Suspense Short Story – The journey to Scotland
Photo credit: jeanniet6 from morguefile.com
Coral had been on her way to Scotland, She had need to find her way to Kase, and she was just passing Caithness. When she had ran into a dragon, this dragons name was Grogan. This thing was huge she had thought looking up at it. It appeared angry at the sight of her but why she stood thinking.
Suddenly The Dragons foot came slamming down. She jumped into the air pulling her sword out slashing the dragon’s eye. But this didn’t stop the dragon even though it was in pain. The dragon was now shooting fire at setting everything in flames. How long could she keep this up, she didn’t know. So she jumped as high as she could stabbing her sword in the back of the dragon’s neck. The dragon screamed Flinging her around like she was a rag doll but she was holding on for her life she would not let go. She was holding on for her life as she drove her sword deep and deeper in to the dragons. The inside of the dragon’s neck was like fiery burning acid on her hands. She grabbed the spine and pulled as hard as she could ripping the dragon’s spine out and taking her sword and chopping the head off as if to claim a trophy. Suddenly the dragon started to glow and the wind had picked up and she rose to the air again. She felt changes in her not knowing what they would be suddenly she stared spraying fire from her mouth in the air. She did not know what other changes may have accorded but she knew she felt powerful.
She had been waling for a while when reaching another town she booked in to a motel. One bed she had said. The man had been staring at her. He paused for a moment and said girl what happened to your face. What are you talking about said Coral? The man had handed her a mirror, she looked half her face was covered in scales she knew no that power would come with a price. Too angry to control herself she reached through the glass breaking it and grabbing the man sinking her teeth in to him. Draining him of all his blood every last blood she would take it all because that’s how she was feeling. Looking in the mirror she realized the scales where gone. She had realized that only come out when she hasn’t feed in a while. She smiled then opened her mouth and a big breath of fire came out setting the place on fire. She walked out looking for the next motel she could stay at.
Later the cops would view the video camera and having eyes on their first real vampire. This video would get forwarded to the United Nations where they would have a meeting to watch the video. They had decided that vampires and other spices that might be out their need protection. But I was now against national law to drink from human. It had been said that it was ok to drink from animals but not humans and blood would now be sold at all pharmacies, this was now national law. Vampires born in the United States could now run for president provided they were born in the United States as a human, with proof of course. Others not born in the United States could apply for citizenship just like everyone else. And of course Blood rehab centers had opened up around the world.
A national TV speech by the president was give that said that all other spices are protected under this law to so if they came forward no harm would come to them and the government would provide help for their special needs. Coral had now a wanted criminal for burning down they haven’t put together that she was the same murder of those 2 men, because she looked so different now. There was now a special government police force that dealt with Vampires and others like them. In charge of the V.T.S (Vampire takedown squad) was Officer Whitelaw, Who was convinced that this Coral was a vampire. Even though there was no proof saying so. The V.T.S is a national agency with members from all over the world. Whitelaw had followed her to Caithness, Where people had remembered seeing her but this time he wasn’t alone he had brought his new squad of 4 people. But the mission was to bring her in alive. He had not known why but he didn’t ask any questions he just did what he was told. When it came down to it, he did the job. His squad had come crossed the dragon. This was bad dragons were an endangered spices there was only 5 alive in existence and 2 of those were in captivity for mating. The body was sent to V.T.S for investigation. Whitelaw and his squad continued tracking Coral to the next town. They had found the motel she had burnt down but she had already left, In fact she was long gone.
She was already outside of Kase, Probably going to kill everyone in sight. But Whitelaw had said no worries. We had Snake eyes meet her outside the town. Everyone laughed because snake eyes was a woman but she was the best of them. She worked with a long sword and a short sword and she was an immortal not a vampire but an immortal. She was all ways muttering there can be only one. Whitelaw had always told her that she left that life behind now and the old rules no longer apply in today’s age.
Snake eyes had been waiting for Coral for over an hour now noting no sight of her. She was about to leave when she had spotted Coral coming towards. It was kind of hard to miss here because half of her face was covered in scales. Coral was moving faster than Snake eyes could see but she could still sense where she was. Coral had pulled out her sword the jumped as if she was flying. But Snake eyes had moved to the side pulling out her sword and slashing Coral’s right arm with her swords. But Coral didn’t seem to react as she flipped over Snake eye’s head and with a breath of fire set her on fire. Snake eyes was still moving as she had deeply cut Corals face.
But Coral had been too fast and too strong as she knocked Snake eyes over and began clawing at and the ripping her in to her chest just above her heart draining her of all her blood. She had than took her sword and cut off Snake eye’s head. Again there had been lighting and wind rising Coral in the air she was absorbing the energy of snake eyes; this had begun to change her appearance once more. Now Coral had one blue eye and one ruby red eye. Coral was tired of being follow so she decide to send a message to Whitelaw that said stop following me or else. She had taken the head of Snake Eyes and then took her pants of shoving the head up Snake Eyes own ass. She had thought this was sure to send a message.
And then she keep walking towards the city of Kase at least where it had been a long time ago. She could see the castle, it was huge it might take days if Archeaus hadn’t told her where the gold was. Inside the castle was dark and damp. She would take the hallway to the left and strait to behind the door would be a brick. She had moved it and a door had opened. Behind it was treasures far beyond the eye could see. Now she just had to figure out how to move it and fast because whit law was right behind her, and he would be here soon. She had figured it out, she ran outside and ran as fast as she would to the highway stealing a silver astral van and driving back to the castle. She had been able to smell Whitelaw he was close. Apparently he did not have her message or did not or had ignored it.
Whitelaw had been staring down at snake eye’s body, he wondered how someone would do thing and even if they could why he poured some gas from the truck on her body and then lite it. As he had watched her body burn, He cried they had been really close. They had lost track of her after that but they knew that she had headed west.
Coral had now arrived at a big city and was now looking for a lawyer to change this money over. She had found the perfect lawyer. His name had been Ben Ignazio, he was a shady lawyer. She had given this him to change her name and was given a new passport. And all her money had been put in the bank. Now she had been set up for her new life and it was up to her what to do with it.
Now that she had it. Now she would need to feed no one important because it all ways hurt taking in their knowledge. So she found an old women about the age of 50, she had like this because it was a completely normal old woman. Coral had followed the old woman down the streets in till they came to a house out of sight. This had been perfect, for the kill. It did not bother her that it was against the law to feed on humans she felt as if she was a god among humans. She was above the law. So she start to drink from the old woman but before she could finish the woman knowledge came to her.
It was too late, the old woman was dead and she had known that this woman had been her mother. She was sure this normal old woman was her mother. Guilt weighed heavy on her as she backed away crying. She had killed the woman that could give her answers. She could see what happened her mother giving her away, she had given her away to save her and she had murdered her own mother. The woman that had given birth to her. She had sat on her knees crying her eyes out what she had done. What a monster she had turned into, she had crawled over to her mother touching her face wishing that she had saw this before she had drained. She had thought that she didn’t deserves to live, what kind of monster kills her own mother. She had wanted to change, could she change. She had wanted to be a good person so bad but she had not known if it was possible. In this moment she realized that Archeaus was right about what would happen to her, about how all the deaths and murders would eat her alive if she kept on the path that’s was on. She had thought I will do my best to be nothing like the monster that I am. She had thought she would go back to her sister and instead of killing her she would make sure that she had everything she had wanted. It all just seemed too little to be obsessed with wanting her sister’s life.
Now she had been above all that, and being a god compared to mortals have given her a responsibility to use the power she had wisely. But her current problems where worse if whit law would catch her who knows what would happen to her. She had been thinking to herself be a life sentence 15 years for a vampire or is it really life because she would live forever. And the death penalty wouldn’t work because the only way she could die would be to cut off her head. She had dug a hole in the ground, and buried herself just so she could think. The guilt had been eating her from the inside out. So she had slept because she couldn’t die and she didn’t know what she would. Whitelaw was still looking for her, he must have walked by her at least a dozen times. She seemed to sleep for a very long time, at times she would wake feeling the dirt in her mouth, and toes.
It had been 2 years her case had turned in to a cold case. She woke hearing 2 men talk above. They had been arguing, the first man said he told us to dig here and the other man snapped back saying no it’s over there by the tree. All this arguing had been getting annoying. But she could not move, she had to figure away up and out of the ground. Suddenly the men had started digging, they had hit her, Wait the man had said there is something down here. Uncover her body she began to speak. Help me she had said, she had said help. The man said it’s alive! Pulling her up she realized that she was a vampire. They had called 911 and said it was a vampire. After about 45 mins the ambulance arrived. What took you so long said the man. The driver said what, it’s not like she’s going to die. They loaded her up and took her to the hospital poking I.V’s in each arm filling her with blood. And then the doctor had come in looking at her Id. Well Ms. Blanch it seems you’re going to be ok. But just to be sure we will give these tablets to make sure the blood stays down.
Why were you in the ground he asked? She did not respond for a minute but remembering that she had changed her name she did. I don’t remember she told the doctor but thank you for your help. She had got up off the table putting back on her cloths and then made her way out of the hospital. Making her way to a hotel next to a pharmacy and a clothing store. First she went into the clothing store. And bought a red button up top and black slender pants with red Nike shoes. Then she went next door and bought 20 100 ml bags of blood. She went upstairs to her room, she had start by running a hot bath, and while she was waiting for the tube to fill up she would put the blood in the fridge. She took a glass and filled it up with blood, the color returning to her face but this blood had been cold she didn’t like it. So she filled the glass and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds. Now it was warm, she headed to the bath, she had got in stayed there for an hour or two and drank the blood.
After 4 days of relaxing she was ready to go. She had headed downstairs to the lobby for a cup of coffee then be on her way. She was sitting down drinking her coffee and her fangs showing. The waitress came up and said I didn’t know vampires could walk in the day. Coral had responded with I’m special and I love the day light. Coral had asked the young waitress where the airport is and she had told her that it’s just down the street to the left. The young waitress asked where she was going, Coral had seen no reason to hide it after all after she made sure that her sister was good and had everything that she wanted she planned on turning herself in anyways. I am going to America she said, Time for a change. Coral had put the cup on the table and grabbing her bag and head down to the airport. She waited in the poorly kept airport for an hour for her plane to arrive and sat on the plane for another 18 hours.
Finally she was back in the all good USA. She stepped off the plane, going through security. She had been stopped no liquid was allowed to be transfer from country to country. She had told the guard that it was just her blood that she need to live. Apparently he didn’t seem to care he was about to take her in the back room when his manger had come up and told him to stop harassing her and pointed out that he was being raciest against vampires. He told Coral that he was sorry and told the guard that he had one more chance and if he saw this again he was fired. Coral grabbed her bag and left, she had thought wow how the world was change vampire rights. It’s definitely a new age.
She had left the airport, getting a hotel room next to Vikki’s house and had been getting settled in the hotel room. She had been able to look strait in the Vikki’s house from where she was. But she had not known how to explain that she had killed their mother. She wanted Vikki to love her like the sister she was and if she found out that she killed their mother that would not be possible. She had been able to remember them playing together when they were kids but she didn’t know if this was her mother’s memory’s coming out or hers. Yes she had thought it would be hard to explain where she had been for the last 2 years and why she had been gone. But Coral had decided it was better to make something up then tell her the truth.
Coral had begun walking to her sister’s house, a lot had changed in two years. When she had arrived at her sister’s house she had notices a black van outside of the house. She had known that it was Whitelaw, 2 years and he had given up on finding her. She had thought figured because of what I had done to his friend. Had walked up to the van, Whitelaw sticking his head out the window, I figured you would show up here sooner or later said Whitelaw. She had told him that she was just going to speak to her sister and make sure she had everything that she need and then he could take her in. Whitelaw said I will give you ten minutes then were coming in.
Coral had went up to the door and knocking on it. For a min there was no answer but then someone one had yelled hold on. Vikki had opened the door, where have you been she had said. Hugging her tight, Come in side she said, it’s so cold out here. I don’t have a lot of time to explain said coral, take this atm card it will give you anything that you need. First thing buy the company you work for I have enough money. Wait for me she said I will be back one day and remember I love you. Vikki had started crying but where are you going she said. I don’t understand you only just got here. I was so scared I thought you were dead. I have done some bad things now I have to pay for them said Coral. You would not understand, Just know that I love you and that’s all you need to know. There was a knock at the door, Coral had said it was time for to go. Coral had open the door, let’s go Officer Rambo she said. Whitelaw rolled his eyes and looked at Vikki, sorry we have to meet like this. Have a good day. Whitelaw had cuffed her with silver handcuff and then took her to the van. They had drove awhile till they came to a special building that held special criminals. She would be there in till her trail was over.
Whitelaw had been putting Coral in her cell when she had said that she had one more thing to say to him. Whitelaw had said well what it is. Just I am sorry for what I did to your friends said Coral. Well that doesn’t make up for it she was a good person and you mutilated her. I hope you get the worst of the worst. Don’t worry you will never get out. Coral had responded with I know and I understand. I am not the same person as I was when I met you the first time she said. Every person I killed entered me and all the goodness that they had come to me to. And that’s when I saw what I was doing was wrong. That’s is why I turned myself in. Well it still doesn’t make up for it, and I hope you burn in hell said Whitelaw. Whitelaw had locked the cell door hoping he could throw away the key but the government had other things in mind for him and her.