Suspense Short Story – The Twentieth Night

The Twentieth Night
Photo credit: Friedel from
He gave me a dark sombre glance and went up to bed. Who is he? An old, rude man destined to die on my hands.
We lived with Sire George Pike for 3 years for he was our uncle. But now, I live alone. When my brother died, my sister bought him his coffin, a year later I was buying her one. But why should I take my caring uncle’s life? Letting him die normally will transfer all his money to his son which was in Australia. I was the tree that grew him that money. So I decided to do it!
I wasn’t born as a killer, but it was obligatory. Is one miserable soul worth millions? Considering that Pike’s death was expected very soon, hence I will just speed up the process. Every night, I went up to his room to kill him, but my hand shivered , or a cold breeze passed through my flesh making me somehow fear old Pike. Then when I come to write my name on Pike’s will, either my pen brakes or I am out of ink… And this continued for 19 consecutive nights.
However, on the twentieth night, I made up my mind and wrote my name on Pike’s will, then I ascended to his room to finish my job, I put the knife next to his heart, but a mouse crossed the floor of Pike’s bedroom making a vague pop, and suddenly Pike jumped up in surprise and his chest corrupted with the knife costing him his life. I didn’t mean for this to happen. Deep inside, I was waiting for the cold breeze to make me retrieve like always. I pulled the knife out of his soft heart and laid him on the bed for his eternal sleep. On his night stand, I found a note…
“To do what you were to do needs heart. A brave one I’ll tell you that. Don’t think for a moment that old Pike didn’t know what you were up to. By the time you read this, I will be moving one step closer to meet my maker, the grave. You thought that I wasn’t going to give you your fees? Haven’t I taught you anything? Every grown tree needs to take its minerals back. You were right. If I die normally, all my money will go to my son, to my one and only son, to you…” He laid there with a vague pale smile on his face.