Suspense Story – TRAPPED….
Photo credit: jeanniet6 from morguefile.com
I have known Meetha for many years now, her joys her sorrows_ I know it all, but she does not know that I know!
Meetha’s throat desiccated like the fields beside her as the unembellished trees watched upon her mutedly on the desolate stretch. The blue skies were blurred with thick black clouds of smoke snaking high in the skies that now seemed to form scary faces as if to mock at her. Neither an inch of shade nor an iota of air anywhere, she lay there, her mind storming into a whirlwind of old memories….
“Wake up Meetha, you are not here for a holiday, we have to meet the village head today, come on hurry up!” Irene had screamed. ..
Chikkegowda, the village head sat languidly on the charpoy outside his shanty office, scanning the local newspaper. His creased forehead now seemed to iron out as he turned his shrewd gaze from the daily towards us, shaking his sharp toed Mojari vigorously, he began……..
“Do you know, that Kaashi, escaped to the city leaving behind his aged parents and his fields, but today he is washing dishes at a fast food for a pittance! Tell me madam if all the farmers took degrees and sat in plush offices, who would grow food for you?
There was stoic silence for a while, and then he resumed again…..
“You can help the local school but don’t trap them in the city lure in the name of growth.
“Sure sir! But would you know where Lalitha teacher is? We have not heard from her for long”, I had interrupted peevishly.
“Who Lalitha”? You are here as a teacher, don’t try to police around” He barked from beneath his thick curled moustache perfected with his bloodshot eyes that seemed to match his turban now, Irene tried to water down the steaming debate but he walked over us with his army of brawny yes men amidst noisy bikes blowing a ball of dust at us.
“Irene! You didn’t have to be so naïve”!!
“But you can’t be so judgemental Meetha, he is the village head and we cannot pick holes at him now, we will need to be in his good books”.
We walked the dusty path under the afternoon sun that blazed in all fervour, at a distance a dingy little structure painted in tricolour, the only school in the village greeted us. The teacher was busy teaching a few older kids inside the classroom while others played in the open. As the school bell blared the children rushed out and the teacher hurried too.
Irene approached the teacher gesturing to talk but she walked past without giving a damn.
Taken aback by her acerbic gestures we sat down on the bench looking around for anything worthy of our attention.
Five months ago Lalitha was here to revamp this school but there had been no communication from her ever since then. Nobody even acknowledged that she was here, even the records reflected otherwise but we were determined to fetch answers.
“Meetha, do you remember how inconsolable Lalitha’s old mother had been? The old lady’s despondency forces us to send this fund request to office”.
“What request Irene?” I had enquired….
“Meetha madam, if we have to spend more time here then we need money now can you please sign this?
“Irene I still remember the last time I spoke to Lalitha, oh the tremble in her voice! She was completely petrified and wanted to confide something when the call ended abruptly! What could it be?”
“Don’t worry Meetha, let’s hope she is fine” Irene had assured…….
The next day we reached the school premises to meet the teacher yet again. The fresh morning air wafting across the vast expanse of paddy fields with their chirping inmates was so invigorating that the tautness within diminished for a while, just then we heard the sweeping sound of a broomstick, it was Sidda the peon clearing the scattered bed of dried leaves unhurriedly.
Irene, come let’s talk to him!
“Hey…You look like you know the whole place inside out since how long are you here”?
Madam I once owned these lands but today I have lost everything, my land, my son Ranga, and now I am employed on my own land as a sweeper.
“You must know where Lalitha teacher is isn’t?”
“I don’t know any Lalitha teacher, I have to clean at the Panchayat office now”, he left hurriedly.
“I am sure Sidda was hiding something” Irene fidgeted, climbing down the steps behind the office to see if she could find someone to talk to, while I casually entered the class room.
A lion’s silhouette stared at me from the blackboard in the empty classroom. Admiring the mysterious artist _ I drew a star…
“Thanks auntie….” a husky voice floated through the broken window, I turned back _ it was a little girl.
“Why are you thanking me and what are you doing here so early”?
You just admired my artwork auntie! I come here early everyday as my father drops me before going to work.
“Kid, do you know Lalitha teacher”?
Oh yes! She was a very nice teacher and she taught me sketching.
“But where is your Lalitha teacher now”?
People say she was very bad and that is why God took her away!
I felt goose bumps all over.
“Actually it was that Ranga, who was bad and often met her in the office room but ever since she has gone the office room remains locked”…… continued the kid as I fought with my tears
Children were now entering the school and the curt teacher encountered me again.
“I am a temporary teacher here please don’t snatch this opportunity from me!” she pleaded.
I was amused to see her sudden submissiveness.
“Well on one condition if you tell me about Lalitha”
“Who Lalitha”? She muffled frightfully. I have to begin my classes now please excuse me…
Irene was still wandering amidst the trees when she stumbled on a loose rock, beneath it was a shiny something, it was a key! Just then someone dashed against her pressing her shoulders from behind screaming Ireenne! She fell on the ground losing hold of the key.
“Meetha! You silly! You scared the hell out of me”, Irene got up clapping off her hands dusting away the soil on her palms but her eyes were still searching.
“Irene I just spoke to a little girl who says that Lalitha was here for sure but the villagers fear she is…. I could not hold my tears.
It’s that boy Ranga, who often met her, it seems! Could he give us some lead”?
“Yes we should definitely find this guy” Irene had gritted.
We waited till the class was over and met the teacher again who looked timid now _ “Lalitha, “she sighed.
“Yes, I heard Lalitha was here before I joined…. but anybody who spoke about her in the village would invite the ire of Chikkegowda, believe me I do not know anything beyond this, please let me go” she pleaded.
The Worli art on the red terracotta walls beamed brightly even in the dim light that seemed to radiate a rustic air, I pondered for a long time about Lalitha until the kerosene in the lamp ran dry.
I was woken up by warm sunrays splintering through the porous thatched roof.
Irene was not around and it had seemed dreadful to be alone….
I rushed towards the school but Irene was not there too.
“How could she leave without informing me”?
Sidda was at his mundane work sweeping lethargically, I ran up to him. “Did you see my friend Irene, Sidda”?
What madam each day you are looking for a different person he joked casually. But sensing my anxiety he pointed at the office room that lay open.
The old tarnished iron table in that dusty office looked raided with papers and files scattered all around. An empty kitbag lay upside down in the centre of the room.
“I have seen this before! Yes it is Irene’s….”!
“Sidda, for god’s sake please tell me what happened to Lalitha”!
“Lalitha teacher and my son Ranga were friendly but Gowda’s son Raju never tolerated their friendship. One morning Ranga and Lalitha went out to the local temple but never returned. Anyone who talks about them will not be spared. I am a very small man Meetha madam I have told you everything I know please leave it at this for your own safety”.
But where was Irene? Did she meet the same fate as Lalitha? What would I tell Lalitha’s old mother? How can I fight the shrewd village head and his goon son alone?
Meetha sat down and penned down everything to relieve herself and then headed home!
Feeling very weak she had dragged her feet heading aimlessly….
A small shadow was following her….
“Teacher”! “They are looking for you! With sickles and knives, they are coming really fast, I saw them talking about you when my father was dropping me”.
“Who is coming fast”?
“Gowda’s men, they think you know everything about Lalitha”.
Meetha ran into the bushes and hid behind the school, peeking through the tall blades of grass.
The roaring sounds of the bikes ceased but followed by heavy footsteps. A few minutes later there was a dead calm, she rose from her hiding and the footsteps were now thundering at her, she ran amidst the woods and onto open field that led to the main road with her heart thumping in her throat.
She waived her hands to a speeding car that stopped by luckily.
Swinging her bag and pulling herself into it quickly _ “I just have to go anywhere, away from here!” she cried. Still trying to recover from what had just happened, she pulled out her diary…..
Oh dear! Is it you Meetha! Where were you? How I have been missing you, how I longed for your touch, I can feel your pulse race pressing against me with warring thoughts and emotions. Oh! I am feeling cold, is that a jewel from your eyes?
Suddenly a thunderous force had banged the car from behind thrusting the metal rear of the car 2 feet inside as if some monstrous teeth were gritting at their back. The impact flipped the car upside down rolling on its roof squealing loudly before hitting a tree. A plume of thick black smoke was now billowing like an evil genie.
Are you safe Meetha?!
Oh I smell blood!!
Meetha tried to open the lock but the door was jammed on her side, on the other side the door was pinned against a tree, against which lay the unknown driver soaked in blood, a tattoo on his forearm read “Ranga”. The sounds of imploding slivers of glass and screeching metals still vibrated in her ears, the smell of blood and the exploding pain made her dizzy. The thick smoke was asphyxiating she could hardly breathe as she lay entwined inside the mangled metallic wretch.
The dust was settling down, the oozing blood was now thickening, for once she drew all her energy clambering out of the broken window grazing her tender self against sharp glasses and fell on her back, to the ground in that barren field.
Meetha could see hazy images of men on the bullet bikes talking to the trucker who had rammed them, just then a sleek red car pulled up near the bikes, it seemed like they were settling a deal.
They were now approaching her, as the images neared, Meetha’s eyes opened wide in disbelief!
“Sorry Meetha! Raju and I are happily married but in your zeal to find me you never let people forget us. We are going away from this village but I must thank you for all that fund sanctions you got us”.
Lalitha, Irene and Raju walked back remorselessly as Meetha raised her hand pleadingly, Ireenne……! The mild breeze flung open her diary, turning the pages rapidly, her blood stricken hand collapsed on her dear diary.
Blood! Meetha, oh dear speak up! Oh what happened? Don’t leave me alone in this emotionless night, trapping the grief within you!