Suspense Short Story – Where Did He Go?
Photo credit: keyseeker from morguefile.com
Tom regretted the fact that they were lost in the middle of nowhere.
It so happened that they came to some unpopular place to quench their photo-thirsty cameras If it hadn’t been the low battery they wouldn’t have bothered to stop and look at the ground on which they were standing…3 hrs of continuous search of their way out of the labyrinth of trees had only made them more tired and helpless…
They had no clue where they were, the darkness of the day is just a couple of hours away..
They had no choice but to rest the night in this unfamiliar surrounding, hoping that somehow they would get their senses back up early in the morning…
If they last the night…..
Tom was a photographer by profession, his camera gives him a decent living,
Most of them shoot for money,
He clicks photos for the beauty of it.
Not many understood his concept of perceptive, but those who did…Followed him,
Among the best in the job, mary was tom’s rival, who eventually joined his crew…
Not to mention neville, whose abstract photography had been best suited for almost all mobile wallpapers that teens love…And last but not the least…Samuel, more of a scoundrel actually, his job is to fund photographers who undergo such expeditions to get amazing photos the world has yet to see…And take 70 percent of the profit…A business man in every way
But sadly enough..He had been lost in this tropical forest along with his crew….
“any suggestions??”
He asked looking at the glum faces
“well , tom..Its not like we hav any other choice..We hav to camp, see if we can get help by the morning” said mary, checking her mobile if the network had improved
“i dont know about u guys, but i will hav a night shootout ..This place is great!”
“hold on neville!! Its particularly unsafe to go out in the dark..!” barked sam
“hello papa?? U only pay for my expenses not for my guts..So please..Dont be such a jerk!!”
Said nevil, taking his night vision camera to make clicks
“why you!!, wait till i get those money and then we will see whose the papa”
It was almost 2 hrs since neville left, yet no sign of him…
Tom was worried , so was the rest of them…
They thought for a while.And decided to look out for him…
They made their way against the darkness and gloom…
“this is what happens when u dont respect ur elders” mused sam
“shh…I think i saw something there” pointed out tom…Throwing light from his flash light on a certain bush…
squealed an old women with bloodshot eyes,she can barely move, someone cut off her legs..
Seeing the gore, they were shocked! Before they could react there came another voice…
“oh u treacherous swine! Scaring all our guests?? Go back at once or u wouldnt hav a mouth to speak”
Tom lifted his flashlight it fell on an old man, from the look of it, he resembled a sheriff
“dont mind the toad, she is a bit retarded i say, quickly now..Lets go to our house…Quickly”
“but sir, we are looking for our friend..”
“friend says ye…Hmm…I will get the word out..Dont worry…Come on…Lets go first and hav something to eat”
Eventhough they had no interest whatsoever in going to the house in the woods, they were persuaded by who appeared to be a guide, ignoring the old women toiling in the soil…They went ahead , walking down a trail that was leading to a cottage like house…
They were welcomed warmly by the lady of the house, she was much much younger than the old chap himself…
“I need to wash…I am such a mess”
“its the third room on the left” he said, a hint of misery on his face
She went in…
Opened the shower…
What appeared to be warm water turned out to be BLOOD!!
she screamed in horror…But could hear..The bathroom floor was now full of crimson blood…Mary was awfully scared..She knew she had come to a wrong place…
In the mirror…There was this lady…The one resembling the one ithe house..She had this certain dagger…Her eyes worn out…Her face as white as chalk..She was seeing mary from the mirror…
“welcome…Welcome to death!!”
*throws the knife, it pierces her eye and
Her corpse fell on the ground…*
Tom grows impatient after seeing the watch…Its been quite late since mary had left…
He walks around the house…When the old man starts to tell a tale..
“do u remember those grizzling murders that happened in arklay mountains??”
“yess…I remember…One of my friends had been there for cover ”
“hmm…Then u must know this place…It must be rather familiar to u..”
“what is he talking about tom??”
“yes i remember…I know this place..”
“we used to hav fresh meat, every sunday…Hmm…Too hard nowadays to find a good human meat”
*shows him an axe*
“tom..What THE HELL IS going on??”
“tell me…Do u remember those days when we used to eat fresh juicy american meat?? ”
“yes ….I remember…
*takes the axe and splits samuel in half and the blood showers* yes father i remember…
“where the hell are these people?I told them to wait!! Jeez…Whats the use of hiring a jeep when u dont hav ur crew waiting for u??” Mused neville , who was a bit held up after hiring the real forest officer to help…
“do u hav any photos of the guys whom u came with?!” asked the officer