This short story became SPIXer (Most popular story) on 05 Jan 2013 and won INR 500 (US$ 10)

Short Story Suspense – Stuck in a Dream
Photo credit: carygrant from
I wake up and look at the clock it’s 5:30 in the morning, I’ve never been up this early, I walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror my hair was all over my head. The brown hair that lays so perfectly when I usually wake up looked like matted up wool, my light brown eyes had huge bags under them the size of trash bags, my face was pale.
I looked in pure disgust at the image reflected to me. I looked horrible and I usually wake up beautiful, and I’m probably the only person who wakes up that gorgeous. As I walk away from the mirror my head starts to pound the room starts to spin, I become weak and possibly couldn’t get enough strength to walk to my bed which was only a few feet away, I crawl using all the force I had to reach to my bed. When I finally get there I pull myself up and crawl under my sheets. I look up to the clock 6:45 I couldn’t have possibly been out the bed that long, I feel terrible so I decide to close my eyes thinking maybe that will make me feel better.
I wake up and walk back to the mirror my hair laid perfectly as usual. I smile as my face glowed with a majestic beauty. I grabbed the comb as i gently started combing through my hair, I looked down and there was a clump of hair sitting in the sink, my head is about to explode to the sight of my gorgeous hair sitting there in a lifeless pile. I think over and over to myself thats not your hair, you’re imagining it.
I comb my hair again and more hair starts falling, I begin to comb rapidly until the last strand of beautiful brown hair with the glorious curl falls to the pile of hair in the sink. My eyes begin to burn as if a match was set off into my head, I hold back tears and feel the top of my head. IT’S BALD!
My head begins to pound again I feel my skin turning red just like the red rose sitting in my vase that was dying extremely fast. I look up at the mirror and all my hair was back on my head, the view shocked me I looked over to the vase and the rose was alive again sitting stronger and healthier than before. I shooked my head and ran me some shower water.
As I got into the shower it was extremely hot as it scorched my skin like someone poured boiling water on me, and before I could cut some cold water on the water turned freezing cold, stinging my skin like ice cubes . I let out a gruesome scream then the water cuts off. I’m standing there confused not knowing what just happened, then the water slowly started coming out but like a gooey substance instead of water. I’m completely disgusted as I jump out the shower tripping over the bottle of body wash banging my head on the floor. Once I get back to my feet the goo is water again and it looked like nothing happened. I take a quick shower because I was afraid that incident would happen again.
As I get ready to walk out the door the front of my house is gone, I couldn’t take all these freak accidents anymore and I just ignore the enormous gaping hole in the front of my house, as I’m driving my car slowly disappears it it’s gone and I find myself walking down a hot lonely highway, the grass was blue and the sky was green. I was beginning to get really annoyed by these ridiculous visions.
I continue walking the air becomes stiff, the sky becomes a wonderful baby blue and the sun comes up glaring a warm radiance on everything in its path, people were walking around smiling like they just won the lottery but there was no cars in sight and far away faint from sight a gigantic tornado that look like it was filled with rage, hatred and the purpose to destroy everything it comes in contact with was coming up. I thought with fear overcoming my body what are they doing, and I begin to scream to the top of my lungs get out of here run to safety, don’t you see that tornado? Run please go to safety, but it’s like no one heard me, like I didn’t exist.
The tornado came closer and closer roaring loud, blowing winds that could pick up an elephant but nothing was being damaged in it’s path and the weather was beautiful. It was almost like a magnificent site. I stood there staring as it came closer to me, as if it was going to sweep me up off my feet with no remorse, but it just ran right through me, sucking all the beauty out of my skin, but as it past it started to disappear from sight bringing back the life to my skin.
I close my eyes thinking what is going on but when I open them I’m in the small room with mirrors everywhere. I thought this couldn’t be bad. Oh boy was I wrong as I was sitting in this small hard chair I tried to get up but I couldn’t, I was stuck I strained to get up. I wanted to look at my gorgeous face I’m in love with myself so why can’t I look at myself. As I give up trying this huge mirror flies towards my face like it was being thrown with so much force. I stared at myself making kissy faces, admiring my beauty then something comes into my peripheral vision, a wrinkle on my forehead. I tried to rub it but I couldn’t forgetting I’m glued to this hard wooden chair.
I was ageing becoming old and ugly, I started crying “I can’t be ugly I can’t get old, I’m young I’m in the prime of my life, I’m the prettiest girl in the world!”
I get older and uglier by the second I knew this was a dream, how badly I wanted to get out of it but I couldn’t wake up, I’m Screaming wake up stupid, wake up. My skin becomes leathery and dry with wrinkles, stiff and brittle to the touch. I became ugly, I was missing the majority of my teeth and the ones i did have were chipped and decayed. My hair was gone only a few clumps existed on my head, it was dry and ragedy looking. I try to wake up again but I’m still here in the cold room full of mirrors mocking my hideous appearance, When this horrible sight is done I’m finally able to get out the chair I walk up closer to the mirror touching every visible flaw, trying to tear the ugly off of me, I looked like the walking dead, I couldn’t take the sight, out of anger I break the mirror.
I finally wake up taking a deep breath, feeling my face, my hair and my teeth. Everything was there no blemish. I look at the clock it was only 9:00 am, It felt like I was sleep for an eternity. I walk to my bathroom everything was back to normal, I run to the front of my house, It’s there, the front of my house wasn’t gone. I look out the window my car was where I last parked it, the sky was blue and the grass was green. Everything was normal how it was suppose to be. I walked back to the bathroom to get ready to take a shower, once I’m done I stand in the mirror admiring my beauty, playing with my curls, making kissy faces. I turn to walk out the bathroom not noticing the clump of hair in the sink and the dead rose..