Photo credit: arebella from morguefile.com
Sometime a normal day may also become horrible. If you are travelling alone, you should inform someone about it. This Prem’s story tells us about that.
Prem was an electronics engineering student. He was in third year. He was not good in studies. But he had some friends who taught him before one weak of examination. Like that only his engineering life was passing. He used to go tracking in his vacations. Since no one likes tracking except him. Therefore, he used to go alone only. His parents also didn’t like this. Therefore, he didn’t inform his parents also about this.
One day he made a plan for tracking. There was an Independence Day holiday next week Monday. So he was planning to go Kumar Parwata. That was the second toughest track of Karnataka. So he bunks the class at Friday and started his four- day journey. He took a general ticket and sat on the train at Thursday evening. He reached Kuke at 4’o clocks next morning. From there he asked someone the way of Kumar Parwata. Then after all the information what he got from others he made plan that how to reached there.
He started his journey from Kuke. Since he used to go tracking alone. So here also he chose a unique path. Which one was selected by very few people. So in the beginning of his journey he found some people on his way. But after half day he was almost alone. He was happy because he always wanted to do unique. This was his biggest trip so he wanted to make this something different. After reaching almost one third of his distance he thought he should take some rest. Because he didn’t take dinner also. And it was a sunny day so this will be not good for him.
So he stopped there and after taking some rest he started his lunch. He wants to light bag therefore he didn’t bring that much food. But luckily he found one guava tree there. He was very happy because he likes guava. That was his favourite food. So he just plugged sweet Guava from tree and ate that. Guava helped him for hunger as well as his thirst. After taking some while rest he again started his journey. According to his plan that day before evening he had to reach “BATTARA MANE”. Otherwise he might be in trouble because of wild animals.
After 1 hour his journey he realized that maybe he took a wrong turn. Because that path was completely different what he covered till now. But he realized it was just his intrusive thoughts, so he continued his journey. After nearly 3 km journey he found one cave. He thought he should check what is there. So because of his curiosity he steps inside that cave which was pitch dark. To overcome his nyctophobia he turns on his torch. Then after 50m he heard some sound. It was like March type sound. Someone was shouting one two three. When he entered inside he got shock. It was a military camp. But nowhere was mention about this camp.
He started thinking why no one knows about this. And he wanted to know all those things. Suddenly lots of questions start hitting to his mind. He wanted to know about that place. He thought he should go ahead then only he can know about the truth of that place. He went some deeper that cave. Then suddenly one hand came to his shoulder. He turns back and saw there was a brawny person, who was smiling to him. He was scared and tried to run away from there. But he was unable to do so because that tall guy was held him very tightly. He was begging him to let go.
But that guy picks him up and present him to his head. His head started shouting. And he asked to his team member as to how this guy got in. Who was the gatekeeper? A faint voice replied him it was alpha 18 (code name). The head ordered that guy to call alpha 18. Meanwhile he began questioning to Prem.
Head- who are you?
Prem- I am Prem. I am an engineering student.
Head- who gave you information about this place?
Prem- no one I was trekking to Kumar Parwata. But I think I took wrong turn. That’s why I came here.
Head- what did you know about this place?
Prem- nothing. Please let me go.
Head- tell me truth who send you here otherwise I will kill you.
Prem was scared. He was trying to convincing the head that he neither knows anything about them nor about that place At that time alpha18 came there.
Head asked to alpha18 where he was at the time this boy entered here?
Alpha18- sir I was there only but at that time my torch battery was died. So I was replacing that. Maybe at time he entered here.
Head- you know what are you doing here? This type of small mistakes may cause of a big issue.
Alpha18- sorry sir. I will take care from next.
Head was asking everyone about Prem. He was asking to all that what should we do with this guy. Someone advised him we should kill him. We can’t let him go. Because he saw this place. He can tell everyone about this. Everyone will know about our secret. Someone was also there who was not agreed with first group. They told he is a child. He will never tell to anyone about this. So let him go. Head wanted to do justice with his company. So he choose voting method for this. But it was Prem’s bad luck. Majorities wanted to kill him. however, the head also didn’t want to kill him. So he gave two option to Prem.
(1)- since you came here without our permission so we should kill you.
(2)- you can join us and be here till your life time.
Prem didn’t want to choose either of the option. He just wants to go home at that time. He was regretting why I didn’t inform his parents about this tour. Prem resisted by insisting he didn’t want to be die, and would not let out the secret of the place upon being freed.
Head- see child I can’t let you go at any cost. So you don’t have that option. I will give you half an hour just think about your decision.
Prem started thinking why he chooses that unique way. He should have joined with others.
He was thinking about the proposal of the head. After long discussion with his mind He thought why not he choose second option. Because in that option at least he will be alive. And there will be an option to come outside from there. So he decided finally he will tell to head that he is ready to join his company.
After half an hour the head came up to Prem he asked to Prem about his decision.
Prem replied him that he is ready to join his company. But first he wanted to know about his work. What is the purpose of them to be there?
Head- I am happy that you choose this option because I also didn’t wanted to kill you. Ok I will tell you what is our purpose here? Now head started to describe him about their work.
Head- we are Indian army. This is a secret government project. We are working on that.
Prem- what type of secretes?
Head- we are preparing a missile here. No one knows about this. We want to first complete this then only we want to announce this news in media.
Prem- but at least you all can tell about this to Indian citizens.
Head- (smiles) ya child we can but we only don’t know where our rivals are hiding in India. If we announce this now, then maybe our rivals will try to disturb us. They will attack on us and they will try to destroy our dream to complete this project.
Prem- sir, I love my country as well believe me I will never told anyone about this you can let me go.
Head- listen child we have strictly order that no one should know except our 8 people about this project. But now you know about this we can’t let you go. So now join us at least till project completion.
Prem- how long this will take to complete?
Head- we don’t know. We are working on this since last 5 years. But still we are not sure how much we finished yet. Prem thought in his mind that maybe he will never go back to his home. Now if he wants to stay alive he has to be a part of this.
Prem- sir, can I ask one last question?
Head- ok
Prem- sir, what I will do here? I don’t know anything about your project and I am not a bright student. So at any cost I can’t help you. I will be waste for you.
Head- we will find out some work for you. Here everyone is engaged with this project so you will work for us. You will cook for us.
Prem- I don’t know to cook.
Head- don’t worry we will teach you.
After that long conversation the head call to his all eight member. And he introduced Prem to one by one. And he gave him a guide as well for cooking. Everyone one was happy that finally they don’t have to cook from now. So everyone was happy with this news. Because no one wanted to cook. Only Prem was not happy. Because he also didn’t want to cook. But he had no choice at that time. So he put up a fake face. Days were passing and Prem was also involved with them. He was always missing his home. But their no one had time for this. Now Prem was a professional cook. He learnt to multiple cuisines.
Everything was going fine. Prem had also accepted his situation. Prem gradually learnt to handle guns. He learns about the guns which he never saw in picture even in movies. Due to his innocent nature only he made all of them his friend. He was now liked by everyone. Every person starts finding their own childhood in Prem. They all wanted to let him go but they can’t because they don’t have power for this. Without their order they can’t do anything.So that endless routine was continued.
After one and half year that group got their first achievement. They finished their first level out of three. This was the result of their hard work. They were very happy that day. Especially Prem was very happy. He found a ray of hope to go back to his home. And this achievement of his group pin down again him to miss his home, his parents and his friends that day.
One night few were working and few members were sleeping. Suddenly they heard some sound. It was the sound of shoes. Alpha 18 came to the Head and he try to wake him up. Prem was also there so they both woke up and asked to alpha 18 what happened why are nervous?
Alpha18- sir, large number of Naxalite are Marching here with arm.
Head- so what shoot them now.
Alpha18- sir they are almost 300.
Head- don’t waste the time and follow my order.
Head ordered to everyone take your positions and he told that they will first warn them to stay out from there. If they will not agree for this, then they will kill them. After head’s order everyone was taken their position. Head told to Prem to stay with him only.
According to head’s order alpha 18 start shouting to them “get out from here. It’sour property”. But that clang was continuously coming. Then again alpha18 warned them and told if they will not return right now then they will kill them. After this ultimatum one gun fire sound came. And that clang was still coming. Then the head ordered another guy to check. He went and came back fast he informed to head that alpha 18 got killed. What they heard that gun fire was from there side not from alpha18. Then head ordered everyone to take your position and fire. He starts to motivate every guy because they were only 7 soldiers now with an untrained guy Prem. And that side may be 300 as per alpha18 information. So they know anything can happen.
Head ordered to his troops to FIRE…….
After head’s order everyone started firing. Then Naxalite also started firing from opposite side. This was first time Prem was hearing continuous sound of bullets. He was scared. He hide behind a rock. He had no idea what he should do. He just tried to save himself. After long interval of fight head came to Prem and asked him
Head- Prem how are you? Are you injured?
Prem- (scared) no sir, I am fine till now. But I think I will die today.
Head- you can fight my child. You know how to handle gun. Come and fight with us.
Prem- no sir I can’t I don’t know.
Head- don’t lie Prem. I know aplha18 taught you. Come and join us. We need you because we are only three now including you. You have to fight. We don’t have any other options.
Prem- sir I will die please save me.
Head- you are a soldier now don’t cry like a child. You can do this. If you want save yourself, you have to fight. This is the only option to stay alive. And then head threw an AK47 towards Prem.
Prem didn’t want to hold that but he had no choice so he picked that up and try to shout then only he saw that his one partner got shoot and the head also got injured. He rushed toward head and hold him on his lap. Then head told to Prem.
Head- Prem you have to one work for me. Remember I saved you once. Now it is the time to repay.
Prem- sir I can’t do anything.
Head- you can, you can do. You have to reach at DRDO Bangalore at any cost.
Head handed over a paper to Prem and told him.
Head- You have to handover this formula to MR. L.K. BAKSHI. Remember this name Prem you have to hand it over to him only. And tell them about this entire incidence. If they will not believe on you tell them the code “KYA GUNDA BANEGA”. Then they will believe you. Now run Prem.
Prem- sir, but how can I go they are on the gate.
Head pointed his finger a side and told to Prem
Head- That is a hidden way you can go from there. I will cover you back.
And then head handed over one paper with a small pistol. And told to Prem Run….
Then Prem starts running. And head started fire again. Head wanted to deviate their attention. So he started firing from different place. First he fires from one place then again he went away to other side and again fired. Naxalite got confused they thought there were still some more soldiers alive. They again start firing continuously. Meanwhile Prem escaped from there.
He was running very fast. He saw there was sloppy way. He was afraid from Naxalite so starts running there also. But he got slipped and he was rolling on the rocks. He came down. He was seriously injured. His head was bleeding. He wanted to reach Bangalore at any cost. He had to hand over that formula. But he was unable to run now. He was forcefully walked. Suddenly he found one freight train. He ran towards that. Somehow he manage to get on to that train. After sitting inside the train he was feeling unconscious.
When he opens his eyes he heard someone was speaking in Kannada. When he saw some child were playing. And that place was looks siding area of a big station. He got out from train and asked to those children about that place. They told its Yaswantpur. Prem was very happy after listen that answer. Because Yaswantpur was Bangalore’s station. He was happy. Now he has to reach DRDO. He asked the address of DRDO to that children. They told its 20km from here. He finally reached to the DRDO. There on the main gate he was asking about the L.K. BAKSHI. But due to his condition guard didn’t allow him to get inside. Then he told just pass a message for him “KYA GUNDA BANEGA”. Then guard told ok.
But he should stay there only. The guard went inside and told L.K. BAKSHI same thing When he listens that word he got it. He came outside and told the guard to allow him inside. Then Prem told him the complete story. He thanked him. And told him that he did a great job.
And for his courage and great efforts he got “BHARAT AWARD” in next Republic Day.