Suspense Story – Shikha and ‘Aahat’
Photo credit: mantasmagorical from morguefile.com
It was the month of December. It contains myriad marriage parties. In this month, ladies of a house are quiet jovial as they get spared from kitchen frequently. We had an invitation card for 5th December. It wasn’t that far. As I was small, about eight, it was glaringly obvious that I will be accompanying my parents in all of them.
My sister, Shikha, was five years elder to me. Hence, as expected, she outweighed me in health and height that time. Though we both used to execute all the mischief in the house together, but she was usually the initiator. It will be absolutely correct to state that she did used to bully me all the time. But what I adored about her was the guts she had in accepting her mistakes.
In a nutshell, my name never came up in any of those mischief even though I was also thoroughly involved in all of them.
Since she had to study for her examinations, she preferred staying back at home instead of accompanying us in the parties. But I knew she didn’t study when we were gone; rather she used to watch a horror show named ‘Aahat’. She was too much into it. She didn’t like missing even a single episode.
Shikha knew perfectly that I was a sissy that time. Even sudden loud sounds were enough to frighten me. She used to enjoy scaring the sh*t out of me like nothing else. It was 5th December’s eve, I was flustered to see my parents getting ready for the party with me not yet started. Normally, it was me who used to get ready first followed by them. Ignoring these minute changes, I took out my best clothing form the almirah on my own and took them to my mother.
‘Here. I am wearing these today. Now help me getting ready’ I told my mother placing the dress on the table right beside her.
‘You are not going today’ mom said ignoring the eye contact as much as possible.
‘Why?’ I asked without any delay.
‘Because the invitation card doesn’t say ‘With Family’’ she said, busy wiping her face.
It was a shocker for me. I felt as if someone has removed the floor beneath my foot. Back of my mind I knew what it meant. I was there all alone with my sister. She will leave no stone unturned in enjoying her today. Moreover, I was in a dilemma. I can’t live alone in any room that too at night and I knew it would not be a wise idea to be in her room while they are gone.
Mom was applying mascara and rogue while sitting in front of the dressing table. I ran hurriedly and sat beside her foot.
‘I don’t want to live alone. I beg you’ I said with tears rolling down my cheek.
‘You aren’t alone, Beta. Shikha is there to look after you’ mom said while she was busy with her makeup.
Shikha was standing at the door listening to our conversation very carefully. As soon as I turned towards her, she grinned. Her smile had said everything vividly. I was in serious and grave trouble.
‘She will scare me. She will also watch ‘Aahat’’ I said trying to convince her.
‘She would not do any such thing. She will study for her exams that are lined up next week’ my mother said in a firm voice to put emphasis. She must have seen her standing at the door in the mirror.
She immediately entered the room and hugged me.
‘I will take care of him, maa. Don’t you worry’ shikha said to ensure mom. Shikha was an eloquent speaker and it took her no time to convince mom.
Mom kissed us both and again got busy with her makeup. As soon as mom turned, Shikha grinned again. I began to lose patience. By that time I had tried every excuse in the book to stop them from going and all of them were a disaster, at last they left for the party.
‘Close the door and follow me quickly’ shikha ordered.
Listening to her was my only option. I did the same and followed her to her room. As we entered, I took a blanket and sat on the bed. She went to the study table.
‘Look, I am also scared so it’s better you close our room’s door too’ she said while sitting on the chair.
I plunged and executed the same. I found that idea quiet safe. After some time, the clock struck 9. I knew it was the broadcasting time of ‘Aahat’. I thought of indulging her in a conversation to avoid the danger.
But she was more than aware and particular about it. She instantly turned off the lights and started the Television. I was just having enough time to roll myself in the blanket and put ear plugs. Still, I could hear what was going on clearly. After few minutes of normality, a lady screamed in the show terribly. Along with her shouted Shikha. I had lost reins to the horses of my fear. I was drenched in sweat in the month of December. I was more disturbed to hear Shikha’s shout. She was the one who has to look after me and there she was shouting like a kid.
‘Please, turn it off’ I begged her.
‘If you interrupted one more time, I will rather increase the volume’ she said irritatingly.
In horror shows one can easily expect something to go worse as and when excessive silence dwells. A series of events occurred the very next moment. A sudden sound of a vessel dropped in the kitchen followed by a ghost entry in the show which made Shikha scream like nuts. I pressed fingers into my ears to avoid all the sounds. After the culmination of these events, advertisement came up in the show.
Shikha immediately opened the door and went to check in the kitchen. Without wasting any time I climbed up the attic with my blanket still rolled around me.
As she returned, she was surprised on not finding me in the bed.
‘Where are you, Bhaai?’ she called.
‘Tch, I am up here’ I stammered.
The moment she turned upwards and saw me, she fainted. I believe it must be because of the blanket wad around me that might have taken a fearsome shape.
‘Shikha!’ I called feebly. But she didn’t answer. I wanted to shout but nothing came out of my mouth. As I tried to deviate my attention from Shikha, sadly it got glued to the show which had resumed. I tried my level best to ignore, but in vain. The silence dwelling in the show was unbearable. It is quiet embarrassing to say that I fainted even when nothing serious happened.
When I opened my eyes I was on the bed with mom beside me and a doctor checking pulse. I also saw my father dealing with Shikha.
Shikha never talked about that incident and neither did I. We both knew it had spotted her puissant image that she used to flaunt. But she will always be the more courageous one. I can say that quiet confidently as I would have never gone to check what happened in the kitchen when that vessel fell.