Photo credit: hamper from morguefile.com
When greg caught mike greg yelled( OOOOUUUCCHHH!!! HOT! HOT! HOT! candy blow me some snow will ya?)
Candy: Ultimate Ice wind frost!!!
Greg: (freezing) THHHAAANNNKKKYYOOUU……..
Candy: WELCOME (bleeh)
Greg: (sniff) will mike be ok?? (sneeze)
Candy: yeah he will.. Let him sleep for a while. He has great power even though the white flame is not that powerful. its only like the 1st level of flames. There are many tipes of flame and it seems He got the weakest one but he managed to win against Ezz..
???: Who said he won??!!
Candy , Greg: (Shocked)
Greg: (affraid) w’aa what the ? Your still alive from that?
Candy: I guess that’s What a God really is. (He’s invinsible)
Ezz: (Standing up from the rubble and sand) Hahahahah//.. You guys thougt that a God can really be defeated by a meer lvl 1 ULTI? Hahahah you got to be kidding. But i must admit he will be stronger some day. That’s why i’m going to kill him. And I wont let you get away anymore! ULTIMATE WATER ARENA TRAP!!!
A Gigantic wave of water sorounded us untill it bacame a big bubble and we are trapped inside.
Ezz: so can you get out of this one? I’m gonna finnish all of you!!
Candy: I guess we have to fight Greg..
Greg: We cant stand a chance…
Candy but we need to do our best Mike did his best. ITS OUR TURN.. (reaveling her spear)
Greg: Mike thankyou.. rest well..(reaveling his big sword)
Ezz: SHOW me what you are!!!! (reaveling his true weapon , water flowing from his whole body and directed to his hand, a sword that shines and has a black and blue colored aura spinning)
Greg: What the why is that shining?
Candy: It’s his true weapon . The symbol of the Gods can be seen on that Sword. The aura.. Blue and black symbolizes the Gods wrath.
Ezz: Come my little pray.. I will eat you alive!!!!!
Candy: Let’s move!
Greg: right
Candy and Greg launched an attack against Ezz.. Slash of a sword , spear but all blocked, Ezz fought back with a tremendous speed.
Ezz stabs his sword with tremendous speed. Candy and Greg trying to block and dodge everything but at the end they cant. Candy’s spear got hit and pushed her back flying and Greg got hit on the right shoulder, left leg and right hand. Greg was sent flying to candy and hits her. Greg cant move anymore and cant even hold his sword because of his injuries..
Candy: I have no choice.
Ezz.. weaklings.. Candy your the on left. Surender mike over so you wont die..
Candy: I know i can’t win but im going to protect them!!
Ezz: What are you for them?? You just met them . but they are important to you?
Candy: I have my own reasons why i want to save them..
Greg: (whispers) Candy don’t.. (looses conciousness)
Candy jumped up Then started to glow blue Ice flew from the aie in circles around candy then candy became a big round Ice… after 5 sec It blew up and Candy is hovering in the air caught the spear and the spear has a blue aura.. Candys form is different as well.. a cape emerged at her back and now Candy looks like a warrior. with cristal armor . and she is glowing blue.
Candy: let see now.
Ezz: hahahah.. regarding there do you think the GODS don’t know this technique?
Candy: I know you do.
Ezz: So you think if i will do my evolution you will win??
Candy: no. But i want to try all that I can.. (ultimate snow storm)
snow filled the place and started to get cold. the bubbe started to get filled with snow.
Ezz: Hahahah.. ok then I wont use my ULTIMATUM lets see how powerfull you are.. (God of ULTIMATE, ULTIMATE WATER SHARK BARRAGE!)
Candy: Water against Ice?? hahahah.. ( Ultimate Ice Huricane)
The huricane got bigger and bigger hitting all the sharks that Ezz throws turning them to solid ice..
Candy: let’s see how it feels if your hit with your own sharks.. {Ultimate Ice, Icy Wind tornado)
The sharks are being blown back to Ezz with enormous force.
Ezz: aahahah.. that are my sharks so i can turn them back to nothing. (waves 1 time and the sharks disapears hitting him with just a blow of wind)
Candy: ULTIMATE FROSTBITE (POINTING THE SPEAR TO Ezz) and Ezz is slowly turning to a solid block of ice..
Ezz: What the? Whats happening why cant i move?? NOOO!!!!! (turned to ice and the snow on the bubble of water disapeared. Candy turned back to normal.)
Candy: Thats the end of that.. (went to Mike and Greg) Guys we are ok now. Finally ..
Mike: (waiking up but shows he lost a lot of energy) Arrgg. My head hurts.. uh., what happend? why are we in a bubble??
Candy: I’ll figure it out how we can get out of here .(But why is the bubble still here even though Ezz is dead? he can’t get out of there now)
( WOOOO Ezz got hit. so what now?? :\ )
Mike: Is that!! but how did he became like that? Greg!! (slowly walking to his bestfriend) Hey Greg! Bud!! are you ok?? wake up.. please wake up..
Candy: Mike dont worry he’s still alive . Thanks to Ezz he was injured like that.
Mike: D*mn why did’nt i wake up. I could have helped!(tears on his eyes)
Candy: Mike! there was nothing you can do. Look at you you look like youve been hit by a truck.. NO! A train!
Mike: I know! I know! i think i cant move much for a while…
Candy: Mike..
Mike: Yep?
Candy: Mike i have a confession..
Mike: Please Don’t tell me that your inlove with me!
Candy:( Hits mike in the head )
Mike: Ouch!! I was joking..
Candy: I Want to tell you that my real name is not candy.. and I’m one of the God’s here in the Philippines.
Mike: (shocked) What!! your a GOD???
Candy: Yes! but the hard part is that i just knew my self.. My real name is ……(didnt finish what she was saying)
Candy stopped talking and looked at mike deeply . She is trembling because of the a massive aura she is feeling.
Mike: You feel it too?
Candy: Yes.. It can’t be. I thought I already have killed him but why!
The frozen body of Ezz is beginning to crack.. And on the cracks a dark aura is comming out. Then the ice broke freeing Ezz..
Ezz: That was chilly. I know i can’t underistimate the power of a God as well. But I can underistimate you little girl. I know your real name and that you are a GOD. More specificly the number 8 here. Me i’m just the number 10 GOD in CHINA.
Mike: number 8? Candy?
Ezz: Here name isn’t candy. I’ll tell you if you let me kill you ..
Mike: uhh.. DUHH!! why would i do that she can tell me her self..
Ezz: suit your self . I can see that your tired . I know you cant stand een 1 single thing I throw at you.
Candy: Why should you? I’m your enemynot Mike.
Ezz: Hahahah.. I can kill you right now. Even though you’r rank is higher I can certainly Kill a God that had her memory lost..
Mike: What is he saying Candy.
Candy: A God cursed me and now I cant remember much especialy some of my powers. It’s like it’s locked or something.
Ezz: ENOUGH!! i will finnish you off now!
Candy: Saigo tsūkoku (ULTIMATUM)
Mike: WOW! You look awesome. And you look Hot!
Candy: (blushing) Don’t look at me like that!!!!!!
Ezz: ahaha.. (Gets his sword out throws it and the sword is spinning at Ezz’z body) Witness the greatness that is Saigo tsūkoku(ULTIMATUM)!!
Ezz is beginning to transform. Blue aura and water circling around Ezz. And the water Exploded.
Ezz: (His sword came back to his hands, The sword has a black aura and blue aura) This is what and armor is like. Tough enough to withstand a thousand attacks! HAHAHAH.. and Ice won’t have any effect!
Candy: Mike get back ..
Mike: What just happened? What the? those armors . What kind of power is this. I can feel both of your auras. There very strong. What’s happening.. (Can i do that too? please… )
Ezz: I just want you two to know that your End is comming. Andno one can help you not even the other GOD’S here. AHAHAHAH
Candy: (Whispers) Mike what ever happens.. LIVE!!! (AND charges directly to Ezz. Kyūkyoku no aisusupiafurenjī (Ultimate Ice spear frenzy) (stabs Ezz with her spear with great speed and every hit leaves ice on the armor. But Ezz is just standing with no damage)
Ezz: hit me with everything you have!!
Candy: (no damage? Argh!) Kyūkyoku no aisubāgu! (Ultimate iceburg!!)
A Big iceburg is falling from the sky straight to Ezz and Ezz Got hit.
Candy: (catching her breath) How about that !!
The enormous ice burg completely Shattered and exploded!!
Ezz: Is that all??
Candy: I cant beleive it.. then I have no choice i Have to do this . This is my last .. MIke!!
Mike: Yes..
Candy: What ever happens… Stay alive!!
Mike:….. I..I WILL…!!
Candy: Good boy.. Now!! Sacrificial skill…
Mike: What??
Candy: yes this will be my last skill. either i die , or just get tired.. Either.. I will do everything I can.!!
Mike: are you insane?!!!!
Candy: Then stop me .. You can’t even walk here to stop me.
Mike: …. Don’t be an idiot!!
Candy: I have no choice..
Mike: Candy!!!!
Candy: Kyūkyoku no gisei aisu kama (sacrificial sickle) (her spear became covered with hard ice and is glowing blue with a black aura on the point of the spear.
Ezz: a stick? made of ice? ahahah
Ezz: can you kill me with that??what a laugh.
Candy:well even though i lost my memory i still know this skill .. Its a forbiden skill. I’ll use this just for you..
Ezz: you can”t hit me if you can . especially because im in my Saigo tsūkoku state (ULTIMATUM).
Ezz: then hit me if you can.