Photo credit: jeanniet6 from morguefile.com
That Sunday early morning , to their vacation Amar and Arjun started journey from Hyderabad to Bangalore. Spacious Innova was more than luxurious to this duo.
Amar ,an employee in FRIENDLY PAPER WORKS PVT.LTD. working as sr.Financial Manager is happy in life and money to him is always adequate. Arjun , a multimillionaire inherited numerous businesses from his father recently and running economically. Both are buddies from school and their friendship was as smooth as the highway the are being driving on.
Arjun, a calm silent man in his early thirties and Amar, an year younger than his friend. Amar is always take it easy fellow while Arjun was calm sincere fellow.
Arjun was driving his turn in full mood and expecting no troubles as this duo had experienced in past which they overcome by little luck and most by their funny skills.
Amar who is praying God for excitements in the trip was blessed with unexpected way. More important it was their helping nature that caused trouble.
When they were some 20kms after Kurnool a fat, black ,villain looking man raised his hand as if he needed lift.
Immediately both friends agreed to help the man and stopped Innova. The fat man thanked them and said he and his three friends were going to their friends marriage to Bellari and they got the bust tyre . The 6 members went ahead in silent for some 10 minutes when Amar interrupted saying to fat man ‘By the way have’nt you got a spare tyre travelling this long way mr…..?
‘Oh damn you didn’t recognize me till now? ‘ fat man was about to burst out of astonishment.
Amar quickly reacted saying ’excuse me ,sir I don’t watch movies regularly’.
Sumanth , the short looking among the four laughed and said ‘If you even watch them you cannot recognize this fat Ex-Sarpanch of Chintapally.
‘Yeah I heard of him sometime. ’Arjun lied.
‘You are lying’ sumanth again interfered ‘no one gives damn to this Ex-Sarpanch in our village even’.
The fat man almost protested saying ‘may be. But I’m not kicked out of my house by wife like you have been on many drunk nights. Moreover I ‘m not been to jail for rash driving.You punk…’
Kiran spoke first time in the journey. He is white, fat and always wears the grey cap on his head. He also had a deep Y cut scare on left cheek. He said seriously ’hey you damn both donkeys don’t fuss and bore our friends .’he turned to Amar and Arjun ‘Excuse this idiots, sir they always boasts about themselves. By the way myself PROf. Kiran of Wisdom college of sciences in chemistry dept.’ He turned to another white good looking man’ this is Mr.Satyam currently had his own poultry farm and you know this Ex-Sarpanch Ashok ,the fit for nothing except for drinking and our driver Sumanth who is main reason to trouble you with lift’.
Amar cut off saying ‘that s not a problem. It happens sometimes.‘
When Kiran was going to answer it Satyam’s cell rang and he barked into cell ’on the way. Yes all smooth. Bye’ and he hung up. Mean while Sumanth was teasing Ashok with names he is being called by the villagers and Ashok defending by saying Sumanth ‘s divorce story and his 9 month marriage life.’ Amar and Arjun was enjoying all these village jokes.
After some ten minutes they found the garage at 10Kms from Nandyala and the four got out smiling ‘so long guys, have a HAPPY JOUNEY’ .Amar and Arjun said good bye to them.
When they were travelling again Amar pointed out that how they kept such a drunk driver who do not even keep spare tyre .Then forgetting about those idiots they began to wonder how they are going to enjoy their vacation unaware of the trap they were stepped into by helping four idiots on a highway.
When they were 5km from the Kurnool check post Amar now driving his turn did not expect the off side tyre to be flat in a split second. In a few seconds, Arjun lolling in his seat happily enjoying songs from his I- pod instantly was aware of the strain ahead to fix the tyre.
Amar while going to fixing flat tyre asked Arjun to find the tool kit and screwdrivers that were scattered on the floor under seats. when Arjun was searching over whole vehicle to assemble all kit he came to Amar, some unknown small packets in hands.
They were about 10 small packets all in white containing powders and capsules. ‘What are these? Have you got these to cook in our guest house. These looks like salt, sugar, ginger… wait! What about these capsules?! Are they for safety after eating the lunch? Arjun laughed like a hyena.
The sight of those packets instantly told him the depth of the trouble they will be landed in if they cross the check post with those drugs. ‘Those idiots placed drugs in our car’. Amar knew drugs from his colleague Sai kumar who is partly addicted to drugs despite of Amar’s warnings. ‘I think we can check them once.’
‘NO. I can’t taste them’ Arjun feared. ‘If you start tasting them you will complete them as plate meals. Use your mind. Pick a dog somewhere we can test’ Amar joked even in that new awkward situation.
Amar once read in a medico magazine a dog sleeps for drugs within seconds. Arjun caught a dog and the dog slept snoring after consuming few spoons of powder from one of the packets.
Both were astonished when Amar said ‘But why these bas**rds placed these drugs on us?’
It was when Amar and Arjun were fixing the tyre S .I. Badri of Kurnool PS currently on check post duty (on special commands of ACP to check vehicles from smuggling drugs headed for Bangalore from Hyderabad ) attended the Kurnool S.P.’s call and barked with his most sincere voice ‘checking all vehicles, sir. So far no news ,sir.’
‘ Don’t leave any vehicle even if it is of my father –in-Law or your brother-in-Law. Most confidential sources in Hyderabad says they are crossing our highway this night’ and he hung up.
Badri grinned and called Venku the Bangalore smuggler and a fat ,tall ,black God father of drug dealers who constantly feed him with currency like a farmer feeds his buffalo. After a delay Venku answered ‘Hello’. ‘ Sir I’m Badri. Your four men do not show up still’.
‘ They found two suckers and plantied the goods in their black Innova no.2130.By this way I and my men are out of danger and blameless. Be careful with goods they are worth lakhs and you get 10%cut. ‘
‘ 2130 black Innova .right? Yeah I can deliver them as usual by tomorrow’ and he hung up. He then was to answer another call from his wife. He was constantly answering phone calls even he do not had time to answer the nature’s call.
‘ There are few questions. Why these bas**rds planted drugs in our car instead of carrying them directly? Arjun asked.
‘ Simple, they must be in criminal records and any checkpost police can identify them.’ Amar answered.
‘Okay what ‘s the idea in leaving us with drugs into police trap. That must be wastage of the packing.’ Arjun again raised the doubt.
‘Yeah. They must be our personal enemies which is unlikely and also we haven’t known them since this morning.’ Amar said , ‘They must have a source by which they can get this packets back and they will be on safe side. We can throw this sh*t away and enjoy our vacation. But we are going to celebrate more by playing with these smugglers and finally sending them behind the bars.’
‘ And we are playing along Subramanyam. Am I right?’
‘Yes. He s the only one we can rely on.’
They fixed the tyre and the vehicle turned back towards Hyderabad. Luck was one time by their side in the form of tyre puncture which stopped them going blindly into police and second time their luck is in the form of Subramanyam. With drugs in hands and Subramanyam on their side they continued their JOURNEY WITH ENEMIES to Hyderabad.
First thing they done after starting return journey was to contact their childhood friend Hyderabad ACP Subramanyam and pour out the whole story on the phone itself without considering cell charging or re charge and Subramanyam instantly recognized the grey cap smuggler with Y cut scar on left cheek from experience.
Subramanyam was always trying to bring these smugglers and their business into light. But always failing somehow on grounds of no proofs. But this time he was confident on nailing those rascals.
Amar and Arjun reached ACP’s home with in 11 hours and on their way they came to know that the professor story was a nicely cooked up tale by that cap rascal and they were sure same about the poultry farm. Now they were sitting in his hall.
‘So you think its all possible to nag them?’ Subramanyam questioned.
‘Its depends on your help’ Arjun answered. ‘ I was thinking about that and I got full details about the kiran scoundrel and that ex Sarpanch. The driver was described no more than the fines he had paid on accidents and that poultry pig is nowhere in our records from Bangalore to Hyderabad.’
‘Then we can reach that ex Sarpanch easily?’ Amar was enthusiastic.
‘ I think not’ Subramanyam was certain ‘he was thrown out of village three years back when the villagers came to know about his second family. He also tried to introduce his illegal son in politics and at that time he was out of seat ,so it was easy for villagers to expel him. Thereafter he was heard nowhere.
‘Either Sarpanch seat or smuggling job to run his two families’ Amar joked.
‘About Kiran, he is a silent partner of business’ Subramanyam began ‘the information was from my most confident informers that he comes to ‘Bar’king Bar on Sagar road every Monday night around 9 pm without fail to meet his friends obviously all girls. By the way where are the stuff they planted?’
They produced the packets and handed them to Subramanyam. They discussed the plan and now all this depends on how they are conning Kiran on Monday. Today was Sunday evening and the next day they thought was the most exciting day on earth them.
Unaware about their plan SI Badri was waiting for them on Kurnool check post and called Venku to inform the vehicle not coming. ‘ Those four pigs are going to explain me how they are going to supply the mall and if I ‘m not satisfied with the explanation my dogs will drink their blood in dinner. But you will have your share as soon as I squeeze my money out of them’ and he hung up.
When Venku is angry he behaves like an ox that is hungry and now he is very angry . At this very moment the four pigs arrived happily to collect the remaining payment believing the mall was safely hand overed as per the plan. Venku now as angry as a mad bull turned to face the four fellows. By seeing their grin his BP fluctuated beyond the maximum point.
Monday night approached and at promptly 9 pm Amar and Arjun were at ‘ Bar’king bar. They had no experience in drinks and so they ordered soft cokes. After ten minutes the grey cap arrived and drank furiously two whisky shots on rocks. Both friends were astonished to his thurst and began to approach him as per their plan.
Kiran saw the friends approaching and the past flashed in his mind. Venku had given complete bashing to the four smugglers last night like Dhoni smashes the ball while batting the last over . He gave one week time to them to repay the money or the promised mall. Otherwise his dogs will taste their blood. One who know Venku and his influence do not neglect his warnings .
Now Kiran wants to know about the mall which costs him and his partners lakhs. ’Hey buddies, think you should be on your vacation by now’ he started eagerly.
‘What to say dude, it’s a short sad story that made our trip cancel. One of our friend was jailed and we have to come back to relieve him’. Arjun answered.
‘Anything serious?’ Kiran was completely involved.
‘No it was over now’ Amar winced ‘actually he fought with his fourth lover on main road and was overly reacted which led both of them to jail on nuisance case. So unfortunately we got call and we had a nasty head ache to solve this problem.’
‘Then what?’ Kiran was eager to know about their vehicle.
‘What then!’ Amar was casual ‘Our friend gone to his wife and his girl friend to her husband. So long ,see you, we didn’t even have time to clean our car and packed things. Good bye’
both friends headed towards the exit door. By now Kiran was completely out of the two shots he drank. He was quick to start tailing the two friends. He saw them approach their car and he started back them on his bike. What he doesn’t know was that Subramanyam who is in non uniform was behind him.
Amar and Arjun, who know that they were being followed was happily laughing like horses for the success of their first step.
‘Kiran was following them since 30 minutes. They reached Hi tech city and suddenly their car stopped and automatically Kiran’s bike stopped and he followed them to their apartment on walk.
He suddenly saw their vehicle was alone and decided to take the packets for which Venku gave them week’s time. For his luck the car door was unlocked and he took of the ten packets they planted. He confirmed that no one is seeing him unaware of Subrahmanyam who is seeing him from his car’s rare window. With a evil grin he replaced the drugs in his coat pockets and silently started his bike.
Now the four buffoons are sitting in Kiran’s home happily smoking. After Kiran phoned Ashok, sumanth and Satyam about his encounter with Amar and Arjun they instantly started to his home. The ten packets they planted lie on table as they were.
‘So they do not even know that they were almost suckers?’ Ashok questioned.
‘Its mere luck on them and a nightmare to us. How to deliver them now?’ Kiran said.
‘ Venku is currently in this city. We can just now go and deliver the goods.’ Satyam grinned.
‘We also have to deliver that son of a b**ch his teeth to his hands’ Kiran was enthusiastic to avenge Venku because the four of them were unable to sleep two nights from the Venku’s bashing.
‘Don’t waste time now. I have to meet my wife. She is very angry on me. May be she may starve me for this late.’ Ashok was irritated.
‘Uncle, first wife or second one ?’ Sumanth joked suddenly.
‘You b**ch! Don’t talk with that foul mouth, ra**al.Maintain a single wife atleast for 12months before interfering with my problems.’ Ashok was stilling scowling when Satyam called to Venku, who is currently busy on bed.
‘ He is entertaining someone I think’ Satyam was impatient for this delay in lifting call. Suddenly Venku came on the line and was very angry for being disturbed in such a swell situation. Briefly Satyam explained him the matter and told him to be ready with remaining amount.
‘Now they are going to walk into our trap. I saw that cap b**ch taking packets from your car’ Subramanyam was very happy.
‘Yeah. I think that idiots are going to be washed away by those surf powders and bleaching powders.’ Arjun said laughing.
‘Don’t forget about that constipation capsules and Ayurvedic herbals’ Amar corrected.
‘Atlast I’m going to put them in my personal cell and no recommendation calls are attended from that minute. Next time they come I’m going to nail them completely.’ Subramanyam continued ‘if time permits I may also drag Venku and there will be the most exclusive drug mafia wiped out.
What angers Venku more on earth is interrupting him on bed. It is better to sleep with lion than disturbing him on bed. Right now though he is angry the importance of those packets is controlling him. If those idiots are failing this time they are going to regret being born he told himself ,he said himself and at this moment a car stopped outside and the four smugglers laughing came laughing to him.
‘Boss there’s your mall and where’s our payment?’ Sumanth was straight.
Venku called his bull like men and asked them to check the mall. They took the packets away. As they were as it is planted in car they do not opened the packets. ‘is the mall straight or any double crossings’ Venku’s eyes were hard.
‘We have talent and so we got them back. If you don’t believe then its your funeral.’ Ashok whinced.
‘Let’s see’ Venku’s eyes glittered. At this moment his men entered.
‘Washing powder, detergent powders, constipation capsules, Ayurvedic herbals and powders for piles, sir. Looks similar to drugs’ a tall man said.
The four smugglers were astonished thinking it was a dream and when they realized truth , they prayed that it must be a dream. They are now unable to see Venku’s expression. At this moment Venku laughed like a hyena and said ‘Any last wishes?’
Amar ,Arjun and Subramanyam settled in the lounge of Amar’s house happily enjoying their success in fooling the four idiots. Subramanyam said ‘Venku will pick their teeths off their faces by now’ laughs ‘I think this time I will pin him lower than a sub merge water motor and the drug smuggling mafia.’
‘But how about our next step……’ his sentence was interrupted by Subramanyam’s ringing cell.
‘hello…what?…..keep tracks on those flicks….I don’t want any news of their escaping this time….’
He ended the call. ‘we need the long iron chain that can surround 8 members easily. We are going to have a ball of a night with our enemy friends. They are coming on us definetly for our lives first and then their valuable mall. Watch out for 2244 black toyoto from attic and lets finish this tom and Jerry games within four hours. I want them alive and they don’t want us alive. We must henceforth be careful and tactful.’
Arjun recognized 2244 toyoto coming in front of their gate. So they are back in action. Subramanyam placed his men round the house. But the real problem lies in catching Venku and group with proofs.
Five minutes later the tap on the door made both friends alert.8 weaponed smugglers are outside but inside only Subramanyam is armed secretly. From the window shades there were no shades of the four buffoons. Surely these men were strongest and toughest of Venku s men.
Subramanyam was waiting eagerly for his men to attack behind Venku. But there are no signs. Surely something is wrong…..
The tapping on the door was hard and since quarter of a minute. Its time for the three men to implement the second safe plan.
Immediately they must be out of the house but Venku s men must have covered all around. Their luck depends on how secure the attic which in connected from secluded small room in the house. Finally they were out on terrace and Venkus men rushed inside by breaking in. Amar was successful in closing the entrance from front side and Arjun from rear side. Venku is now with his eight men completely locked in the house.
Sooner Venku realized the trap and about to break out a voice from nowhere within the house bowled out from woofer boxes.
Subramanyam s voice was impeccable to Venku ‘You are now completely trapped. Within few minutes you are going to speak out all your nasty crimes and connections. We are holding you and you are not going to touch the doors, atleast if you don’t want to get into flames that are controlled by our remote.’
Venku was sweating like a pig before he was trying to speak. ‘ ACP! You are not going to do it. I will surrender my self. I will give all the details including the transactions, connections, drugs and whatever you need. Don’t kill me.’
‘That Venku injured four of my men. The video we recorded Venku speaking about his crimes will serve as our unbreakable alibi. But the four idiots escaped’ Subramanyam said in spirt voice ‘ surely they are nothing without Venku. The drug mafia in Bangalore and Hyderabad in grounded after three years of search. I never imagined it would be that easy to catch that pig’.
Amar broke out ‘ finally you are going to throw the party this night for your promotion and success.’
‘Tomorrow morning our journey to our Bangalore guest house resumes’ Arjun howled happily.
‘This may or maynot be final with Venku as long as he is alive’ Subramanyam said sullenly ‘but he is always nothing infront of us.’ Subramanyam laughed.
The next morning Amar and Arjun are ready in black innova . The national highway is wishing them a HAPPY JOURNEY