Short Story – THE JOURNEY
Photo credit: pschubert from morguefile.com
“With my Word I lead you back to God,
from Whom you gradually allowed yourselves
to become estranged through all those
who place their human pseudo-knowledge
above the Wisdom of GOD.”
– Abd-ru-shin
Miss Ann. She is city’s most popular artist and her action is superb. She is loved by millions of her followers. She is dead in car accident and her close friend Brit was the driver of the car. Brit was escaped from the accident as miracle. The fact is different.
Miss Brit is also a popular artist and very close next to Ann. But she is not as much popular as Ann. If you wish to say as a lay man in a normal statement. She is far behind Ann in the art of talent or popularity, in any way. So she is hurt and killed Ann in the car accident.
Now Ann is on her death bed, may be dead. May be she is ready to be dead, or she is already dead.
She is waiting. Waiting to see what happens. As it happens with everyone, it happened with her too. She is on the death bed and all her relatives are around her bed.
But she sat really on a table top near the window close to the bed.
Her earthly body is lying lifeless on the bed. She is now feeling very light like the little cotton came out from the cotton fruit and she can float in the air. We can say, she is in astral bodynow.
The astral body is a subtle body posited by many philosophers, intermediate between the intelligent soul and the mental body, composed of a subtle material. This concept is derived ultimately from the philosophy of Plato… it is related to an astral plane, which consists of the planetary heavens of astrology. This idea is rooted in common worldwide religious affairs of the afterlife in which the soul’s journey or ascent is described as the experience is out of body experience and also mystical.
Don’t be confused. Don’t ask proof. We all go with all the beliefs as that she also had once. Now she is experiencing.
Experience is something which is unstoppable and which always makes the body and soul feel so much. so much untold.
What to say about Ann, the popular artist who rose in few years to the stage of president of the very popular Academy of Artists in the city. It is a life time dream to many to reach this height.
She is young, beautiful and wise. She is lovely to everyone who knows her. She loved everyone with her as her family members, like her mother, her father, like her sisters, brother-in-laws, like her brother and like her very hearty friend.
She is looking at her dead body on her bed from the nearby table top and all the people who are visiting there are really weeping. All came to see her lastly are known. Many of them love her deeply. Of course, few of them hate her, very much too. This is just for one thing that she got so much fame in so little time and it was not possible for them. In this list, the very first is her hearty friend Brit.
Real fame comes only after death…
Yes, people say so much good of any one by searching the pages of deep past only after death, only at this time. Till the death, no one thinks of that man or woman so much. But once it is confirmed that he or she is dead, people go on thinking that their foe or friend is gone forever, so feel free by heart and soul about the GONE and speak freely only the GOOD… just good and good.
But as a matter of fact, no man or woman is too good or too bad for everyone. But everyone says about him or her as too good. Just only after the death or when the soul enters the darkness leaving the earthly body. Why all this without his or her notice, you may think.
You must know that it is possible after death too that they know, they hear, they see and they understand…
She had so many in the world to lead her to success. All are family members, friends, teachers, good hearted people to make her ascend and ascend to heights and they have the power in the social life with every comfort.
She questioned herself, who is now to lead me to God.
Her lovely goals are easily achieved on earth and her bank balance helped her family members to enjoy the rich life. It was all made possible only by her efforts in good and right way and all her earnings made her family members very happy. She is not married in her efforts to become more and more popular and more and more powerful. She never believed anyone’s words. She never trusted any supporter’s words.
So many said, “do this… do that.. You will be great soon… We believe you can be top.”
She understands why they say that. She knows they want to make her a ladder for them.
She simply laughed. She went on her path of insight. She never thought anyone as her foe. She thought that she has to live as she aspired and as she wished.
She loved the destiny. She thought, let it come as her destiny and she never be alarmed of any result, because she knows that she never do any harm knowingly or unknowingly to anyone. Even then, if she has foes, let them do whatever they wish to do. She is ever ready to face any situation.
It so came, she knows now who did it. It’s she, her best friend Brit. She is the killer.
You know, the urge of killing is not just a desire. It is a kind of weird, perverted need to get some benefit, let it be in any form. Otherwise, why a person try to kill the other, that too, a very close friend?
She never thought that Brit will do that. Her close friend has become the instrument of her death.
When Ann thought she is dead, she found some miracle. She got the astral body, she sat on the table top near her death bed.
She is very normal and very curious to observe her ‘after death happenings’.
Brit…her close friend who has killed her… she also came there and weeping heavily among her friends and relatives gathered there. No one is beating her in this.
Doctor finally checked her body and said, “She is dead! Or she is about to die in few minutes. There is nothing that we can do now.”
And Doctor went away. Her very hearty friend Brit’s eyes shined with great happiness. No one saw this.
The astral body sitting on the table top only saw this and smiled lightly.
Real mourners are her father, mother along with her brother, sisters, brother-in-laws and their close friends who really are benefited with her nonstop earnings. Their interest is in her bank accounts. Whenever they need money, her bank accounts say NO to help them. Why don’t they weep? Why don’t they? They lost a golden goose, you know! All of them are mourning deeply.
Oh! So much they love me! I never thought this.
Ann was feeling sorry for them, not for her death. She even did not wait for any feel or confession of the killer Brit. She thought, she did as a common degraded living being with greed to reach heights at any cost, any cost of taking the lives of anyone.
The astral body gives you the ability to have desires, emotions, imagination and psychic abilities. We can think that it lends power which is essential for effective action and the manifestation. Matter is energy and many higher levels of energy exists in reality. Astral body is emotional body. Astral consciousness includes the full range of emotions from fear, hate and sorrow to love, happiness, and ecstasy.
Ann read this somewhere and she believes it is truth. So she thought she is powerful.
Powerful now… Powerful to do something like taking revenge, but she is not that.
Belief is truth and truth is power. Power is energy and energy comes from everywhere, from emotions, desires, hate and love.
She is the love. She loves all around her who think she is for their side. She thinks, there is no end for her love. She was astonished for just one thing that so abruptly her life has come to an end, but she thought she has to distribute some more love around in her life.
She read sometime back about careful driving.
We can develop the “police car” in mind while we are driving. Many years ago there was a TV ad campaign to promote safe driving…
When you think the police car is following you mentally, you drive very differently than you normally do, that is, the safe driving thought emerges in you.
We are alive in the spirit, that is what she thought and she remembered what Abd-ru-shin said somewhere about God like this…
“He has shown His Mercy in all the great possibilities placed freely at the disposal of human spirits in Creation. This is so overwhelming that the man of today cannot even conceive it because he never concerned himself with it seriously enough! Wherever he did, however, it was only as a pastime or for the purpose of vain self-aggrandisement!”
She followed as if she is safely driving in a car while the police car is following her.
The dead body of Ann is yet on the death bed and her death is not yet announced.
Brit came out from the crowd of visitors and family members. She hurriedly entered in the personal room of Ann as if in TRANCE. Opened the accounts of Ann in the computer and checked the balances in accounts. Started fund transfer to beneficiary accounts.
She took the personal Letterheads of Ann and wrote something, signed on each one of it, put in envelops and wrote addresses. She went out and posted all the envelopes.
Finally Brit came back to Ann’s bed room hurriedly and stood in the crowd near her family members. She is weeping again and again. People thought, Brit is very much upset. Someone suggested, “take her to another room, give her some hot coffee and console her in a special way for already dead cannot come back.”
Ann’s astral body settled on the table top and laughed again. She looked deep in to Brit’s eyes. They are very plain, without any sort of feel. As if she is in sleep.
Somebody appeared in the infinite deep darkness to Ann and that light like shape is telling to Ann like whispering and murmuring.
“Come, it is time to leave this mortal world full of pains. Whatever life you lived here is nothing and a great bliss is for you waiting there…
Come I will show you that beautiful eternal world.”
Ann’s astral body said something to that shape. She argued. She heard. She finally convinced the other soul. That soul vanished from her sight. She deeply immersed in her thought.
She lost her mortal body. This is destiny. She has accomplished her purpose. She has no right here after to stay here. She has to fuse herself with the infinite. Everything she knows. Yet.. She thought that-
Death is truth. Everyone has to embrace death. But she is unable to come out of her mortal thoughts and mortal feelings. She thought…
I am no more mortal, but my immortality is unable to stop me from my desires. I have to finish my last desires first.
Now first time, Brit is feeling alone and aloof.She is feeling sorry for what she did. Ann gave her every love and affection. She is what no one can forget in life. She is a sweet memory. That night Brit cannot sleep peacefully.
It was a wonder. Ann’s family members found soon that she has transferred all her funds in to their accounts. How it happened no body knows and Brit also who did it a trance under the directions of Ann’s astral body.
Brit was liked by all most everyone in the industry. People said she is none, but Ann. She walked like Ann. She behaved like Ann. No body knows this truth that Ann is in her body.
Ann is no more! Everybody knows this. They felt her loss for some time only. Meanwhile Brit entered in her place. People started venerating Brit as they did with Ann. And the directors got some letters before Ann’s accident that her friend Brit has to take her place in her career and that is what she likes.
People also found that after Ann’s death, Brit has become just like Ann. It was a wonder and it was a miracle too, for she showed every talent of Ann as he replica. It was really a wonder for Brit also. She was unable to understand this.
One day Brit stood before Ann’s photo in her personal room and said loudly as if she is speaking to Ann really.
“ I am really sorry. I killed you in the car accident planned by me. Can you forgive me?”
Brit is with tears and her tone is in repentance. It is a sincere confession.
It is like her true confession as a killer. She forgot that she has put the recorder on and what she is speaking is automatically recorded.
After that Brit turned back.
She saw Ann as astral body and she played what is recorded.
Brit’s confession resounded in the room. She is alarmed.
Ann erased the recorded tape, waved her shape of astral body like a hand as if said good bye to her friend Brit and vanished.