Short Story Paranormal – The Income After Death
Photo credit: blary54 from morguefile.com
How will I handle my family ? How would I not let them starve ? From where would I get money for my sister’s marriage ? How????
This was the burden Jacob had since he was 15 . He was born in a family where they ate little, where they slept on the ground as they could not afford a bed . He was born in a family that was named POOR . His family contained her younger sister and her mother . When Jacob and her sister were kids her mother used to work for food . She was a maid and use to work on other houses so that she could earn something to even buy some for her children .
Jacob grew seeing all these and while he was of 15 he decided to work . He somehow managed his studies and his work . At first he use to work at the garage and after that he worked as a waiter in many restaurants . This would help him earn some money . This continued for 6-7 more years .
Soon his studies completed and he set himself for a perfect job . He then found his earnings by working at a call centre . He was happy with his job and felt that now he could fullfill the needs of his family . He use to work with all his heart . He never complained of anything and was never late for work . Now he had a well scheduled life in which he use to sleep in the morning and use to work at night in the call centre . His only dream was to earn more money to work more harder to get her sister married in a beautiful house where she could live a happy life . This was all he wanted.
One day while he was moving to his call centre from home some guys with their faces covered surrounded him and asked him for money. Jacob hesitated and he tried to run away from them but one of their gang member threw a stone at him to stop him. The stone didn’t stop him but actually it killed him. The stone struck his head and he was dead the very same moment. The guys came nearer to him and found that he was dead, they ran away from that place.
Soon the police arrived and they informed her mother about this. Both of them were in great sorrow. Her mother was not ready to believe that his son is dead. They cried the whole night. Jacob used to work in the call centre during night and the seat that was given to him was a corner seat. During night there were only few that worked on that call centre.
After few days the news about Jacob reached his call centre and the people in that place were shocked. The reason for their shocking behaviour was not because Jacob was dead but was that if he is dead then who was there yesterday working in his corner seat. The workers went to their boss and told them everything that happened. It was found that during night the lights of the corner seat was on and it felt as if someone is working there. The boss told the workers to stay tonight and see what was happening. The workers agreed though they were tensed.
That night they all rather than working stared at that corner seat. Suddenly the lights went on and the workers noticed that it was the time Jacob used to come inside the centre and start working. The workers were afraid but they somehow went closer to that seat and they found no one in the seat. One of them noticed that the screen was on and there were continuous services provided to the customer. The workers could not believe what they saw. Even when no human was operating the calls or present at that state the calls were made and the services provided.
After this the boss told the workers not to work on that floor but to work on the 2 nd floor. Next day the workers started there work on the 2nd floor rather than working on that floor where this unusual things were happening. But they were not able to locate with their customers and thus no one was able to work. Thus they came to know that its the soul of Jacob that isn’t letting them work. So they decided to work on the same floor where they used to work before.
One day the boss of that centre went to Jacob’s house and told her mother(Jacob’s mother) everything that was happening in there. Jacobs mother told the boss that Jacob had lot of responsibilities and dream and to fullfill that he used to work hard but now as he is dead but his responsibilities are still alive. Even if he is dead he is still working for his family, he is still working for his dreams.
After she finished a drop of tear rolled down her face not because his son was working for them but because he is but still alive. The boss was very much touched with what Jacob’s mother said and he went to his call centre. There he ordered no one to take that corner seat. The day of the payment arrived and all the workers were paid. After paying everyone the boss stood up and drove his vehicle to Jacob’s house. He went inside and gave her mother(jacob’s mother) the income that Jacob had earned. Jacob’s mother was’nt surprise but she thanked the boss for his understanding.
While the boss moved out of the house he turned and said even if your son is dead his responsibilities aren’t There is no mother who would have such a hard working child. The boss then went away and every month he used to come himself with the income of Jacob and handed to her mother. Still Jacob is working in that same call centre without getting late. He still doesnt complain about anything. Her sister is married to a beautiful house and she is a lot happier. This was the income after death.