Article – Ghost – Dead or Alive?
Photo credit: Piresco from morguefile.com
Is there a ghost who see us, walk with us and disturb us? If they exist and do such kind of things then how they attain a magical power to do so. What is the power that death give them? If they can see and experience the world, how can we call them as dead?
All mythologies, religions and philosophies are of a somewhat same opinion about the another world after death or a life after death. But if there is another world after death, how this much of dead people can afford there as dead ones are at least 15 times more than the living ones? I have read somewhere that the people who die with unfulfilled dreams will turn into ghosts. There arouse another doubt that who breathe one’s last by fulfilling all his dreams? It is also believed that the people who have negative qualities will turn in to ghost as the god will never give them salvation because of their cruelty.
Existence of ghosts are still a question mark as like existence of God. Because both are abstract concepts that we can’t see or touch.We believe in all ideal concepts like air,wind, love , patience, humanity , etc other than this two. We ask concrete proofs to ensure the presence of both.
Nobody will go anywhere from the earth as man is a product of mind and body. The body will ruin but the mind or the thought remains forever. Every soul is connected and that is why we could feel the presence of departed people in their absence. This connection will lead us to forget their absence. This connection can be because of two reasons; one we miss them terribly and want them back in our life and the other is that we are scared of them a lot and believe that they will take revenge upon us. Some say all these are merely a creation of mind and others say the soul loves to stay with their dear ones or with whom they wanted to take revenge. They are unwilling to go to the other world as earth is a place of temptation.
The mystery of ghosts had not come out to light even now and we people didn’t believe anything without having a real experience. It is believed that some people have the capacity to talk with spirits. Even some ordinary people claimed that they have seen or spoke to ghosts. These all will remain as only allegations till the science opens its mouth as we believe in it more than anything else. Our questions will also remain till then…