Paranormal Story – GHOSTS NEVER LIE
Photo credit: clarita from morguefile.com
The kind of human or animal ghost that is an actual sentient being is called an apparition. Many of these beings are restless because they do not know that they have passed on due to unexpected events that ended their lives, or believe they have unfinished business to attend to. Many occupy places they lived during life. Some do know that they are dead, and may come back for reasons of revenge, or to comfort or warn a loved one of some kind of impending disaster, or to lead them to some fortune or treasure. The ghosts who do the same things over and over again are the ones who don’t know that they are dead, and are prisoners of their own minds: they feel it as if the time is that when they are dead. They can also be called forth by Ouija boards, but you better know what you are doing when you call forth a spirit or ghost. If you are poorly prepared or not at all, you could bring upon yourself some really weird and terrifying results that will not go away. It is happened to people.
She is Susan Boyle. A sweet girl of twenty eight, Aaron Ramsey is a boy who loved Susan very much. They are about to marry. They are very happy. Susan is a sweet singer and Ramsey is Rugby player. Ramsey loved Susan very much. Their love is for more than six years. It is to say that this love is very strong, very standing, very concrete.
The wedding is celebrated with a grand reception. A lot of gifts are received in the wedding. They have no time to check all these wedding gifts, so they have kept these gifts in the store room. Many items have been purchased in the shops or by internet and we don’t know the quality or the name of the manufacturer and sometimes the source of the things we get. Some harmful things are something like haunted. Such haunted things will provide extraordinary activity. But this cannot be easily detected in advance.
One day Susan and Ramsey are going for a party in a friend’s house. He took a diamond necklace from his pocket. It looks very old, but it is a shining sweet necklace. Any girl cannot reject a gift like this. He asked Susan to wear it. Susan looked at the necklace with wonder.
“When did you purchase this?” Susan asked with wonder.
“Who said I have purchased this?” Ramsey asked.
“Then, how you got this? Stole?” Susan asked ironically.
“I can steal the hearts of girls like you, not the things like this.” Ramsey said with a smile.
Ramsey said that he is checking the gifts received and last night he got this necklace in a box. Who presented this is a mystery, no name is written on the gift box.
“I liked this gift and I think you too like this one.” Ramsey said, explaining how the gift came.
“Wonderful. Why the man gifted this remained UNKNOWN to us?” Susan asked.
“I don’t know. Some people do not want to be EXPOSED of their good deeds.” Ramsey said.
Susan is so beautiful with that necklace that everybody in the party looked at her with wonder. They liked the necklace. Some ladies asked Susan that where they have purchased this. She said that her husband only knows. When some men asked Ramsey, he said they got this as wedding gift from some unknown quarters. He simply smiled and said that they do not know the name of the manufacturers.
Susan and Ramsey had a good time in the party and they are returning in the late hours to home. Susan is very hot. Driving is difficult for Ramsey. The drink or the late hour, what is the reason for the change in their physic is unknown.
The car is stopped near a tree. It is moonlight spread everywhere. Everything looked very pleasant. The car became bedroom. After a long time, they came to know that they are under a big banyan tree and the car’s headlights are flashing. Ramsey ran towards the car.
But the car has been started and it came straight towards Ramsey. There was no one in the driving seat. Ramsey heard the car roaring with anger. It hit Ramsey and took his life as it has crashed violently and crushed Ramsey under it heavy weight. Ramsey is crying heavily before his death.
Susan is looking at Ramsey like she is looking a film. She is in trance. After few seconds, she is fainted. In the morning she is in her bed room. Susan’s friends stood behind her at this calamity.
“What had happened last night madam?” The special investigating officer asked.
Susan tried to remember what has happened. But she could not remember.
“Oh, it’s just like something unknown. We stopped and we got under the tree for some time. The love, what happened next is unknown. I am in sleep. I got here in the morning and you people are before me. Where is my husband?”
She looked around calling “Ram! Ram!.”
In few minutes, she came to know that Ramsey is murdered. Police is trying to find out the truth. Inspector Andrew put a lot of questions and Susan gave only one answer. She is very sad and sobbing for the death of her husband.
Few months passed. The death of Ramsey was left as a mystery. This was a new flat, a new start of life for Ramsey and Susan. Nobody can doubt anything like paranormal or scary inside this new home. The mystery of Ramsey’s death is remained unsolved. Susan is shocked at everything happened after her wedding. She tried her best to remember what happened on that night, but she could not recollect or remember.
One day Irina has come to see Susan. Susan knows that she is from a royal family and she likes Ramsey for he is the best rugby player. Irina is a very sensitive woman. She is shocked at Ramsey’s demise
“Susan, did you remember what happened on that night?” Irina asked her.
“Nothing madam” Susan said.
“I have presented for your wedding a necklace, a costly necklace.” Irina said.
“Which one is that?”
“Aquamarine blue diamond necklace, that one is from our royal family necklace in our antic jewelry”
“Oh, that one is very nice and my husband wondered who had presented that.”
“Susan, that necklace is very valuable and it costs millions of dollars. I did not use that. Did you wear that necklace?”
Susan said that she had that necklace in her neck on that night.
“Do you know any Psychic Channeler?” Irina asked.
Susan said that she did not know what a psychic Channeler means.
“Channeling often occurs in many forms and is much more than just a state of a trance-like composition. There are many modern forms of channeling like automatic writing, séances, psychic healing, and novice use of a Ouija board. Most have heard the many horror stories of a Ouija board usage gone badly, especially inexperienced and unprofessional psychic channelers. Taking on such an act can be a very dangerous proposition.”
“Why are you telling this Irina?” Susan asked.
“We need a Psychic Channeler to know what happened on that night. Channeling types on a varied state of mind are there. There is Trance Channeling, which begins with falling into a deep sleep and relinquishing one’s control of their body, thus allowing an outside spirit or being to take control, often times by speaking through their body and the voice of the Channeler. Upon the awakening of the channeler, they have no memory whatsoever of what happened while they are out, to get the most our of this type of channeling, you might set up a tape recorder or activate a recording app to record the material being channeled. You will find the material that comes from this type of channeling is often quite elegant and clean, as there will be very little ego on our channeler’s part to interfere or intercede with the information that is being presented.” Irina explained.
Susan understood that the use of the royal necklace may be a cause of some psychic effect and she wants to get it cleared by a good Psychic Channeler.
“I know Lee Hong who is a famous psychic channeler. Let us go see him, Susan.” Irina’s advice has been a sensible one. So Susan accepted to go with her. Irina and Susan are going in Irina’s car. It is evening and the car is going on a good road. It reached city outskirts Car is going slowly in a thin path amid the thick trees and bushes. Irina is driving the car. All of a sudden the engine is dead.
Irina wondered at the car stopping like this. It is dark now. Irina said that it is a small walk to reach Lee’s place, let us go by walk. Susan simply nodded.
As they are walking in the trees and bushes, they heard something like roaring it is the car. When Susan saw this she remembered what has happened on that night.
“The same roaring sound I heard on that night too. The car came and crushed my husband.” Susan said with unknown fear. “I feel like I’m being watched by someone.” Susan said.
Irina said that she is also feeling the same. She said she was wondering at the car’s engine going dead as it has been under service two days back. She said that all this looks unnatural.
They looked at the car and found two ghost are fighting. One is in royal dress and the other is in modern dress. Susan recognized that the ghost in ordinary dress is her husband Ramsey.
After few seconds, both the ghosts are vanished. Irina is BOLD. She took Susan back to the car. The car is working well. They entered the car and Irina drove the car and reached the psychic Channeler Lee Hong.
He smiled looking at Irina. “I know you are from Irish dynasty.” Lee Hong said.
Lee Hong is around seventy and he looks like a Red Indian. His dress is also peculiar. He wore a hand symbol on his dress of Kiowa Beaded bag. His head has black feathers. Irina explained everything about the incident. Lee Hong asked Susan to sit in special chair. She sat in the chair shown.
“Don’t get disturbed child,” Lee Hog said, “I will take you into trance. I see the spirit your husband is around you. I ask him to come in to your body to tell the truth.”
Susan wondered at this. She doubted that a ghost who fought with another ghost in royal dress is her husband. It is now confirmed by Lee Hong.
“Yes father, you can invite the spirit of my husband in me. I am ready for your experiment.” Susan said.
Lee Hong smiled. He continued his process to take Susan into deep trance. A small tape recorder is in on.
Irina is seriously looking at Susan. Irina knows that the Acquamarine blue diamond necklace is used by her grand grandmother Luciana. His grand grandfather Edmund likes this necklace, so he got it from the family treasure for his wife Luciana. The ghost who fought with the spirit of Ramsey looks like her grand grandfather Edmund. She is eager to get the truth by this psychic channeler Lee Hong.
Susan is in deep trance. He invited Ramsey’s spirit to in to Susan’s body.
“Who are you?” Lee Hong asked Susan.
Susan did not reply. The Lee Hong continued her asking without rest.
“I know who you are.” Lee Hong laughed as if irritating the spirit.
Susan also has Laughed with the same irritation and looked at Lee Hong.
“You are Ramsey’s spirit. You are killed by another spirit after your wedding recently.”
“No. I am not him. You are failed to know.” Susan said and again she laughed with the same irritating voice. She is looking Lee Hong as some powerless man.
Lee Hong is at wonder. He clearly saw Ramsey’s spirit lingering around Susan. Then who is this another spirit? This is what he could not understand.
Now Irina interfered and asked Susan, “Grand grandpa, why you have killed Ramsey?”
Now Susan looked at Irina with affection. She said, “I did right. I save your grand grandmother Lucy”
“No grandpa.” Irina tried to say something.
“You don’t know darling, He tried to assault your grand grandma Luciana. I saw with my eyes. So I killed him by crashing with the car.” Susan said with anger.
“But, I gave the aquamarine necklace to her in her wedding. The man you killed is her husband Ramsey.
It is your mistake grand grandpa.” Irina said trying to convince.
“You are fool. This girl is grand grandma Luciana. She is born again for me.” Susan said.
This is shocking news for Irina.
“Is true grand grandpa?” Irina asked with shivering tone.
“Yes. True, very true, ghosts never lie. Edmund is a king, why lies?” Susan said in Edmund’s tone.
Irina is yet in her shock and Lee Hong is in total confusion.
“You know, I entered in your body and made you gift that aquamarine diamond necklace to give for Susan. I am trying to kill that rugby rascal after he married my wife. I found time and killed him.” Edmund’s spirit said.
“I take care of your grand grandma. I am going now, taking your grand grandma with me. Bye.” Susan said in Edmund’s tone and then she has been collapsed.
Lee Hong and Irina ran towards Susan to see if she has been really harmed by Edmund.