Thriller Short Story – My Nightmares
Photo credit: presto44 from morguefile.com
I’d been having nightmares just about every night since I found out I was pregnant with my first child about 6 months ago. My fiance and I both were starting to think I was going to have to seek help for this because it couldn’t be normal for these dreams to continue to wake me up in the middle of almost every single night with cold sweats and screaming and crying tantrums. It’s been about 2 weeks now since I’ve had another one.
Last night before I went to sleep, I remember thinking to myself “its been a while since I’ve had a nightmare. I’m making progress.”
I had a feeling I had just jinxed myself. It took me so long to go to sleep it seemed like. When I finally drifted off, I started dreaming. In my dream, I was living with my grandparents. I had gone out for the night to visit with my now, fiance, and we had stayed at his house all night watching movies and having a wonderful time. Finally, it came time for me to go home because my grandpa had given me a curfew.
I was driving my grandpa’s old red truck and the whole way home was silent, lonely, and dark. I finally pulled into the driveway of my grandparents house. The yard was empty and eerie. I had gotten out of the truck and somehow froze for a few minutes, just staring into the dark night. When I could finally move again, I had walked up the front steps of the house, opened the door and went inside. My grandparents had already gone to bed, so I was alone. I closed and locked the door behind me. I went into the kitchen to make me a midnight snack, as I always did before I went to bed at night. I’m guessing my grandpa had heard me and woke up.
He came into the kitchen and started talking to me about my day. My grandma eventually came walking into the kitchen, but didn’t say a word. I noticed her staring intently at something to her left. My grandpa had walked in front of me, still blabbering on about the long day, but the way my grandma was staring started to bother me. I followed her line of vision, which was going directly behind my grandpa. I peeked my head around his shoulder and noticed the front door was standing wide open and in the doorway stood my dead aunt Janice.
I pointed and lost all bodily functions. I couldn’t move or say a word. She stared at me, pale faced, dark eyed, and clammy skinned. She was ice cold. I started breathing so hard I blacked out. My out-of-control breathing had woken me up.
When I opened my eyes, I tried to catch my breath and looked around my dark room, then beside me. The light from my laptop lit the room just enough for me to see my fiance’s face. He was staring at me, no emotions on his face. I was frozen once again. After a few seconds, he rolled over with his back facing me. I blinked a few times and moved myself over to cuddle up to his back. He was asleep. The night had truely taken its toll on me. It took me a very long time to go back to sleep.
Today, I told my fiance about my nightmare and I had included that I had woken him up. He says he has no recollection of being awake or me cuddling up to him.