Photo credit: mantasmagorical from morguefile.com
Phone call
*Aaliyah is at her house and she calls Kim
Kim- Hello?
Aaliyah- Hello? Is Kim there?
Kim- hello? this is Kim.
Aaliyah- So yall want to go check out this house with me? Since we’ve been talking about moving in.
Kim-Well have you talked to Brie?
Aaliyah- No, let me put her on three way.
Aaliyah calls Brie
Brie- Hello? Hello?
Aaliyah- Hey, So you want to hit up…
Brie- Club?
Aaliyah- No, ugly this house?
Brie- Oh? Oh? Okay then ill go get Jussail
Kim- No! ill go get her
Aaliyah and Brie- Okay. Then go
Ms.Evans-Well, this house been around for a very long time. It was built in 1960…….
Jussail-Well i can miss history class
Kim- Will you shut up
Aaliyah-Why you got to be so rude?
Brie-Anyways, how many bedrooms?
Ms.Evans- , it has 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.
Aaliyah- Well yall got to share.
Brie- No, there is no such thing as sharing is caring here.
Kim- Then me and Aaliyah teaming up
Jussail- Thats cool me and Brie will be kicking it.
Ms. Evans- Would like to see the rest the house?
Kim- Yes, I’m sorry
Jussail- No apologies
At the school yard
Aaliyah is walking with her friends Kim and Brie
Aaliyah- So, about the house.. Yall feeling it?
Jussail- Nah, im not feeling the vibe.
Brie-its a dump
Kim- Yall dont need to be negative.. I think we can fix it up
Aaliyah- Yeah i agree
Brie- You always agree
Aaliyah- So?
Kim- So is that a problem
Brie-No, but big house means big parties
Jussail- And boys!
Kim- Not everything needs to be about partying and boys
Brie- So you say
Aaliyah-Anyways, we moving in?
Brie- I guess
Jussail- We’ll see
Kim- Of course
Jussail- why are we moving in this house? it gives me the creeps.
Brie- I don’t know but I am ready to throw some parties.
Jussail- yes I cant wait.
Brie- (ssh), here come Aaliyah and Kim.
*Aaliyah and Kim pull up
Aaliyah-Dream come true we finally growing up! oh so excited
Kim-Yeah finally get to make our on rules with no say so from our parents
Aaliyah-I know right about time, lets go get our stuff..
*Aaliyah and Kim get out the car
Aaliyah- Umm Kim pop the trunk
* pops trunk
Aaliyah- Hey guys.. my bad girls
Kim- Yall Ready to fix this house up?
Brie- Nope
Jussail- i guess
Aaliyah- Yall negative, Jesus take the wheel.
* fixing up the house
Brie- Am i tripping or do yall see this doll too, Kim is this your doll?
Kim- NO! I’m not a kid
Aaliyah- Then Where did it come from?
Jussail- Throw it away, it looks old anyways
Aaliyah- She just said it wasnt her’s, if you were listening brie.
Jussail- drop it guys
Kim- just go throw it away jussail
*jussail throws the doll away
In the livingroom
*Watching Tv , Brie, Aaliyah, and Kim are asleep on the couch. Jussail is still watching and hears thump. She didn’t care for it and countiues to watch tv. She hears it again and tries to wake Kim. Kim doesn’t get up. She goes to the restroom, turns on the light and on the side of the shower and she sees the doll. Jussail runs back into the livingroom and wakes up everyone.
Aaliyah- Whats wrong?!
Jussail- I.I.I
Brie- I what? Speak up!
Kim- Jussail?
*Brie goes to see what is it is*
Brie- Kim, I told you to go put your dolls up.
Kim- Jussail, threw it away.
Jussail- I did
Aaliyah- Look, yall. We’ve been watching to many scary movies tonight….look lets just go to bed.
Kim- I think we should partner up tonight… to feel safe.
Brie-Who she sleeping with? My bed to small
Kim- She can sleep with me Good Night
Next Morning in the kitchen
Brie is in the kitchen and she is cooking breakfast. Kim and Aaliyah are sitting at table. Jussail comes in a join them.
Aaliyah- You okay?
Jussail- I’m good
Brie- I mean you was flipping out
Jussail- Its just i know that i put the doll in the trash. I mean Kim saw me throw it away. So when i saw it…..i don’t know
Aaliyah- Well lets just forget about it, Okay it time for class.
Kennion- Hey yall just move over here?
Aaliyah- Yes, couple days ago
Kim- Hey , who are you?
Kennion- Oh im Kennion , you are ? oh you to ?
Kim- Well im Kim
Aaliyah- Im Aaliyah
*Brie walks up to them.*
Brie-What are yall doing?
Aaliyah- Talking to a new friend.
Brie- Oh hello Im Brie and not be all in your business or anything but your cute how old are you?
Aaliyah-Oh my god , really Brie?
Kim- She always doing this.
Aaliyah- Uhhh
Kennion- *giggles*, Ladies I dont mind .. By the way Brie im 20 and what about you?
Brie- Hmmm same age
Kim- Anyways how long have you been living here?
Kennion- I just moved back with my parents, but they been here for like 40 years
*They look at each other in shock.*
Brie- Dang 40 years
Aaliyah- So you must know alot about this place then anybody?
Kennion- Yeah and if i was yall i get out as soon as possible
Kim- But why?
*Mrs Evans drives up
Kennion- Uhhh i gotta go
Aaliyah- Wait you never told us!!!!!!!!!
Kim- Lets go check on Jussail
*walks up to Mrs. Evans
Mrs. Evans- So whats the problem?
Aaliyah- Well, somethings wrong with toilet and we keep hearing thumping noises at night
Mrs. Evans- Its probably the cats and ill have a plumber come by tomorrow.
Kim- Thank you
* Goes inside
*Aaliyah checks the mail, gets a letter from Kennion.
letter reads: Meet me at the community gym
* Aaliyah walks back in the house
Aaliyah- Heys you guys Kennion wants us to meet him at this gym
Jussail- Who the hell is Kennion?
Brie- My future boyfriend
Aaliyah- Chilly this is serious
Kim- Always joking around, be serious for once
Jussail- OOO miss attitude
Aaliyah- Anyways lets go
The Gym
They go into the gym and see Kennion.They walk over to him
Kennion- * He looks at Jussail* Hello, I’m Kennion i dont believe we met.* shakes her hand*
Brie- So.
Jussail-I’m Jussail
Aaliyah- Now that you two have met, what did you want to talk about?
Kennion- There something wrong with your house.
Kim- Whats wrong with our house?
Brie- yeah. you aint in it
Jussail- *rolls eyes* please let the boy breath brie geez
Kim- Will yall shut up and let the man talk? Please? Thank you.
Aaliyah- So?
Kennion- There was a woman named Mary Mason, who use to live in that house.
Kim- What happen?
Kennion- Mrs. Evans was the owner of that house and she had a seven year old daughter she was a wonderful little girl, but Mary wasnt very nice to her she was abusive beat her everytime she ran a man off…
Aaliyah- Continue
Kennion- Well to make a long story short that little girl died, Mary killed her
Kennion- she buried her underneath the house.
Brie- Awww baby you need a hug?
Aaliyah- Why didn’t Ms. Evans say anthing? Thank you Kennion
Back at the house
Aaliyah is on the phone trying to call Ms. Evans, but she doesn’t answer. Brie, Jussail, and Kim are listening. 7:00pm
*voice mail plays
Jussail- Well?
Aaliyah- Shes not answering.
Jussail- Man, that is bull! Why didn’t she say anything? Why didn’t she tell us?
Kim- Yeah, thats a great sale point.
Brie- Why are we over reacting? it was a long time ago.
Jussail-I don’t care if was a million years ago…it still happen.
Brie- Please.
Jussail-You know what…
Brie-Yeah, i do know what your crazy.
*Jussail tries to hit Brie and Aaliyah stop her.*
Aaliyah- Yall need to chill out
Brie- No,she needs to chill out. This house is just fine and we invested too much into house AND YOU WILL STAY! YOU UNDERSTAND ME?
*Jussail leaves out the door and Kim follows her.*
Aaliyah- Jussail.
Brie- Let her go.
*Kim and Jussail are talking outside.*
Jussail- What wrong with her?
Kim- We are yall just flipping out, because of….
Jussail- Wait? What is this that?
Kim- What?
They see the doll sitting on the porch.
*Kim goes to pick it up and sees blood on it. ( little girl voice – beginning to 8secs) Drops it and gasps they see the little girl and runs in the house.*
Aaliyah- Whats wrong? What is it?
Kim and Jussail say nothing
Brie- Dang give her 5 mins, and she makes Kim go crazy.
Kim- Shut up!
Brie- Whatever, man.
*There’s a bang at the door*
Jussail- Well, Brie if its nothing go answer it.
Brie goes to anwer the door .
Brie-see its nothing * turns around, looks at them and turns back around. The little girl is standing there. Brie slams the door.* What was that?
Jussail- Now do you believe me?
Brie-This is not the time to rub it in.
Brie- Okay. I’m sorry Jussail.
Jussail- its coo
Kim- So what do we do?
Aaliyah-I don’t know….
*Kennion knocks on the door.*
Jussail- Kim go answer the door
Kim- No you answer it
Aaliyah- I’ll answer it
Brie- yeah, you do that
*Aaliyah go to answer the door.*
Kennion- Are you girls, okay? I heard yelling.
Aaliyah- We’re fine.
Brie- Let’s stop playing 20 questions and get to the point. What the heck does she want with us?
Aaliyah- Calm down, Brie. Look, all we want to know is if we need to move out?
Kennion-Shes not going to let you leave.
Jussail- What hell is that suppose to mean?!
Kennion- She wants you to feel her pain.
Kim- What did i do to deserve this? I’m getting out of here *tries to open the door*The door won’t open.
*They try to help her open the door*
Aaliyah- The windows.
* they try to the windows*
Kim- Its not opening.
Brie- man, i’m to young to die in this life.
Aaliyah- this has to be a joke.
Kennion- does it look like shes joking?
*They turn around and sees her standing there with angry face.They run into Aaliyah’s rooms.*
Aaliyah-*talking to Kennion* Okay, before we kill you…..You better tell us how to kill her? Cause I be damned if i die over something thats not my fault.
Kennion- SHUT UP!…. Now my life is on the line too. So i don’t want to hear no more nonsince.
Aaliyah- Who do you think your talking too? Huh? Because as i remember it, you were not suppose to tell us?
Kennion-And how did you figure that?
Aaliyah- I seen the way you looked when Ms. Evans pulled up……Wait. I got a great idea you should die first. Since you could have stopped this along time ago WHEN WE MOVED IN HERE!
Jussail- No, we are not going out like that ,okay? All we need is sleep, because this is too much information in one night okay?
Kennion- Fine
Aaliyah- Fine, but where is he sleeping?
Brie- with me.
*They are asleep ,but Brie can’t sleep. So she figures she can use the restroom. She gets up to go and Kennion feels her movement and wakes up.* 3:15 am
Kennion- Where are you going?
Brie- I have to use the restroom.
Kennion-you want me to go with you?
Brie- No
Kennion-okay but go fast.
*Brie goes to the restroom, when shes finishes. She thens looks into the mirror.*
Brie-*washing her hands* I must be crazy.*Brie tries to open the door but it wouldn’t open. Kennion still awake waiting for her to come back* Kennion?!* They all hear her yelling and tries to open the door.*PLEASE OPEN DOOR!*Kennion tries pull on it.*
Kennion- Its not opening* still trying open*
*All of sudden the light goes off ( little girl’s voice 0:08-0:22)and Brie hears her sings a lubbay. Brie turns around sees her doll.*
Brie- OPEN THE DOOR!* She screams*
Jussail- BRIE!
Aaliyah- Damn it Kennion! open the door!
*It goes into complete silence in bathroom. The door finally opens but its empty.Kim looks in the shower and Brie is dead* They help pull her open out and begin to cry.
*They put Brie back into the bathtub *
Aaliyah-* talking to Brie *You can rest now. I love you * cover face*
* They walk into the livingroom and they are crying*(the little girl voice 0:22-31) runs into the room. They are breathing hard(0:32-0:36) She is behind jussail, jussail run over to Aaliyah, Kim, and Kennion.The little girl slams the door shut and locks it. A few hours later they are asleep. Kennion hears the door open and wakes up. Kennion sees Brie not knowing its the little girl. He follows her into the bathroom door slams shut *wakes everybody up* they run into the hallway screaming Kennion! No answer. They going back into the room.
Kim-This is too much
Jussail- We didn’t know him like them anyways.
Aaliyah- Still doesn’t matter their people still dying in this house regardless if we knew them or not.
Jussail- All that matters is that I get out of here.
Kim- I. I. I. Me. Me. You don’t care about nobody but yourself.
Jussail- Yes I do…
Aaliyah- Stop it, Stop it
Kim- If she want to think of only her self ,then find a way get out of here by yourself.
Aaliyah- Kim. Stop it, okay? The best thing for us to do is stick together, Jussail.
Jussail- Fine.
Jussail sees Aaliyah and Kim dazing off and she sneaks out of the room. Jussail tries to find a way out.
Jussail- I need get out of here.
The Lilly starts laughing .
Lilly- Where you going? You don’t want to play with me?
Jussail tries to run back into the room, but the door shuts. The little girl grabs her legs and drags her into bathroom. Aaliyah and Kim gets up and runs to open the bedroom door but its locked.
Aaliyah: Kim I dont know
Kim: Why is this happening
Aaliyah:We should leave
Kim: No we need to figure out what she wants
Aaliyah: Im bout to go to the library to figure out something.
Kim: Ill stay here until Mrs.Evans comes. Cause need to talk to her.
Aaliyah graps her key and rushed out the door.
Meanwhile Kims asleep and Ms.Evans arrives and knocks on the door. Kim answers the door. Mrs.Evans came over to check the plumbing herself to see what the problem is.
Kim:Hello Ms.Evans
Mrs.Evans: Helllo Kim, I came to check on your plumbing
Kim: Okay
Ms.Evans enters into the house and sees lily and nods her head at lily and the lily disappears.Mrs.Evan looks at it toilet and see there nothing wrong with the plumbing.
Mrs.Evans:I dont see anything wrong Kim
Kim: Why you didnt tell us about this house?
Mrs.Evans: What do you mean?
Kim: The little girl, that died in this house. Why didnt you tell us about her before we moved in here.
Mrs.Evans: It was none of you business?
Kim:How do you figure that?My friends are dying because you didnt tell us . So it makes it my business.
Mrs.Evans laughs
Kim: What are you laughing for ,thats not funny.
Mrs.Evans: My daughter would always do that.You know like getting in my business. Especially when it comes to my men…. So you know what i did?
Kim: What?
Mrs.Evans: I would drown her in the tub.
Kim looks back and The water starts to run in the tub. Mrs.Evans slaps Kim in the face. Kim falls to the floor. Kim trys to fight back. Ms. Evans graps Kim by her throat and they fall in the tub. Mrs.Evans has Kims face underwater and Kim is still trying to fight back but she is slowly lose her breath. Kim dies in the tub. Mrs.Evans leaves the house and as she leave she drops a old picture of lily and Ms.Evans.
Aaliyah is rushing home and trying to call Kim and trying to tell her about the informatiom she found but Kim is not answer her phone.
Aaliyah: Why is she not answerin.
Aaliyah arrives to the house and the door was unlocked.
Aaliyah looks on the floor and see a picture and picks it up and see a old picture of Mrs.Evans and Lily and looks at the bathroom door and runs to bathroom and sees Kim dead in the bathtub. Aaliyah slowly truns around and see Lily standing there looking at her.
Aaliyah: What do you want from me?( Yelling)
Lily dont answer
Aaliyah: What do you want from me?( Calm tone)
Lily: A Life
Aaliyah: What if i give you a life . Would you spare mine?
Lily: Yes
Mrs.Evans comes back to the house and notice that nobody is there so she try to clean up her mess. Aaliyah slowly walks on Mrs.Evans. Mrs.Evans hears her foot steps and quickly stands up. Aaliyah walks up.
Aaliyah:I know what you did
Ms.Evans- Someone had to pay the price and i wasn’t.
Aaliyah- What is that suppose to mean?!
Ms.Evans- Look i made a deal with her, if i gave her a life that she would save mine. But how are you still alive?
Aaliyah- (Tries to hit her but she stops) You want to know how im still alive… i made a deal of my own .(she walks out shutting and locking the door)
Ms.Evans- Lilly don’t do this! Lilly! Lilly!
Ms.Evans starts to panic, the lights flick on and off. She hears a someone calling her name. * ring around rosey
Ms.Evans- Please.( The lights go off and she screams)(evil scream)
__The End__