Suspense Story – Mystery of her Life
Photo credit: anitapeppers from morguefile.com
Calm, Lonely place, Full of darkness ……..A girl was walking alone ……suddenly she heard a sound. Stop !Stop!…………..don’t go further…….he may kill you please stop……….at that time some one had pulled her hand and took her into the dark venture…..
Dream had got broken …Oh ya!!!! ” Marina“,,,,A young girl, It was her dream. And she was always dreaming this. Marina was living with her parents. She had an elder brother also but ,he was no more at that time. He died from many years. Marina was 10 years old at that time. Still Marina and her parents was living a happy life. She was happy with her family but this kind of dream was killing her every time. She could not understand why she always dreamed this. In fact she wanted to know also but no one was there to understand her feelings.She had not any close friend too.Only she had close with her brother but he was also no more…..Marina was always missing her elder brother.
Any way ,,,Marina is now 25 years old young,charming and beautiful lady. Her parents wanted to get her marry soon. But Marina was not ready at that time.She was searching for a perfect man,who will love her till his last breath.
It was spring. Marina had gone for a forest camp.She wanted to be a photographer. So for taking some pictures form forest she went there. She was staying a hotel near by forest alone.That hotel was in very drastic condition.No more customers are there expect Marina. She was little bit nervous to stay there but ,she had come to make her future as a photographer ,so she made herself brave and stayed there.
Its Morning…..what a Lovely weather that was …….Marina woke up early and went to the forest .She was taking photographs of animals, at that time she saw a boy far from her was walking alone in the forest. She ran to him but after reaching she saw he was not there ,,already had left that place. Oh.. she only could see his brown jacket and a black cap. finally she came back to the hotel.
At that time she saw a boy had come to the hotel to asking for a room. And he was talking with the hotel receptionist. “Oh s**t!!!…………she was in shock …..because that boy also had wearing brown jacket and a black cap. Suddenly Marina went nearer to him and asked weather he had gone to forest in the morning ???And the boy told yes. Marina had put a smile to him .She was very happy at that time. After a bit talk both were got little close to each other. That boy was really handsome. Marina was also lovely too.The boy name was” David “.He was also a photographer as he said to Marina.Finally it was night .Both were gone for there dinner together .After dinner they went to their rooms.
Again it was morning. Marina woke up and went to see David. But David had already left that place. Her heart got filled with sorrow .She wanted to see him at least for a while .Then she started her day as like every day. Again came back to hotel at night and she went to sleep . At that night that was something happen…….again she saw that dream……..but there was something difference …same place same thing happened but..the person who was stopping her always to move further ….that was …………”DAVID“………..She woke up….It strange……..She could not think about it .how was that can possible…….?????? Many thoughts was entering in her mind at that time…….Who is he?Why he came in my dream?why and how he was here at night……?????But no solution with her…What was that mystery ..she wanted to solve that.
She asked about David to the hotel receptionist but found no answer..even if she checked the register to find his address but nothing was there……Then she went to forest to sit alone for sometimes and she asked many peoples near by village about David also but no one knew about him. After that she returned back to the hotel..but,,,,what was that……Strange…..That hotel was not there ….that was a dark place only, filled up with trees……..nothing can visible clear….”Marina “could not understand what to do…..as like her dream that was the same place ……then she started move to know what is the mystery actually…….suddenly she heard a sound don’t go further stop…..She turned back and saw David was there……..Her eyes got big size to see him again…but ……suddenly some one pulled her and took her into that dark place.,,,,,,,,,,,,
????? Marina opened her eyes …….Oh God !!!!Where she was…Miracle!!!!!!!! That was a kingdom ..Royal kingdom……strange!!!!…….but no one was there…how this could be possible……She moved every where as like her own place……..at that time some one came in front of her…..She thrilled about it….That person was a king …..He saw her and told you came . Marina asked who are you??? Don’t come nearer to me. The person again with love called her name as” Himadri“. He told you are my Himadri .please kill me, I am waiting for you since many years . Marina could not understand his words. Then she asked how it can be possible who are you and how you know me??? Then that person told her about the story….
It was since 100 years back story….That kingdom was ruled by the king Akshya . That was him. He was very rude and egoistic at that time. All were feared him .Once he had gone to that forest where Marina was staying and he saw a young beautiful girl was bathing in a pond. He felt in love with that girl by seeing her beauty. Then he decided to marry her at any cost. He asked about her bio data and knew that her name is Himadri. Then he went near to his father personally to ask for her. It was a great pleasure for Himadri’s father to give his daughter’s hand to a Royal king. He was very happy. But ,,,Marina was loving someone else called” Basu”… who was David .
So Himadri refused king’s proposal. The king was really very rude .He could not bear it and he decided to kill Basu. He found him and brought to his kingdom to kill him . Himadri got that news and went to king palace to stop him for doing this.She agreed to marry him but told the king not to kill Basu. The king had agreed too. Wedding ceremony had started in a grant manner. But king had already killed Basu in fear to loose her in future. Himadri was unknown to that. She was thinking that at least Basu was safe. But she knew it after completing the wedding ceremony. Tears had come from her eyes ,,,,her heart had filled with anger as well as pain.. She wanted to kill that king but how could be she . .at that time he was her husband .Himadri could not bear it she told that king ….you will never find love from any one……But .you will never die also …you will live with pain and sorrow here in this kingdom for long years .. .I just want to see Basu and my soul will be in peace.Then she jumped from the top floor of the palace and got died. As she said .like that every one had died but not that kin. He was in tension what to do .Then he went to a sage to find the solution and that sage told him to wait for 100 years.when time will come Himadri will come here and then after she forgive you, you will be die in peace. ..
After hearing that story from him..Marina’s anger was out of control….even she could not remember all things exactly but he only remembered about Basu. She finally knew about the mystery of her life and about that dream.Still David’s soul is not in peace ,so he was in her dream and that was David’s soul whom she was talking in the hotel. Marina asked that king to send her to her new life as Marina .She don’t want to be Himadri again .Just want to see Basu for last time.Then she saw Basu’s soul and started crying .After that she forgive that king also. Because already that person had suffered a lot and already he had punished .Then she got faint.
Good Morning….Marina’s mother greet her. Now she was in home. Her mother told her that she got fainted on the middle of the road and some people found her and had took home safely. Marina gave a smile. Finally the mystery of her life had solved .She was happy .But her eyes were searching some one any time. Still she had a hope that some day he will come .Now she is a famous photographer . One day after completing her work she was coming back to home .and suddenly one boy come in front of her car and and a small accident was that. She ran to him and saw …..it was( Basu oh ,no, David )………Oh!!!! She smiled ..and took him to the hospital. Then after she became her care taker and was taking care of him.That boy name was Martin was a Writer.
Martin started liking Marina and Marina had already …….Though Martin had no idea about his previous birth he loved Marina .And Marina had never told him about this story also.Finally they got married . Marina is now living a happy life with her Husband.
The mystery of her life got solved.