Suspense Short Story – An unexpected Visitor….
Photo credit: presto44 from morguefile.com
Enjoy this occasional holiday. It was the motive of Anne on that day. A refreshing Sunday after the tiresome corporate job. Even the last Sundays she was busy on her work. How relieving it is to have a holiday. She thought while sipping a cup of tea and sitting relaxed in the kitchen. “It would be better if i order food from outside. I dont want to do anything today”, she murmured.
The house was silent. Even that town seemed quiet. An undesirable silence. Anee was really in a sleepy mood. The phone’s sudden ring jumped her out of her seat. “Oh God! It just shook me out. Who is this to disturb me? Whoever I am not going to attend the call. Let it ring”, she told herself.
The phone went on ringing. At last its sound also vanished. Anne sat on a chair and started looking athe newspaper. She was awaken by a mild knocking on the door. She was really disturbed. With an annoying face she opened the door. There was someone whom she has never met in her life.
“Who are you?”, she asked him.
“I am john. John Cedric. You are Anne Mellington, right?”, he replied.
“Yes, I am Anne. How you know me? And what do you want?”
“I have come here to take you to a place”
“What? Are you kidding? Me? Coming with you?”
“Yes, You have to come with me. It is for your good”
“My good? What do you mean?”
“I think your parents have went to New Jersey today morning. And they have went in a car?”
“Yes, how you know that? My God…I hope nothing has happened to my parents”
“Future cannot be predicted dear. It would be better if you come with me now.”
“I will come. I want to see my dad and mum”
“Go, get dressed and come. Don’t forget to take your car keys. I have no vehicle”
“Wait a minute”, she ran to her room. She was unable to think what might have happened. The only thing she can do was pray for her parents. She was doubtful about that man, but the only faces that came to her mind was of her parents. She tried to call on her father’s number. My God!Its switched off. He never does that. She was becoming more desperate.
In the car garage Anne gave the keys to John. “I cant drive. You may drive”
“But I dont know the way”
“I will guide you. Now just get out of town and get to Jamershed.”
She did as he said. The car was rushing. Minutes passed. She was anxious. She asked, “Please let me know what has happened to my parents”
He calmly replied,”Nothing”
“What?”, she was asonished.
“Yes, nothing has happened to your parents. They have reached New Jersey safely”
“Youe were fooling me?”, Anne became furious. She stopped the car.
“I didnt fool you. It is for your good. Now just do what i say.” He was calm. But his words were magical. She was abide to obey it. The car continued its undestined journey.
“I think you are hungry. Stop the car near that cafe”, Johns voice trembled her.
They are now out of the town. No houses, no shops except a small cafe. “Come, buy something to eat. But you have to have it quickly. We have to go more”, John told her as the moved towards the cafe.
The cafe was not much packed. But the people were noticing her.
“Why they are looking at me like this? Why are they not looking you? You know them?”, Anne asked him.
“Dont talk too much. Buy something for you and come out”
“You dont want anything?”, she enquired.
“No, come fast” She had a sandwich and they again started their journey. “Why are you in a hurry and where are we going?”, she asked him. But he didnt replied.
Time was running. She was just following his instructions. She thought that they were going through the same place again and again. Then he took a different way. It was going to be evening. She was worried. The way was deserted. At last they reached a huge gate.
“You stop down and go inside. I will come”, John told her.
She stepped out of the car. She was confused. She leaned down to ask him about the place. Ohh!! My God!! He is not in the car. She was sure that he was there. She, with careful steps moved towards the gate. It was slightly opened. She entered. There was a board. In the dim light she read it, “St Cathedral Cemetery”. She was fully covered with fright. She ran back. Got inside the car and rushed off.
She was shivering with fear. Her heart was thumping fast. She wanted to get to her home as fast as she can. Suddenly she saw something burnt to ashes. She recognised it was the same cafe which she had visited that day. Her mind was galloping. She increased the speed. But what she saw when she reached her house was threatening. The lane was fully packed. Cops were running with injured. She stopped the car and walked towards her house. She was stunned by the sudden hug of Jane.
“Anne, are you okay? I was worried about you. It was good that you were not here”
“What happened?”
“Dear, its a horrible thing. Terrorist attack. The whole town is downtrodden. Many were killed. I was not here. But when i knew about this I was much afraid of you. I knew that you were alone and its Gods grace that your parents are also safe. By the way where were you?”, Jane was talking with great relief.
Anne was confused. “Jane, I wan to take some rest. I will call you”
“OK Anne. Take care. Bye”
Anne was in terrible state. She was unable to find reason for todays happenngs. She was upset. She sat on a chair. The news paper fell down from the chair. She leaned and took it. Her eyes wre stuck on a news. It was a death anniversary news. It was of a man named John Hail Cedric. Today was his 5th death anniversary. He is the same person who changed her life today. He was died in a terrorist attack. Anne became unconscious. The paper fell down from her hand which showed that he was buried at ‘St Cathedral Cemetery’……..