Photo credit: jeanniet6 from morguefile.com
(This will be my first story so Hope its ok for you guys)
This will be a Past story of an Ordinary Boy That Is About To Have An Extra Ordinary adventure. For now lets talk about him. His name is Michael or you can call him “Mike” for short. Mike Is 18 years old he has no mother or father on his side. Mike lives with his Grandmother with her 13 year old sister Janeth.. He still goes to school and is about to finish his Highschool already for 1 more year. And will try to go to college if her grandmother can support him but sad to say her grandmother doesnt have a job and is just striving to have a grocery store enough to put food on the table and some other necessities.
Mike always wanted to go to college Because he wants to finish so that he can have a decent work so for that time he can support her grandma and sister. Mike is a good boy that doesnt go out much for 17years of his life.. However when he was 18 years old Mike tried hard to get a part time job . Sometimes he gets hired . Like a clerk for some store, a garbage boy and a dishwasher for some restaurant or any other jobs so that he can give some income to her grandma and give some money for her sister and if there is some left he can go out and have a little fun. He has been doing this for a few months already. He joined a clan.. (Not That Bad clan That You Think)The clan is a society for emails, calls on phones , texting and if they want to hang out they can go somewhere and Have a drink, have a party , etc. (But None Of The Bad Stuff).
and on the day jan 22 before his birthday, Mike and her friends Went out for a drink to celebrate. At this point he met a girl. The girls name was Candy. Candy was pretty , has a great figure and was about 17 – 18 years old.
mike: Hey Have you Been With the clan a long time? I haven’t seen you here before.
Candy: Nope I just started to be a member yesterday.
Mike: Oh. I’m sorry if i did’nt welcome you to the clan . Hope you enjoy it here.
Candy: Thanks , oh by the way ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! (kiss on the cheeks)
Mike: Thank’s i would kiss you on the cheek as well but you might say i’m taking advantage for my birthday.
Candy: HAHAHAHA… Oh you,. that would’nt be a problem.
Mike: Hahahaha.. that’s fine I’ll reserve that for my next birthday.
Candy: Hahahah..
Candy: (SERIOUS) Just makesure that you will still have a next one.
Mike:(SHOCKED) what??….
Then Candy just smiled and walked away.(What did she ment when she said I would make sure I have another Birthday) Mike was shocked and stood Still.
Greg: HEY!! Buddy HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! uhm why you look like you saw a ghost??
Meet Greg he’s Mike’s Bestfriend.
Greg: Yow Buddy!! .. MIKE????!
Mike: (shaking) Oh hey Bud. Sorry I just thought of a scary thing.
Greg: Wooow.. don’t scare me like that I thought you where having a heart attack.(With a worried Face)
Mike: (fixing himself) Yeah i’m fine Bud.
Greg: Well dude its your birthday but your here standing like a zombie.. Did that Hot Babe Put A speel on you or something.
Mike: No dude… I just dont feel Good.
Greg: Well If You want we can go home.
Mike: sure Let’s go..
So they went out of the bar but while walking mike was looking at Candy WHICH IS ALSO LOOKING WITH A SMILE.(What’s happening I really am scared of what she said)
When they got out of the bar mike was feeling better..
Greg: What happened to you dude? Your not like this. Your always energetic But why Aren’t you this night??
Mike: beats me . Maybe I just drank too much.
Greg: well better head home to get some rest. Its almost midnight.
While they where walking near a dark ally A man in a coat and hat was standing still on the middle of the way like he’s waiting for something or someone..Just then they where shocked when a man pulls out from his jacket a knife and said.
man: I’ve been waiting for you Michael GREY!!
Mike: how? how did you know my name!!
Greg: ….
Man: Oh i’ve been watching you since you where born and i’ve been waiting for this day before your birthday. To finally Kill You!!
Mike: Shocked (Just what candy said earlier)
Man: Are you ready to face your doom??
Greg: (whispers) Mike what ever happens run and dont look back. OK?
Mike: (whispers) What are you saying Greg? I wont leave you behind with that guy holding a knife.
Greg: don’t worry I can take him.
Man: Hahahahahah… I see so your a Ultimate as well huh?
Greg: Hahahah… You figured it out. (shouts) Mike Run!!!!
And then a flash of blue light and smoke came out of Greg’s hand and then a shining BIG sword came out of his hand bit by bit.
Mike:(shoked) WHAT THE H***!!!! WHERE DID THAT CAME FROM!!!!
Greg: Mike my friend let me show you how great i am. I am one of the ultimates im much more powerful than a human being. So Man in a cape with a cap that looks like sherlock holmes. I know your an ultimate as well so show me your power!!!!!
Then greg jumped up up to 5 floors of a building and pointed his big sword up and yelled ” Ultimate skill!!! Big bang lightning sword!!! and fast as lightning directly hitting the man in a cape and smoke filled the place and i can feel the power from afar!! ( How did he do that!! Is he still human? How did Greg do this.. It’s amazing!)
The smoked cleared Greg is still elivated while his sword is pointing at his target but when the smoke cleared . the black man is Alive and used his small knife to shield the big sword!(what?? how did he managed to block that big sword with that power with just a small knife.?)
????: He used his power like your friend used lightning. The guy that your friend is fighting is one of the 10 God’s Of ULTRA.. The number 10th. Ezz.
Mike: Huh? what? 10 god’s of ultra? What are they? (Talking to a girl with a jacket and a hood so that her body cant be seen.)
????: Yes the 10 god’s of ultra. They are the top 10 Most powerfull being’s in the country. There 10 among all countries all over the world.
Mike: so theres more of them?
????: Yes and Ezz Belong’s to The country in the East. That is China.
Mike: But why is he after me?? And who are you??
????: Stop with the Questions I’ll tell You Later. Just watch them. Lets see if your friend has what it takes to take Ezz on.
Mike: … (Greg please be careful.)
Looking at the Greg and Ezz Staring at each other..
Ezz: You still wont back off?? Then get ready to die. Ultimate skill water ULTIMATE sHark ULTRA PUMP!!!
A great shark water like swallowed Ezz but actually it went through Greg and hit him Powerfully we can feel it even though we are far away..
Greg was thrown away to the point he almost his me.
Mike: Greg are you ok??
Greg: (painful voice) urgg.. i’m fine but that hurt. It’s water against lightning i should be above but how!!
????: Hahahahah didn’t you know ULTI that the GOD’S Have there weapons to be un damageable against any element? That why there called GOD’S! Hahahah..
Greg: Arrggg…. That’s not fair!!
Ezz: What the where did you go??!
And as fast as that they are gone.
Ezz: Can’t believe it. That number 8th is good.. Sandy you will pay for this..
(Mean while)
Mike:(cough3x) seems like where in a different location now..
Greg: yeah.. Hey lady how did you know everything regarding that guy?? and why did you save us..
????: well i just want mike to have another birthday….
Mike: What??? Can it be ?? you’re??
????: (Lifts up her hood)
Mike: candy??!!
Greg: (Drool)
Candy: yep its me.. Hehehe..
Mike: So thats why i was trembling when you said those words. That i make sure i will have another birthday. But wait how did you find us? Were you stalking me?
Candy: (red face SCREAMING) NO!!! … remember i kissed you in the cheek? I put a mark on you so that if you got caught in any trouble i can find you)
Mike: But why?? why do you want to save me? why was Ezz trying to kill me? And why do you have powers?? I dont understand!!
Candy: Ezz Likes to kill people he thinks will be a hastle in the near future. So thats why he wanted to kill you..
Mike: But i’m not one of you guys. I cant do anything to stop a strong guy like him.
Greg: You dont have to have powers to defete him. even me that i have this ULTIMATE in me but still i cant win against a GOD.
Candy: Mike…..
Mike:…… yes?..
Candy: 1 more minute and you will be 19.. And you will see the real you.
Mike: The real me?
Greg: Candy don’t you mean?
Candy: 10 Sec. Yes Mike You are one of the ULTIMATE!!!! Behold the power that will grow inside of you’r body. Feel all that power flowing.. NOW!!!!!
Mike: (Whole Body Glowing) AAAAAGGGHHH!!!! IT Hurts!!!!! AAAHHHH( And the bright light biggins to swallow the whole area)
Candy , Greg: (Smiling)
Candy: (Mike floating and then came down to the ground) Congratulations Birthday boy. You’r an ULTIMATE.
Mike; I don’t feel anything different.
Candy: thats because your not using it yet.. Try to Get all of those powers to your hand It will give you your weapon for fighting Every single Foe that comes up to you..
Mike: (Focusing all the energy) …….. (Screams) AAAHHHGGGG!!!!!!
Candy: Thats it.. Great both of your hands are glowing not just one.. A DOUBLE WEAPON SPECIALIST..!!!
Greg: amazing thats the first time I saw it.
Mike:(Hand glowing white White smoke came out and 2 Gauntlets are on Mikes Hand) Awesome!!!!! yeah!! hoh yah,, yah,, yaaah(boxing invisible people O.o)
Candy: (whispers) he looks happy,, too happy..
Greg: Du**a**.. Stop that you look like a fool..
Mike: I’m just happy to see That I can actualy do this..
Candy: Now To see What element You Have.. And I’m sure It will be great.. maybe like mine Ice so that we can be compatible.. ^_^
Greg: hmph -_-.. Its much better to get lightning its so strong!! :D .
Mike: I don’t know But I guess It Will Just come Out.. Let’s Try It..
so mike closed His eyes. Imagined that there is Power flowing to his Fists. greg and candy can see the aura flowing.. And then They were surprised When they saw 7 auras with the color dark blue, blue, white, green, black, brown , and red..
Candy: (in her head) What the? 7 lights come up.. Darkblue for lightning, blue for water or ice, red for fire, green for wind, and earth for brown. Black and white is what I don’t know though.
Greg: Mike its almost the Pick an element and release all of it!!!
All the power orbs of light are spinning on both of his hands. Faster , faster and faster and then mike opened his eyes and the lights where gone..
Greg: You were almost there why did you stop??
Mike: Because of this new powers I can sense that someone is approching and bud dont worry i have my element now.
Ezz: Guess who… you think you can ran away from me?? thanks to your light i found you.
Mike , Greg and Candy: (Shocked)
Mike: Hey Eez let’s try if my power is enough for you.
Ezz: so you found your powers . Very well i’m going to kill you !!
End of chapter 1.. Just a small Preview..