Suspense Story – EYE ON BLIND
Photo credit: biberta from morguefile.com
Life is good with serving people as a doctor and with my UN-disturbing Como patient , my grandfather in home.. I am JOHN its been few years since my parents passed away ever since my grandfather is been my soul companion..its not surprising i chosen this carrier its been in my gene because the old man MR.JEFFERY in the bed is one of the great researcher in medical field ,his passion towards research made him like this as he himself injected a newly invented medicine unfortunately it didn’t work and he became a victim for his own hard work as i heard from my parents and here he is taking his rest of lifetime.
MARY is our maid who is taking care of my young man when I am on duty.. she had her reasons, two children and their study ,push her to do this hardest job-watching a Como patient.!
Everyday i start my day to hospital after seeing my young man, he always do the same thing every day by sighing me with Jesus cross and wave his hand towards his precious books and belongings self.. he never quit. I choose different books daily so that he won’t disturb Mary that much.., moved television near his room so marry and genius can be updated at the happenings..!
TRAIN TO HOSPITAL everyday ,different people come near over our face and fade away, so many faces but no one remains in our memory.., no one have time to give their face or their time. In a train passengers come and go.., the beggars remain the same everyday.., there is a pair i watch everyday a small boy and a blind girl, the boy do somersaults with a ring and do acrobatics that astonishes everyone as the girl plays some music with her plate and collects money using the same.., as i talk with them everyday i came to know that they never wanted sympathy all they wanted is a penny for their performance..!
WORKING AT WATSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL is a dream ,,I am here not only for my service but my lifetime ambition is to do research with our founder MR.WILLIAM, the man who won the prestigious awards for his invention of medicine for dumb people which made them cure their lifetime curse.., no wonder he inspired me into this life.., his greatness is above all as he the millionaire donated his home and turned it into a free hospital for poor people.., there are orphanages all over for the needy people.., he is now in world tour for his social services programs.
MR.WATSON ESTATE is a heaven,, have its hospital at the front., at the backside their is a church and after the grilled walls their is a private laboratory where MR.WILLIAM do his research, all i wish is to get selected for his next research operation and enter the laboratory.., I am here waiting for his arrival..
One fine day, the news channel telecasts the arrival of MR.WILLIAM. I was happy that my dreams are getting life. MR.WILLIAM admitted in the press that he is going to start his research that Will enlighten the world. I was curious to be part of such great project. When i reached home things were worse MR-genius looked cold-severing.. refusing to take his food.., his body is getting colder.. even in this condition he demands for his books waving his hands and made his sigh usual Jesus cross .Its hard to understand Como patients especially when they are born genius.!
TRAGEDY NIGHT-I was writing my dairy, suddenly there was noise from genius room.. ran hopelessly to save my lone companion but its was late and shocked to see that he tried to move and fell on the floor ,the knife placed in the fruit basket has wounded his hands.!
everywhere on the floor and on the bed there were scribblings,near him he had written as
Finished genius funeral and returned home still lost at the thoughts of my lone companion and his final messages.,I should have been there not Mary .!
My job demands to move on…i got ready for hospital..,in hospital they had arranged an award function for William for his social services that day. He delivered an inspiring speech on humanity and his love towards medical field and often quoted “SERVING NEEDS SACRIFICE”.
As i have done enough sacrifices hopefully I was waiting after the end of the function to be called for WILLIAM’s research project ,my name was not there in the list and its been said the names were already been chosen !
I was stunned and confused to know about the project team list, suddenly everything that was with me is lost in a day,my genius, my dream and MY HOPE.
Sitting frustrated at the railway platform don’t know where to go, HOME seems to be a loneliest place in the world now. The little acrobatic boy came near me and asked what happened.., he was holding the ring and also the plate.,not with girl this time! where is she? she was taken away by Ram, one who controls all of us and do business using us.I cant do anything against him, We have to lend some money from our daily collection else he Will punish us, don’t know where they have taken her I am alone now.!
I went with Mr. Little acrobat to meet the cheap heartless soul ram, he was shocked to see me with the little boy., initially he refused after a while i need to break his nose to get the truth…that someone paid him money for blind beggars he brings.., he added that he don’t know anything much he just received the money and handed the girl..! surely this problem needs to be settled-a police complaint will take care of this retard tomorrow but now the little boy is in no different from my situation so took him to home with me.
Gave him genius room to sleep. Suddenly there were flashes of genius last moments., he was lying down and he had mentioned “EYE ON BLIND” ,I am having a poor boy who lost his BLIND GIRL..!
Clearly something is going wrong ,but all i need to do is solve the puzzle! i was astonished that genius knew something wrong was going to happen somewhere ,he had warned me at the happenings.
I settled to pen down my daily dairy
“Days are hard now, not selected for the team of William ,lost genius.. searching meaning for his message which leads to nowhere!”.
Closed the diary and closed my eye to ease myself. when I about to move to be bed I saw my dairy front with italics labeling “DIARY 15” .
Again flashes of genius last moments where he mentioned “49 “,that means his diary in 1949.curiously ran to get his dairy hoping that would solve the puzzle a bit..,the little boy in bed reminded me of the genius.., took his diary from his bookshelf .,its hard to understand his writing-it’s okay genius people does not need to be an artist..!
It seems he made himself alone away from family every time and learnt by his own everything through books.He had been working as a doctor and also doing research with his college mate WILL, a millionaire son whose father built him a private laboratory for his research..! Both were determined to achieve higher standards in the medical field.
Jeffery and Will did their research for months and years., finally they found a medicine which would cure the dumbness of human being. Jeff wanted to submit it to the research council for approval and to proceed further by injecting on animal as samples to see the medicines effects.
Will had other ideas., he demanded that we had given years to invent this, I don’t want to waste more time.. i know our medicine would work ,taking this to council Will take years for approval.., I cant wait for that long to be rewarded for my efforts.
Jeff had argued we didn’t work for rewards., its for the welfare of the human life. We can’t put any human life’s into risk.!
Will continued by argue,at the end in frustration WILL shouted-”I AM going to use the useless beggars at the streets for my research as my samples”.It’s not that difficult JEFF you they are everywhere scattered around like waste no one notices them., even if they notice some all they do is drop down a single penny at them and move on., more people feel ashamed to even get near them., no one have time to think about beggar who was there at the street yesterday went missing..!NO one going to complaint ”A BEGGAR WENT MISSING here”-they themselves running to save their money so that they would not to become a beggar one day-wake up JEFF face the reality,this is the society we live in,.!!!
Jeff could clearly see OBSESSION had killed hid friend’s HUMANITY .., Jeff refused to work with Will and begged Will to drop his idea but nothing happened.He had no other way but to inform MR.WATSON about Will’s obsession .
Next day Jeff went to see Will where Mr. Watson was in bed.., doctor informed that a fall from stairs made him unconscious..! Will was nowhere near.,doctors said that he is in his lab! but yesterday he was fine and said he will talk with WILL-but today he is in a severe condition and his son in his lab nothing seems to fit anywhere-Jeff doubted whether WILL did this to his own father!
Jeff went to lab and questioned WILL- I fear that u did this to your own father.,for which WILL shouted in arrogance “serving needs sacrifice Jeff”. No one going to care about some hopeless beggars Jeff join with me ,we can prove this world what we are capable of about and about our invention.
No WILL.,obsession would lead only to disaster not to success.., see what you had done to your own father now.,
You won’t change Jeff., I will do whatever it takes to make me great researcher .,I have no other way Jeff..,suddenly wrapped JEFF with his hands and injected Jeff with poison..,fortunately he was also went ready to tackle WILL after seeing all his weird behavior-JEFF also had an injection which he injected WILL and locked him in the lab. Jeff had to ran away to save himself ..knowing that he would survive or not scribbled the last moments his dairy! when he tried to make a call his son and inform he was almost gone.Fortunately his son-my father understood something was wrong, rushed to save the genius.
It was the last page of his dairy where his hand writing got worse as the effect of the poison ,he mentioned WILL is going to commit great mistakes., he is going take beggars as samples to test the effects of medicine oh human body.,there is going to be a huge murder out there about to happen and he is going to hide it……!!!
There were crosses, scribbling ,pain didn’t allow him to write after that..
The man who had been my lifetime role model is a psychopath killer !?!
Its clear that MR.Psycho WILLIAM covered himself with a MASK of MAHATMA.., he himself led down his father and donated his home for people welfare.., all these years he had been doing social service is not with humanity .all his doing are just to cover up his UN-HUMAN face..!
Above all he killed my genius and my BELIEF!
The world is a collection of simple-foolish people including myself , if someone gives something for no costs., without knowing the truth what-so-ever we start to believe-even on a Psychopath killer !
As genius mentioned it’s the private laboratory all these murders should have taken place.., that means he is going to do his research again with blind people.., I need to stop this psycho at least now before he take more innocent lives away.!
I urged myself to the Watson estate..,on the way I was wondering. I am working in Watson hospital everyday I don’t even know any of this-no one ever knows.,how come a Como patient speechless, motionless knew all these going to happen and he given away his life to warn me..!
Genius-of course..!
By time I breached into the private laboratory .,MR.PSYCHO was having discussion with few doctors. I knew all of them., all are money minded culprits in the city..! psycho bought all these slaves for his brutal research.! No surprise I was not selected.
There I could see the innocent blind girl being brought .i should act immediately before this psycho do anything. I went to the electricity main board and switched the main off. Then went took away the girl and all were frightened not knowing what’s happening ,then i took them all with my injection .,all were dizzy and down at the lab..!
I searched the place where there are more blind people. I took all of them to my home.., and importantly kidnapped the psycho-the great human server Mr.William.!
I am not alone anymore ,home is now filled with new friends and my new enemy-Psycho’s are not meant to be hold as hostile..! tied him well and took a little nap before my enemy disturbs me the next day.
who are you little fellow.? Do you what you have done.,by this time all will be searching for me…
I know all about you MR.WILLIAM in-fact i know what what you tried to do the last night at your laboratory..KEEP CALM and PRAY TO GOD.
And that god told you all these???-kid
leave me now else you will be in a serious trouble.I know the seriousness of keeping a psycho as hostage.God didn’t tell me all this,,your OWN OLD FRIEND did ! showed him the picture of Jeff.
Poor old Jeff, he is a looser ,if he had agreed he should have been part of this name and fame. He never listened to me.So you are his grandson taking the revenge?! I know about your old man he won’t kill anyone., so did you.
Jeff is not a looser-you are!
you was obsessed-did terrible things-after all thing are done you ran around this whole world to find your peace.., which you wont get it anyway after doing such heartless murders.
Now you are talking like your old man, you both never understood “serving needs sacrifice ”. someone needs to pay.
It’s you need to pay for your own scarifies not innocent people.Don’t give your psychopath lecture here it wont work anymore.
All I need is to know where you have hidden all those victims that you used as sample for your research??
WILL laughed at me and asked your old man didn’t tell you that?
By now everyone out there Will be looking for me, soon they Will find me and so do you. You Will never get the truth out of me anyway and you won’t be able to prove anything against me .
You are also a LOOSER now like your OLD MAN.
I was frustrated with WILL’s answers. I tried to torture him for few hours to get the truth.., he never given up ,he know what he had done and will hide it till his end. All I can do is leave him alone in darkroom without food for days.
I need to go to hospital so that no one doubts me.., in hospital there were police everywhere, investigating all the people including me.
Two days later-Evening, people around the hospital gathered at the church to pray for missing of THE GREATEST HUMAN THAT MANKIND WOULD EVER GET,all praying for the wellness of the psychopath killer.
At the end of the prayer FATHER Sighed with the JESUS CROSS..!
Everyone was leaving the church ,but I am still there with the flashes of genius memories.., all these days he sighed with JESUS CROSS everyday., there were CROSSES on the bed and on the floor.., during his last moments..,
He also waved his hands daily-that he meant his diary not his books!
there were crosses at the end when he had written his last words in his dairy..,
In his diary he never mentioned there was a church at the estate ! does all these are the PIECES OF PUZZLE i am looking for !?! does all these mean……………
IT’s a CEMETERY NOT A CHURCH all the time !!!
The Psycho had buried all his victims under and constructed a church to cover it in the NAME OF GOD !
I was nervous , could not even think about this kind of an evil thing.Rushed home ,will all my anger,frustration beaten that psychopath as long my energy dries up.. when I told about the church he was shocked..! and cried how did you found it ?!! If you are going to kill me ,then do it he shouted.
Killing a human is insane, though you are not a human I won’t kill you!
Fortunately you are considered as the greatest person., a symbol of truth and humanity. You know there are prayers everywhere on your missing,hoping you would return.
Knowingly or unknowingly the mask you created is believed by everyone now.., the truth will bring justice but more than justice it will destroy the HOPE OF PEOPLE..!
SOME TRUTHS ARE BETTER HIDDEN AS SECRET till the end ,if the truths serve the mankind with a purpose..!
Unfortunately the mask saved your life now not your soul.., you need to regret for all your sins and murders of innocent people till you die..!
Been born as a baby with silver spoon-as a millionaire by birth you never know how it feels when you are a poor, alone, abandoned..! you thought no one would care for a beggar on the roadside,its true but the fact is from now on You are going to live through what you have destroyed…!
I crushed his face so that no one even recognizes him ,then made him blind and cut down his tongue.., hidden him for months. .as the world settles with the fact that MR.WILL was lost and his legacy continues to serve humanity..!
Left him at the railway platform with a plate and dropped the POOR MILLIONAIRE a penny..!!!
Next time ….
KEEP AN EYE ON THE BEGGAR YOU CROSS !!! he might be a poor millionaire.