Suspense Story – Our terror stay at Merlton manor
Photo credit: imelenchon from morguefile.com
The house name Merlton manor sounds like a fabulous name for a little cottage house out in the countryside. All of the Bensons family thought the house name was. They fell in love at their very first sight of visiting the Merlton manor house last month. Both with the cottages interior and exterior.
Tomorrow afternoon was going to be the day of moving house for the Bensons family. It was a hot sunny day in the middle of July in 1991. So hot in fact this particular day that the local weather forecaster warned people to wear a good amount of high factor sun lotion on themselves. Especially when going outdoors underneath the hot sun rays. It did not stop plenty of the large Hopton neighbourhood from spending time out in their back gardens. Lying back in their sunbeds in the shade or taking an opportunity to do a little of their gardening. Which was exactly what Tara`s mother, called Sheila Benson, spent two hours of her spare time in the afternoon doing. Trying her very hardest to not get sunburnt possibly from doing so.
It was also the last day of the summer school term before the long summer holidays began for Tara Benson. It was going to be Tara`s last day studying at the Lakeside secondary school. Whilst she was looking forward to starting at a new secondary school in the following September, she was definitely going to miss going to the Lakeside school again. As she was going to leave behind many of her greatest friends and start from scratch slowly at her new secondary school in Mayfield. That is starting at her GCSE courses and making new friends potentially after she settled down at her new school. Tara promised that she would continue to stay in touch with her friends as much she can. When she was not busy with her family.
Before they knew it it was the next afternoon and the Bensons family were getting prepared to move house. All the way to their new house out in the countryside in Mayfield. So just after lunch the house removal vans came to move and collect all of the Bensons families furniture and their possessions. They arrived at their new house called Merlton Manor by the late afternoon and were exhausted out from having had to face a long traffic queue delay on one of the roundabouts heading towards Mayfield. But they managed to and that was what counted.
However the Bensons family never knew that they were in for a slight surprise of the Merlton Manor house being a haunted place. The cottage dated back from a good few centuries ago and a few different sets of families had lived there. With a few of them who had ended up dying in their home upstairs by the attic bedroom of the house. The house always felt really cold even in the midst of the summer months, the family members often felt a slight uneasy presence by them and one night the family heard a loud thudding bouncing ball sound coming from near the attic bedroom. Up on the third floor of the cottage. They had a big decision to all make- whether to continue living in the house or move on and rent somewhere else. Only time was going to tell what they were going to decide.