Paranormal Story – Haunted House
Photo credit: mxruben from morguefile.com
I am transferred to this new place. My family is in the city as my children’s education needs them stay there for some time. They will come here after the exams are over. Before that, I have to see that a nearby school is ready to take my children admitted.
I met the real estate people and asked for a newly built good house.
I saw that newly painted house. The new painting smell is in the air as the doors are open. It is little far from my working place. Yet I preferred this house. I liked this house very much and as I have a car, the distance is not a real problem. The house is good with new paint smell. There are green fields, big trees and plenty of birds singing around. There is a brook also which can be seen from the bed room window.
The rent is reasonable. So I have entered in an agreement for one year less one month after paying huge amount as advance and came to this new house. Every facility looks making the house very comfortable. I thought the house is very good.
Somebody working in my office told me that the house I have rented is a haunted house and he advised me that I should quit the house immediately.
I wondered. Such a beautiful house, can it be a haunted house? I don’t believe in things like haunted. I am not one after blind beliefs.
I don’t smell any ghost in the house I am living. So I did not care for this advice.
That is a Saturday night. I was reading something. I have no sleep. I tried to see TV. I found that something is wrong with the TV. No picture is coming. All the connections are well. I thought the problem should be unknown for my little brain as I am not a TV mechanic, a TV mechanic will be better to find out the problem. Nobody comes at this hour. So I postponed the TV matter for tomorrow.
All of a sudden power is gone. I have no alternative power source. Not even a torch. I took my mobile which releases some light. Oh, the mobile is also helpless, it needs to be charged.
I am on my bed. It is raining outside. The window are opening and shutting with force. I locked the windows from inside. I saw the doors in the house are suddenly opening and closing with big sounds. I closed the doors of the bed room where I am trying to understand this peculiar phenomenon. I am silently observing to decode latter what this occurrence or what this circumstance really means.
The closed windows are again open. The rain is thundering with the loud, explosive and resounding noise. When some lightning discharge of thunders is heard, I feel I am lonely in the house without any external help, if I need.
“Upstairs we like much to live.” A voice is heard. Like a whisper. “Yeah” another voice said. I wonder where from the voices are coming. I still more wonder for some sounds on steps going to upstairs. Like two people are going on the steps.
I know, there is a room on upstairs which I never visited and left it to look in to that room with some leisure. Now, that room made me curious to know about.
The rain stopped. The air is not that much wild now. In few minutes, the power has come back.
All that is okay, the TV is also working. I did not wonder.
I thought that rain may be the reason for not having any program working on TV.
My only lingering doubt is about the upstairs which I wanted to check out the next day.
I slept and had quiet atmosphere around. I found nothing to doubt. So I forgot everything as nothing happened. There was no rain and thundering sounds also all these seven days after that day.
That is Saturday night. All of a sudden it is cloudy and the rain started. It is around midnight.
I saw the time. Half past twelve. I am not sleepy. I saw some movie in the TV which is about some spirits. It shows that spirits exist and there are good and bad spirits like the people.
The movie is about a haunted house, often perceived as being inhabited by disembodied spirits of the deceased who may have been former residents or were familiar with the property and a “spirit” can also have the sense of “ghost”, i.e. a manifestation of the spirit of a deceased person.
More scientific explanations for the perception that a house is haunted include misinterpreting noises naturally present in structures, waking dreams, suggestibility, and the effect of toxic substances in environments that can cause hallucinations.
I read somewhere sometime back that 37 percent of Americans, 28 percent of Canadians, and 40 percent of Britons expressed the belief that houses could be “haunted”. So the film saying that the house is haunted cannot be thought as just a blind belief.
My thoughts are running like trying to infuse a fear in my brain that if this house where I am living also is a “Haunted House” how I have to feel in real about all this?
I see that rain is heavy and the windows and doors are opening and closing with heavy sounds.
Again the power is gone. Thundering sounds making me frightened. The lightning makes me afraid.
This time I was clever in having a rechargeable night lamp in my hand. I switched on this lamp and just observing any occurrence of incidents in my house.
All of a sudden, the night lamp is switched off. I did not put it off. How it is off? I again switched on the lamp. It is on and dim light is coming, not so bright as it has to be.
I heard somebody laughing. I heard another laugh. One is male laugh and another is female laugh.
“Who is it?”
I cried with a heavy sound which is echoed in the room. I did not hear any sound as response.
Now I understood that I am not alone. There is some one or two more in the room.
Are these sounds are to tell me that ghosts or Spirits are here in this house?
I am wondering when I heard the sounds of steps on the wooden ladder leading to upstairs.
I was little afraid. I want to find out that is this house is really haunted? I slowly followed the steps.
The night lamp in my hand is becoming dim and sometimes it is getting off and then getting on automatically. I don’t know what the problem will be. It is a new one and fully charged, so it has to work perfectly.
I reached the upstairs room. It is locked and the key is somewhere in the downstairs, I know perfectly.
But now I saw that the doors are wide open, even the doors opening in to balcony also are open. I wondered for these doors are perfectly locked and checked by me.
How the doors are open?
I focused the night lamp in to the room, the only upstairs room. There is dust accumulated in the room and I saw some foot prints on the dust. This one helped me to think a ghostly couple may be living in this room.
I saw some movement in the room as if something is moving beside me. I focused the night lamp on the bed. The bed sheet is moving. It gives the feeling that there are some people sleeping on the bed.
I am trying to get the confirmation.
I went near the bed. I felt the feeling of someone breathing near my neck. No doubt, the respiration makes me feel that it is ghost.
“Who is it?” I cried.
Then a thundering light and something cold air wave touched me.
It made me unconscious. I don’t know what happened next? It is morning when I woke up.
I am on my bed and the night lamp is intact in its place. I swiftly went to upstairs and to my wonder, the doors are locked, as they were to be.
I went down, took the keys, went up and opened the door. The doors to balcony are closed as they were to be. The dust is definitely there on the floor and the foot prints are mine, that too mine just now they are made by my feet (without shoes) and it was totally a wonder story for me.
Is it a nightmare? Is it a dream, a terrifying dream in which I have experienced the feelings of my real helplessness, extreme anxiety and a feel of the evil spirit hitting me.
Everything is quiet. I found nothing to doubt and I also cannot clean my doubts from my heart. I cannot forget everything as nothing has happened. There was no rain and thunders all these seven days after that day.
That is again a Saturday night. All of a sudden it is again cloudy and the rain started. It is around midnight.
The power is gone. I took the night lamp in my hand.
Then I heard the sounds of the steps going to upstairs. I followed the steps and reached the upstairs room.
The doors to balcony are not open. The foot prints are there on the floor. They are two types of different feet.
I saw light like bodies, astral bodies. One is young man and the other is a young woman. They are not angry, but they grew angry seeing me heading towards them. They saw me with fiercest and hostile looks. Now I am fully confirmed that this house is a haunted house.
“Get away from our house” The women said with anger.
“If you don’t go from this house in a week, you will see our real anger.” The male voice said.
“This is our house. We don’t allow anyone to live here.” The woman said.
“Yes, this is our house. We don’t allow anyone to live here.” The man said.
Now the doors on the balcony are open.
A lightning sound and a cold touch of air felt and I was thrown from the balcony in to the garden. I was unconscious. I don’t know what happened after that.
In the morning, when the old milkman came he saw me sleeping on the grass near a tree.
He understood what is happened.
“This is haunted house, sir. One Young man and Ypung girl lives here. One day they are murdered by someone and from that day, this house is called Haunted house. The owner recently got it painted and you are in.” The old milkman said.
The house is locked from inside. The doors are broken
I somehow managed to enter the house with fear. I have confirmed that the house is haunted. Of course, a painted haunted house.
In two days I have shifted to another house near my office. I somehow did not like to share my experiences in the painted haunted house with anyone. It is just because I don’t like to frighten people.
The house owner is good. He returned my money given as advance.
Those who like to believe let them believe. Those who do not let them not believe.