Thriller Short Story – MRs. DEY
Photo credit: clarita from morguefile.com
I can see an old woman from my balcony. She is trying to knit a sweater, but what she is actually doing is dozing off at every 5 minutes . I became interested in her because……I don’t know why some people just gain your attention and others do not .I think it’s about frequency.
Though it not comforting knowledge that my frequency matches with an old woman of 89 years old, I will tell you what I found out about her. When I moved in to my new apartment, I was fairly satisfied with its location and most importantly the price. My right neighbor were hot young couple, who were always giggling for God knows what reason and my left neighbor were this middle aged parents, who I think invested a lot of their time on teen aged kids. They are plain nasty kids.
So, that left me to sit at my balcony and watch straight ahead. I could see a old woman sitting and trying to knit something, which was fine …….I mean old woman knitting was ok but the thing which bothered me was why did she live alone and not in some old age home? Where were her kids? Why there was no permanent servant in her house? Who was cooking her food? These things often arose in my mind but I was busy with my life so I didn’t bother to go and introduce myself as the new neighbor.
One day when I was parking my car in the parking space on the ground floor I heard two guards speaking…
“So, how come thief didn’t first murder her…?”
I had to stop and ask who was going to get murdered.
“Mr. Shaw, It’s nothing …actually there was some robbery in the opposite building and poor old Mrs. Dey barely survived getting brutally murdered.”He said.
“This poor old Mrs. Dey being the old lady opposite to my floor?” I inquired.
“Yes sir!”He said.
This was disturbing I was sleeping barely 6 feet away from her and poor old woman would have been murdered.
Oh God! What days to live in?
Then again what could have I done I went to my room, changed out of my cloths and went to sleep.
“Come here! Come here!” Mrs. Dey called out standing in her balcony.
“Help me! Help me!”And then she gave a loud shrill.
I woke up with start. It was 2 o’clock in the morning. I drank some water. Damn nightmares!
Then pulled myself out of bed just to check………….
And my heart leapt out of my chest …there Mrs. Dey was standing in her balcony.
I closed the curtains, the doors and covered myself with the blanket and tried to wake up.
Whatever just happened was simply a nightmare, I will wake up and find that the old woman dozing in her chair.
I registered that bird were chirping in my balcony.
And I woke up …now it was morning outside.
I went again to the balcony and saw Mrs. Dey was still standing there. I was so disturbed that I went downstairs to the guards and wanted to ask what has happened to Mrs. Dey ,why was she acting so weird.
“Guards!” I called out.
“Yes sir!” one of the guards came out.
“What’s wrong with that old woman…That Mrs. Dey? Why is she acting so weird…she was standing on the balcony all night…and she is still standing over her balcony?” I vented out in my anger.
Guard immediately went out to see. ”There is nobody up at the balcony, sir” he said.
I went to check and indeed Mrs. Dey was not standing there. By this time I was really exasperated as to what was happening to me.
I decided that I will go early to my office as this madness then surely will end. I opened the door and as I walk into my apartment Mrs. Dey was standing in the middle of my drawing room. I was so frightened that I could not even move. I wanted to run but my body just went numb.
She said “Come to me!”
And the image disappeared.
I stood at my spot for 10 minutes as I didn’t know what to do.
Then slowly I walked out of my apartment, descended from the stairs and enter Mrs. Dey block.
I seem to know where I was going or at least my feet knew.
The door was opened; I wondered it is always opened. I entered.
I heard a weak old woman voice “Come in! Come in!” Who so ever she was, she really did wanted me to be here. So I walked in .The place was damp as if the curtain were not washed for ages, the floor was not swept, the room had a stale smell and then I saw her peeping at me from the huge chair.
I didn’t know what to say, I asked “What is happening?”
She said “Sit down!”
I sat down feeling as a nervous little kid.
She looked at me and said “So you have come at last ,I have been waiting for a long time!”
Ok! This woman was really senile and I had to take myself out of here as soon as possible. But, strangely I didn’t want to leave this place.
“These days I don’t have much strength to venture outside but nevertheless it was necessary, so I did muster some courage and well it seem to have worked enough.” she said very weakly. Then she said “Go cook something for me.”
I went into the kitchen to cook without finding it weird, even though I didn’t cook at all. I went into the kitchen placed one dusty bowl on to the gas, took my knife and sliced my hands filling the bowl. Then, I boiled my own blood for about 5 minutes. I took the hot gushing liquid to Mrs. Dey .
She exclaimed “Oh! Excellent! Fantastic!”
She began drinking the hot boiled blood. And as she drank, she changed with every sip into a young woman until she looked like some runway model with amazing figure and long dark hair. She looked at me and smiled. And I collapsed due to loss of blood, probably.
“Mr. Shaw why did you come into Mrs. Dey apartment, today?”asked inspector. I was in her apartment and was still a bit fuzzy but I could see a old woman’s body on the floor .There were red footprints on the floor going towards the door.
I looked up and said “I….I….I….”