and dead. It was as if it was a corpse staring back. The reflection seem to glare at him and he felt a dreadful feeling within him. He quickly packed up and left.
As the man was checking out, he took a quick glance at the mirror at the receptionist’s desk. That’s strange, he thought, he looked perfectly fine.
“You should really change your mirrors here. The one you have in the closet really makes me look like a dead man.” He joked.
The receptionist stared at the man and said,”The closet? Our rooms don’t have mirrors in the closets.”