Suspense Story – Fear
Photo credit: krosseel from morguefile.com
Chapter 1- Dream
I was running blindly escaping myself from the clutch of man who was chasing me. He was holding a knife in his right hand. He was running very fast. I was drenched in sweat, losing my stamina. I was just going to stumble down any moment. I was exhausted by running continuously. My stress and anxiety level was very high. My knees and limbs were aching severely. I was not able to look around. It was very dark. I couldn’t see anything around me but trees. It was very hard to run longer for me. It was very traumatic condition. The black man screamed ferociously, I got afraid of and fell down in panic. He immediately jumped over me. He was dressed in black coat and hat. I could see only his menacing eyes because that was the only part which was uncovered. As he stabbed knife into my stomach, suddenly my eyes opened.
I was breathing hard. My whole body was under sweat. My blood ran cold. Few seconds later I realized it was a horrible dream. I poured water from a jug in the glass and drank. Then, I took a sigh of relief.
My wife got up and asked “what happened? You are all sweat.”
I replied that I had a nightmare.
“You had the same terrible dream?” – Said Nidhi
“Yeah, the same freaking dream.” – I screamed
“Asutosh I am really worried for you having such kind of horrible dreams all the time. It’s high time consulting an astrologer who can help us out about this because this dream might be some sort of indication. We should not take it so lightly.”
“Don’t worry; nothing will go wrong with me.”
“Yeah right you always say this and it ends up with your screaming in nightmare. I don’t want this apprehensive dream come true that’s why I beseech you to consult an astrologer who can succour us. I am fanatical about meeting an astrologer. I will call my friend who knows an astrologer. We will meet him and try to find out a solution.” – said Nidhi
“Ok, whatever you want to do you do. It’s 6.00 o’ clock. Let’s just cut down this conversation. I have to get ready for the office. I have a meeting with Yuvraj on a new business project.”
I got off the bed and walked out of the room.
Chapter 2 – Accident
I left my home around 9 o’ clock. I was driving myself because my driver was absent. Suddenly my phone rang. It was my driver’s call.
“Hello Pawan, where are you man? You were supposed to join your duty today.”
“Sir, actually, my wife is in hospital.” – said Pawan
“What happened?”- I asked shockingly
“Actually my wife and I met an accident while going to the market. A car driver hit my bike and I lost the control and we fell down, luckily I didn’t get any major injury -just rashes but my wife’s left arm is broken.” – He replied in lamentable voice
“Now, how is she?”
“She has got her arm plastered and it would take around one month to repair. Sir I was wondering you to grant me leave for about one week more because by then my mother will come back to take care of my wife , just after that I will definitely join sir.
“Ok, don’t worry, I will manage without you. You take care of her. When she gets alright, you can come.”
As I put the phone down on passenger’s seat, I heard loud honk of truck. I got puzzled and lost the balance on steering wheel. I forgot to push brake and my car collided with a tree and bonnet shattered.
My heart came to my mouth. I got a minor injury on my forehead. I got out of the car. I decided to go to the hospital for dressing first and then coming back with a mechanic to get my car repaired.
Chapter 3 – Conversation in Taxi no. 3271
I waited for a taxi few minutes. I saw a taxi no. 3271 coming. I gave a gesture to stop the taxi. Taxi stopped, I knocked the window. The taxi driver opened the mirror. I bent little bit to ask driver to drop me at the nearest hospital but as I saw him, I shocked.
Taxi driver was same man whom I saw in my dream. He was dressed in black attire completely. He made my hair stand on end. I was as silent as grave. Same two eyes, same black attire and same black hat. Suddenly I heard, “What happened Sir, what you want? How long I have been asking you what happened but you don’t respond me.”
I came out of my shock and realized the taxi driver was different man. He was in blue jeans and yellow shirt and he was trying hard to communicate with me because of my peculiar behaviour.
I said – “I am sorry, actually my car is damaged over here as you can see. I have got an injury so could you drop me at the nearest hospital.”
“Yeah Sure.”- said the taxi driver
I got into the taxi. I was extremely frightened. I was deeply engrossed in my thoughts. I was trying to think how he seemed to me as menacing man in dream. My head was whirling. Suddenly I heard, ‘Sir’ in a loud voice. I came out of my thoughts. I realized I was so immersed that I couldn’t hear taxi driver who was constantly asking me about the accident.
I fumbled “yes, dr, dr, driver, you were saying something?”
“What’s wrong with you sir I have been asking you how you met with an accident and you are in your own world. It seems that you are in shock.” – said driver
“No, absolutely not, I am fine now. The accident frightened me. I had a close shave when the truck was nearly going to hit me.”
“Oh sir you are chicken hearted. Just think about ourselves, we remain on road 24×7 taking 100% risk of death. We never know when a truck driver can hit us. We also have heart, we also have desires, we also have a family, we also wish to spend time with our children and wife. But you see injustice by destiny. You have got a shock just by a minor injury but think about ourselves who fight against death every time. ”
I didn’t react on his words. In fact his words drove my attention to Nikhil, ex driver of Raj. I remember he also said same words when I had to accompany him to Raj’s office to hand over very confidential file. The incident was 9 years old.
I immediately realized I couldn’t ask name of the driver. I asked his name, he replied, Nikhil.
I once again shocked and instantly my tongue slipped,” Nikhil but how is it possible?”
“Why? Why my name can’t be Nikhil?” – said driver
I fumbled; I said “I didn’t mean as you took. Actually co-incidentally my driver’s name was also Nikhil.”
“Sir there is nothing to get shocked about this. There are lots of people with the same name. Millions of Nikhil are in this world. You terrified and astounded as if you have murdered Nikhil.”
“Oh, just shut up, what are you babbling about? Do I look like a murderer? Have you gone mad? Stay in your limits.”
“Sorry sir, if you are hurt, I take my words back.” – said driver
“You should be sorry.”
My heart beat increased. I could easily hear my heart beat without putting hand on my chest. It was obvious for me to freak out because fear always chases. Sin never lets anyone to live calmly. There was silence inside the car till few minutes. I asked driver how long it would take to reach to the hospital.”
He replied – “in few minutes only.”
In next 5 minutes, we reached to the hospital. I got out of the taxi. I asked total fare and gave that to him.
Chapter 4 – Inside the Hospital
I went to the emergency room. I found doctor sitting on the chair right against the door. I told the whole story of my accident and showed my injury. He sent me to cabin no. 5 where Dr. Prakash was doing dressing of patients.
As I get in the cabin, I got the call from Yuvraj.
Yuvraj – “Where are you?”
“I am in the hospital for wound dressing. I had a minor accident.
Yuvraj – “But how?”
“It’s a long story. I will tell you when I meet you. First, let me get wound cleaned.”
I hung up immediately.
As I hung up Dr. Prakash cleaned the wound and applied bandage. He prescribed some medicines.
I was in expedition. I just wanted to go home. In the corridor there were lots of patients coming and going. I was just making the way through the crowd. But I dashed against a lady, I was just going to fall down but she held my hand tenaciously.
I got discomfort due to the way she grasped my hand for a bit long time. I looked up at her to say thanks. But as I looked at her, I dazzled. I became full of beans. I completely forgot my pain.
“Sanjana you, how are you?”
“Hey Ashutosh, I am fine, nice to see you after so long.”
“What has brought you over here?”
“Actually I got an injury in an accident so I came here for dressing.” “You tell why you are here?”
“My daughter, Mehak is not well. She has fever and cold. So I thought to get her a medical checkup. I forgot my purse in the car so I went to take this. I have to just make payment inside. Mehak is also inside.”
“Sanjana if you don’t mind could you give me lift in your car.”
“Of course Asutosh you are embarrassing me. After all you have been my best friend. At least I can do this for you. You just wait over here. I come back.”
Few minutes later Sanjana came back with her daughter.
“Hi Uncle” – said Mehak
“Hi Beta, how are you?”
“Fine uncle”
“Sanjana how old is she?”
“She is 15 years old.”
“That’s great, last time when I met her she was about 7 years old.”
“Yeah, let’s come Asutosh.” – said Sanjana
Chapter 5 – Conversation
“Where is your damaged car?” – Said Sanjana
“It’s is on my way to office in KVR Street.”
“Where do I drop you now? – said Sanjana
“You can put me down at the mechanic shop. It’s about to come.
“Is this the same shop that is next to pastry shop?” – said Sanjana
“Yeah, absolutely right.”
“Last time I brought my car for service to this mechanic. That’s why I know it.” – said Sanjana
“Great! Well, how is Raj?”
“Raj expired two years ago.” – said Sanjana
“Oh no, I am so sorry but how?”
“He died in an accident. One day he went to airport to pick up his friend. His friend was coming from US. Both of them were coming back home. On the way home, their car was hit. They were taken to the hospital and died. – said Sanjana
“Oh God it must have been difficult for you to survive? How do you manage?”
“It is very difficult for us Asutosh. Though Raj was millionaire but I couldn’t sustain his business. I managed to survive with only rental income. It comes from my another house.”
“It’s so depressing. I really don’t know why bad things happen with nice people. Well, you don’t worry. I will certainly help you financially.”
The mechanic shop came and I got down. Sanjana left for her home.
Chapter 6 – Same Frightening Dream
Mechanic was repairing the car. I kept standing quietly. Hardly 20 minutes he took to start the car. He asked me to come to the mechanic shop next day for getting bonnet repaired.
I went back home. My wife got tensed to see injury on my forehead. I explained the whole incident and placated her.
Nidhi and I had dinner together and then we went to our bed. I was anxious and thinking about Sanjana only. I was engrossed in my thoughts. How she managed years after her husband’s death? She has one 15 years old daughter. She studies in an expensive private school. How she does manage to meet all expenses including her daughter’s high fees?
One hour passed by but I was not feeling sleepy at all. I recalled my past memories. I invoked all moments that I spent with Sanjana. I didn’t realize when I slept thinking of those pleasant moments.
Again, I had the same nightmare. I was running and the same black man was chasing me holding a knife in his hand. I got up. I was frightened. My body was sweating. I went to the bathroom, washed my face, wiped it and hardly slept after that.
Chapter 7 – Next Day
Next day I got up early in the morning and left for mechanic shop. I got the bonnet repaired and left for the office. I was driving calmly. I was listening old songs. Suddenly I saw the same black man in the right mirror of the car. Same despicable eyes and same black hat. I stopped the car and turned behind but there was no one. When I saw back in the mirror those two eyes were reflecting. I frightened. I accelerated the car so as to reach the office as soon as possible. My fear was too intense that I started hallucinating.
When I reached the office, I was drenched in the sweat. I dashed to my cabin. Yuvraj was already waiting there for me. He stunned to see me puffing out.
“What happened? Why are you huffing and puffing?” – said Yuvraj
“I am fine. Don’t worry.”
“Have a glass of water and relax.” – said Yuvraj
I drank water. I kept sitting quiet for a while. To see me relaxed, Yuvraj asked me – “What happened yesterday?”
“I collided my car into a tree and got a small injury but now I am ok.”- I replied
“It doesn’t seem that you are fine. See your condition, I think you should go and rest some time.” – said Yuvraj
“No yuvraj I am really ok let’s discuss our project.”
“Ok, fine. The meeting was not held yesterday. So I have postponed it next week. And one thing more Diwakar told me his friend, Raj also wants to invest in this project.”
“Raj, who is this?”
“Asutosh, it’s same Raj who have been your ex- business partner.”
“What but he died.”
“What nonsense? He is alive. In fact you have to give this file to him today.” – said Yuvraj
I was perplexed. If he was alive why would Sanjana lie to me?
I tried to convince Yuvraj not to let Raj to invest in the project because he hoodwinked me. But he turned deaf ears.
Chapter 8 – Meeting with Raj
“Hello Asutosh, nice to see you after a long time.” – said Raj
“Hey Raj how are you?”
“I am absolutely fine. Have you brought the file?”
“Yeah, here it is.”
“Well done! Have a seat. Well, how is your relationship with Sanjana? Oh, I mean your friendship.” – said Raj
I fumbled up for a moment. I squirmed. I said – “it has been a long time to see her.”
“Oh, I thought you are still in contact with her.”
“What? Are you out of your mind? I stopped calling on her since you betrayed me in the business. Infact I am surprised, you are her husband and you don’t know who she meets or doesn’t meet.”
I said this because I wanted to make him believe that I don’t know he and his wife are living apart.
“Actually Asutosh I have abandoned her. I don’t have any interest in her now. I want to enjoy my life rather than being burdened by responsibilities of rearing a wife and a daughter. In fact I am going to marry Sneha.”
“Sneha, who Sneha?”
“O ho Sneha Shekhawat, how can you forget her?” – said Raj
I became furious when I heard Sneha was going to marry this mean person who was already married and left his wife and daughter. How demeaning it was.
I hid my wrathful feelings. With heavy heart I said – “Congratulations. I am happy for you.”
“Thanks. I will invite you in my marriage.” – said Raj
“Ok, sure. Bye.”
Chapter 9 – At Sanjana’s Home
After leaving the office, I just rushed to the Sanjana’s house. I was very annoyed. Her lie knocked me for a loop. How mean it is. How she could declare her husband dead?
It was 9: 20pm when I rang her door bell. She opened the door and asked me to come inside. I was rageful due to the conversation with Raj. Therefore I pushed her and directly rushed to the living room.
Sanjana became surprised to see my strange behaviour. She locked the door immediately.
“What happened Raj? Is everything ok? You are coming this time. You should be at your home right now.”
“Sure, but you are the reason of me being over here.”
“What do you want to say? Please cut to the chase.” – said Sanjana
“I am always transparent Sanjana but you are not. You lied to me.”
“Stop beating around the bush. I am not getting.” – said Sanjana
“Today I met Raj.”
Sanjana squirmed. She got sweat on her forehead. She was trying to evade the interrogation.
“Why are you silent now? What happened?”
“Quiet Asutosh, just quiet. I never blenched you. I never had intention to cheat on you. In fact I trust you more than my husband since the day when I met you.”
“I tell you the truth, yes my husband is alive. I never told you that day not because I wanted to lie you but I didn’t want to tell the truth to my daughter.”
“My daughter is a teenager. What do I tell her that her husband has given us up for someone else? Imagine how this could be disastrous? I don’t want her to suffer with this trauma. But you won’t understand as you’re not a single mother.”
“Oh, I am sorry, dear. I really didn’t have any idea about the situation.”
“It’s fine. That day when you met me and asked me about my husband, I lied to you because Mehak was also in the car. I never told her the truth that her father doesn’t love her. I told her that her father died in an accident with his friend.” – said Sanjana
“Well, did you have a word with Raj?” – said Sanjana
“Actually today I went to his office to hand over a file. He is going to invest in our new project. Day before yesterday he came to my office but I didn’t attend meeting due to accident. And today he brusquely asked me about you. So I think he knows that I meet you?”
“How it is possible Asutosh?” – said Sanjana
“That’s what I wanted to tell you. He is spying on us every moment. I am damn sure.”
“Oh no but it shouldn’t be.” – said Sanjana
“And one thing more, he told me that he is going to marry Sneha Shekhawat.”
“Sneha Shekhawat? But Sneha was…..”
“Yes, this is that Sneha.”
“I am literally surprised to know this. He has dumped me for that mistress. How cheap it is.”
Sanjana was cut to the quick. She was whining. I mollified her.
Chapter 10 – Asutosh at Home
“Hi, Nidhi how are you?”
“Fine, you got late today.”
“Actually my boss asked me to give a file to a client. After being free from office I went to the client’s home.”
“Today I called my friend who knows astrologer. She is coming tomorrow. We will accompany her to the astrologer.”
“Are you gone mad? You know Nidhi I don’t believe astrologers and you have called her even without consulting me.”
“Why are you going off on me? I know you don’t believe this but I believe this and we have already discussed about it moreover you are having the same dream for past two months. This dream is not a senseless dream. There is no harm to consult him. To say you anything is to cast pearls before swine. You always considered money important, nothing else. I warn you Asutosh if you don’t bring any change to your attitude you will remorse one day. Money is not the solution to every problem. Really you sometimes behave disgusting!” – said Nidhi
“If money was everything then we have had our children. We had no child yet. Where your money has gone? Why can’t your money help us to make a baby? Tell me Asutosh, tell. Why are you struck dumb now? Just few moments ago you were raging. Now what happened?” – said Nidhi
“Since I have married, you always put me down. You do blunders and I have to bear the brunt of your mistakes. But I have had enough. I can’t put up with your recklessness. We are going to meet astrologer tomorrow and that’s final.” – said Nidhi
First time I felt weak in front of Nidhi. After dinner Nidhi and I went to the bed. I was not serene that day. My wife castigated me and left me speechless by truth. So far she doesn’t know the whole truth then she reprimanded me so badly if she knew my past she would have given me divorce.
That night I couldn’t sleep. I was restless whole night.
Chapter 11 – Meeting with Astrologer
Next day we got up and had breakfast. Nidhi called her friend to be ready and told her that we were about to leave to pick her up. We left home. I drove the car and Nidhi directed me the way to her friend’s home.
I was driving and Nidhi was telling me the way her friend’s home but suddenly I realized the same way also goes to Sanjana’s home. Nidhi said me to stop the car. I stopped it and noticed it was Sanjana’s home.
I shocked when Nidhi called Sanjana to come out of the house.
I asked Nidhi – “Sanjana is your friend?”
“Yeah, she is my friend and we are going with her as she knows the astrologer’s office.” – said Nidhi
Sanjana came out of the house. She embraced her and surprised when she saw me.
“Hi Asutosh what a pleasant surprise. Hi, I didn’t know you are Nidhi’s friend.”
“Asutosh do you know her?” – said Nidhi
“Yes, actually I have been knowing her for a long time. In fact most of the time I meet her due to official work.”
Nidhi – “Official work but…..” Sanjana interrupted – “oh leave it, let’s go.”
Sanjana drove the car and I was sitting next to her. Nidhi was sitting on rear seat. We talked to each other unless we reached to the astrologer.
(In Astrologer’s House)
“Hello Mr. Varun” – said Sanjana
“Hi Sanjana” – said astrologer
“Meet Asutosh and Nidhi. They have come today here to meet you.”
“Have a seat. Yeah, tell me.” – said Varun (astrologer)
“Mr. Varun I have been watching a horrible nightmare for 1 or 2 months, someone chases me to kill in my dream.”
“Show me your palm.” – said Varun
Few minutes he watched my palm and said – “This dream indicates you are about to get into the trouble. You don’t need to worry; no one is going to kill you. This dream indicates your future troubles. I give you a stone that you will wear on your index finger to inhibit the hindrances.”
“Mr. Varun one thing more that we don’t have a baby. So could you tell is there any chance of baby in future?” – said Nidhi
Astrologer saw the palm of Nidhi and told her few years later she could have a baby. Nidhi got pleased. After a long time she got a ray of hope.
Chapter – 12 Meeting with Sneha
When we got free from astrologer, Nidhi and Sanjana accompanied home in the taxi and I left for Sneha’s house. I rang the bell. As she opened the door her smile and rapture went away. Perhaps she opened the door with hope of Raj being at door.
“You?” – said Sneha (in astonishment)
I entered the room without any courtesy. She was dressed up in hot gown. I understood she was waiting for Raj.
“How dare you to enter my home like this? Why have you come over here?” – asked Sneha
“Oh really today you will restrict me to enter your home. Don’t forget everything in your home is made of my money. I invested money in your house, furniture and in fact on your cloths and today you are cheating on me just for of so-called Raj.”
“Oho, so finally you have come to know about my alliance with Raj. That’s why you are feeling envious.”
“Asutosh, don’t hold grudges against me. I am not cheating on you. You cheated on me. You abandoned me for Nidhi. And the money you are bragging about, you gave to make my mouth shut. Don’t worry, I will pay off all money that I owed you. After all I have Raj now who is sumptuous more than you.” said Sneha
“You are bragging……. Sneha interrupted and said “Just shut up, if you don’t leave my house I will call security guard and make you throw out. And if you ever dare to call on my home then I will tell your past background to your wife. Now you can imagine how it will be demeaning. Get out right now.”
Chapter – 13 Recalling Past
Sneha’s threatening made my blood run cold. I never thought a lady who used to dance on my fingers will today throw me out atrociously.
I reached home, parked car and without having dinner I went to hit the sack. Nidhi insisted me to have food but I denied. I was very discomfort. I was restless. I invoked my past memories.
Those were summer days of June. Scorching sharp beams of rising sun made me irritated and desolated when I went for a great length to get a job. I tried to get the job very hard but I couldn’t. It was metropolitan city where survival was getting very complicated for me.
I was in dire need of money but I was not getting any opportunity to earn it. One day I was going to my room in an auto. I was on my way. The auto driver was moving slow. I told him to put the foot down. He accelerated the speed and he hit the auto into the car.
Fortunately nothing was damaged. An old lady came out of the car. She was quiet. She was around 45 years old. I was in hurry to go my room. I just apologized and tried to escape but I couldn’t go as the lady started talking to me.
“Hello young boy” – old lady said
“Hi, I am so sorry. Actually auto driver is drunk. You can understand what I mean.”
“Ok ohk fine, well where are you going?”
“I was on the way Home.”
“If you want I can drop you.”
Her proposal was a ray of hope. Without wasting time, I asserted.
I gave money to auto driver and sat in the car of old lady and left.
“So young boy, what’s your name?”
“What you do for your living?”
I told her each and everything about me. Our conversation was going good. Suddenly car stopped in front of a bungalow, she asked me to join for a coffee. I took no second to say yes because after a long time someone was listening to me so intensely, or else of the times I was treated like garbage.
She took me to a lavish bungalow. I couldn’t believe it was her house. The golden lights in dark night, lush garden and white marble was bewitching. I was lost in the beauty of the house that for a while I forgot my reality.
The woman took me inside. No one was in. She directly took me in the bedroom. I was bit hesitated, what was she trying to do but I thought she was trying to show me off her bungalow.
The woman took her sandals off. She asked me to sit down. She made us coffee and said – “This is very expensive city. And I think you must have known this. I can see you are feeling the pinch. You have not enough money to manage. Money is everything. Without it, survival is impossible. So how long you have been wondering a job?” – said old lady
“I am not able to crack a job. I am lacking in my education. That’s why I have been hunting a good job for over 3 months.”
Old Lady – “What if I give you a job?”
My face lightened up as I heard this. Words precipitously slipped out of my tongue – “What type of a job?”
Old Lady – “I can offer you a job and you can earn around 40,000 per sitting.”
Asutosh – “Really, what is this? I can do anything for you. You just tell me.”
Old Lady – “Oh, that’s great. You don’t need to go anywhere. You will stay with me unless your services are over. I am sure by then you would have good amount of money. Later on you could be buying a small flat for you.”
Asutosh – “Ok. But what am I supposed to do?”
Old Lady – “You have to provide me gigolo service.”
Asutosh – “What?”
Old Lady – “Yes, this is your job. You have enough time to think of. If you are not comfortable, you can back out. But remember 40,000 rupees per sitting.”
I was shocked. My brain stopped working. On the one hand 40,000 rupees and on the other hand my sanctity. Though I was impecunious but I was as pure as driven snow. It was my morality only that never let anybody to paint black picture of mine. But that day I was standing at crossroads.
Somebody has said true – good and evil both lies in the heart together and everyone is supposed to battle against sin. But this is also true that when we lead good and evil together, evil always win as nothing is heavier than sin. That day I forgot the rights and wrongs. My wit was operating in reverse. 40,000 were beguiling me. It was everything for me.
My mind and soul accepted the proposal. And why wouldn’t I accept this? After all it is a heck of a good deal. I could fulfil all my needs. What my sanctity and honesty had given me? Only poverty? People laughed at me when they saw me wearing torn clothes. They always looked me down.
The old lady needed only the youth and I charmed her with my youth. I met her expectations. She was so happy that she started giving me more money.
Time passed by. With each passing single day I was flourishing. Raj also used to come there. I got to know about Raj there only. He had real estate business. As I used to stay with old lady, I started getting interacted with Raj. It took no long time for us to become buddies. He offered me to be his partner in his business. A unique affinity developed between us. I invested the part of my income that I earned through gigolo services in his business. He taught me business rules. He helped me to get the flat. Afterwards, I left staying with old lady and she also caught another dumb and youthful boy.
Raj and I started making huge amount of money. In the entire industry no one was richer than us. But the reason behind the lucrativeness was embezzlement. We used to stick up money and farm lands from poor people and if anybody dared to raise their voice, we killed them. No value of humanity in front of power of money.
I didn’t realize how greed brought about lust. Raj was lascivious. He used to go to strippers and sometimes hire escorts for one night stand. I was his business partner so I accompanied him everywhere he went. We were birds of a feather so I also started making out with escorts. Soon I also became an expert to weigh the respect of a woman in money.
Some years later, I met Sneha. She was ravishing girl. She used to work in a bank. I met her when my car was hit by her car and I got injury. She took me to the hospital. By then I was very expert to impress girls and I succeeded to charm the pants off her. We exchanged numbers. Every weekend we both used to meet. I didn’t realize when she starting loving me. I never wanted her as wife but I wanted her to be my bedmate. We started to share single bed. I was never afraid of being insulted in the conservative society because money makes everyone’s mouth shut.
With passage of every moment I was killing my soul. I had reached too far from peace and purity by following the path of sin that it became impossible for me to come back. I used to go Raj’s house sometimes casually and sometimes for business purposes. I realized there was some commotion between Raj and his wife, Sanjana. I tried to know the reason behind it from Raj. He told me everything and I realized that he was regretting marrying a lady who was not wife material. I took the advantage of the opportunity. Sanjana was very beautiful and hot and I also wanted her to get into bed anyhow. A woman was always a lustful object for me. I played many tricks. Whenever Raj used to go out for business meetings, I stopped accompanying him. I made him believed that my stay in the office is very important to handle the rest office staff. I rushed him into doing that.
I starting calling on Raj’s home on his back to meet Sanjana. I told everything to Sanjana that I knew about their relationship. Sanjana was full of emotions and she overwhelmed. She got off her chest. Often, she talked about heated arguments between Raj and her. She used to cry a lot while telling all that and I used to take advantage of the situation. I never left any chance to cuddle her while console. Sanjana became so friendly with me. Even she started calling me in her house sometimes in Raj’s presence and sometimes on his back. Sanjana wanted love and Raj never wanted to give her love. I thought to fulfil Sanjana’s wish. Though, after a long time but finally the night came when again, I satisfied my lust.
I didn’t let Raj to know about this and I knew that Sanjana won’t tell this. After all she was also culprit. Sanjana was very embarrassed with the incident so she decided to never meet again. I had no problem with her decision as I got what I wanted.
But unfortunately Nikhil, the driver of Raj came to know about this. I was worried about what would happen if he told Raj. I convinced Nikhil not to tell this to Raj. But he wanted some money in lieu of.
I gave him money and I also played a trick. I lied to Raj that he knew about our business secrets and blackmailed me that if I didn’t give him money he would expose us. I knew that this statement was enough to instigate Raj and he did as he was supposed to. He hired some goondas and ordered them to kill Nikhil.
I succeeded in my plan and we narrated a fake story to Nikhil’s parents that he was drunk while driving the car and lost the balance. He fell down in gauge and died.
Few years passed by after this incident. Everything was normal. Sanjana delivered a baby of Raj and I dumped Sneha and married to Nidhi. Arrogance, lust and pride make a person blind but one day comes when all bad karmas torment. Raj started to cheat on me in business. He started to put me down and remind me that it was he who pulled me out the gutter of poverty. We often had into the heated arguments and sometimes wrangle. The accountant was also doing what Raj was guiding him to do. He made some fake entries and showed in the books of account that I had to owe company. I decided to terminate partnership. I couldn’t withdraw my capital as he spuriously showed me debtor. I moved on in my life and opened a partnership business with Yuvraj.
Chapter 14 – Present Time
When I slept recalling the past, I didn’t realize.
Next morning Nidhi was upset. She was absolutely uninterested in every work. I was also quiet. I didn’t want to interrogate as my soul drenched after recalling past. I left for office. I had to attend the meeting. 5 Years later Raj was going to meet me. I was just hoping he would be unaware of my relation with Sanjana.
Everyone was already waiting there when I reached office. The atmosphere was very cool. Raj was fine. I didn’t get any clue that he knew I slept with his wife. I took a sigh of relief. Meeting was fantastic. This godown project was very important as it was a source of creating fixed income.
Several years passed by. Our godown project was accomplished and now we were getting rent in every quarter. With this income I could buy very expensive bungalow.
Chapter 15 Few Years Later
Raj married Sneha and he also became a father of a girl child.
I couldn’t become father. Nidhi became bedraggled. Nidhi was suffering from liver cancer. Doctor gave chemo treatment but they were not sure whether she will convalesce or not. After chemo therapy, she was recommended to take chemo tablets but situation was getting execrable day by day. The situation became so worst that her saliva gland shrank and now that she was unable to open her mouth completely. As a result, it became impossible for her to have proper food and drink water.
I hated to stay at home. I was fed up of taking care of Nidhi. I started spending time out even I stayed out in nights. I knew that Nidhi will die soon because situation was out of control. She was losing immunity day by day. Doctor gave up.
It was a time to plan my future. I started spending nights with Sanjana more often. Nidhi was mad at me but she could do nothing. She had only one choice to put up with my lustful habits and bear the worst pain. I was just waiting for her death so that I could marry Sanjana.
And that day came very soon. Nidhi was not able to have anything for 1 week. Her sugar and BP level dropped. She was taken to the hospital. Doctor took her to the I.C.U. and hardly 2 minutes were over that doctor came out and declared Nidhi dead.
After all rituals of death, I decided to marry. I was keenly waiting for 17 September when I was supposed to marry Sanjana.
But I forgot what you sow so shall you reap. Bad money always brings devastation. The result of bad karmas is always bad. Bad penny always turns up.
It was night of 14 September. I went to my bedroom to hit the sack. I didn’t have food. I just took 2 pegs of wine. I started feeling very drowsy and tiring. Suddenly I had a little pain in my chest. It was getting severe gradually. I decided to go to the doctor. I dashed to the drawer where car keys were lying. As I opened the drawer, my heart muscles contracted and I felt as if somebody pushed me down. I lost the balance and fell down. I had a severe heart attack. I was not able to speak and move. I tried hard to open the eyes and I astonished what I saw there. I felt Nidhi’s soul there.
Death was standing in front of me. Today I realized the meaning of that dream. The person chasing me was none but it was my fear of my bad karmas. It was the fear of curse of those innocent and poor people whom I killed and possessed their farm lands. It was me who snatched bread and butter from poor people. It was me who brought Nidhi to her death. It was the bad penny that never let us to become parents.
It was that bloody money which never gave me happiness. It was that bloody money that brought Nidhi to death. It was that money which had brought me to death today.
Somebody has said true – Palaces are not erected on graves.