Paranormal Short Story – The Boys Hostel
Photo credit: mxruben from morguefile.com
Date :- 2/2/2002
Hinakawa Tatsumi, it was her name. She had shifted in the hostel in Tokyo for her exams. Tatsumi was studying very hard those days. She had been living there for a month, her father left her in the Kanoharu College’ s hostel. Principal of that college was his best friend .
Tatsumi had no boyfriend not even any male friend. She was a shy girl. Fortunately she had got a corner room with a sweet roommate. Asuya Hinata belonged to Osaka city. Everybody thought that she was real mad after horror stories and black spells. People used to laugh at her choice. They told her, she should have chosen paranormal subjects rather than technical one. Though she was sweet, sometimes Tatsumi felt something strange in her room and cold in balcony .
Once in the evening Tatsumi was feeling hungry , she had not found any thing in the room so she started to check in Asuya’s rack and by mistake she broke her holy pot . Suddenly Asuya came into the room .
” What the hell are you doing ? How dare you ?” Asuya shouted at her with anger .
Tatsumi did not expect that from Asuya but she could understand . She quietly went to the library with some books . She chose a quiet corner of library where nobody could disturb her.
“This is the way from where we can escape . Come on let’s go . American soldiers can catch us anytime , let’s go …..!!!
No , I won’t . Not without my family and friends …..!!!
Come on boys !! let’s have some fun … !!! so what’s your name girl…. I will not live without you” and suddenly Tatsumi woke up .
” Had I slept ? What did I see in my dreams ? What was that ? ” Tatsumi was afraid badly. She searched everywhere for the open door but it was too late . She shouted loudly but there was nobody to help her. She was trembling with fear .
” Boosh !! braaattt !! ” the guns’ sound were spread all over the room and she could hear screams of thousands of people . Tatsumi fainted within few minutes.
In the morning when she woke up she found herself in Asuya’s room . She told everything to Asuya .
” All of that was your punishment . I know this is very difficult to believe but that was your curse because you broke that holy pot . That was not a ordinary pot . That was given by famous spiritual master . I do not know what will happen to you again . I do not even predict it . I think, we should go through Mr. Hashimoto Kamawa . ” Asuya suggested .
Next morning they went . Kamawa ordered them to meditate at midnight in a lonely place and gave them a spell book . They did as Kamawa said but they did not find anything strange . Soon her exams had also over .
Date :- 12/5/2002
The Golden Jublie of the college had come . Tatsumi was enjoying her last day in party . She dressed up like a princess . It seemed Toshi Takuya the head boy of the college was interested in her . He went to her and asked for a walk . Opposite of her nature she agreed . It might possible she like him .
They were walking and talking simultaneously . They did not realize how far they walked .
” I want to show you something . ” he suddenly told her and dragged her to the boys hostel . They walked and reached at the corner of hostel .
They were almost alone . He told her to wait for him and went inside his room . As she turned back , somebody held her mouth tightly and her scream was buried forever in the darkness .
Next morning her dead body was found at that corner of boys hostel which had been closed since 1982 . How did she come there ? This was the biggest question .
An FIR was registered but police was unable to find anything related to murder . So they closed the case soon.
Much time had not passed when Asuya heard a news that Kamawa was fraud . As she heard about it, the question arose in her mind if that was not the pot curse so why did Tatsumi die ?
She went to the translator with spell book and soon translator told her that was a rhyming book in other language.
Date :- 12/5/2003 (At Tatsumi’s grave in Toyama)
“You are just like my wife . ” when Asuya turned back she heard those lines from an old man .
” What are you saying uncle ? Do you not think, it is too late to have a new wife ? ” Asuya smiled .
He put his hand into wallet and showed her a photo . “She is my late wife .” he said .
Asuya had shocked when she saw Tatsumi with herself in that photo . They were sitting beside that old man .
” Who is she ? ” she pointed her finger on photo and asked .
” They was my best friend, Sayde . Unfortunately her boyfriend Taisuke committed suicide because Sayde had married with some other boy . ” he answered .
After few days Asuya went to the college to make an enquiry about Tatsumi and there she got a very strange information that there was a passage inside a rack in the library which was ended inside boys hostel corner part. It had been made for safety from Americans during second world war .
Date :- 12/ 5/ 2004
That day Asuya went with her husband to her principal’s farewell party .There she met the oldest lady who belonged to the college . She was the gilrs’ hostel warden. Asuya came near her and tried to kiss her hand but she pulled her hand and staring her as she tried to recognize her .
“Hajir Omeje , Suwen Omeje ‘ s sister. I am amazed you look just like her . This is a miracle . I can never forget that love birds . But her death was very terrible. Those bastard soldiers..!! . They raped Zanso very cruelly . Suwen was unable to save her . ” she spoke very fast.
Suddenly Asuya was started to connect each and every incident and then she drew a story in her mind . She ran towards the library alone . She had a single lighter in her hand , a single source of fire for protecting herself from spirits . Suddenly inner racks started shaking insanely and the lights got switched off . She was trembling badly but she stood still. Suddenly she noticed secret route had opened automatically and two spirits came outside . One was smiling at her ,and another one was smiling at Tatsumi. Tatsumi smiled and they vanished .
Asuya went inside the door and she found portrait of college friends . She found Tatsumi happy with her and Takuya . And she was standing with a lots of questions near portrait.