Suspense Short Story – Slender-Man (The Grave)
Photo credit: Piresco from morguefile.com
“Slender-man isn’t real.”
That’s how the story starts and in most cases how it ends. My name is Robert, and this is a story of an infamous legend whom many may find to be a Mephistophelean, diabolical villain.
“Do you want to know about my encounter with the corrupt, demonic being known as Slender-man?”Very well then, where should I being?
27th October 2010
“Many who have heard this tale have not lived to spread the word, are you sure you want to continue?”
Yes (x) No( )
Not a wise choice in my opinion how-ever what’s done is done. It all began on a calm summers evening. the wind brushed gently across my face as I watched the children playing in the part. They were so full of energy. I find it remarkable how much spunk children have these days.
As I watched from a-far I thought I saw what appeared to be a figure standing in the shadows. I must be hallucinating. I rubbed my eyes tirelessly and stared blankly at the disembodied spirit.
Suddenly I felt as If I was choking. My heart accelerated and my eyes became blurry. I dropped to the ground gasping for breath. I passed out. The next morning I woke up in what appeared to be an abandoned hospital. The windows were boarded up and the room I found myself awoken into was foul-smelling and rather revolting. The thought of even staying in such a malodorous room was quite repellent.
I wandered around the hospital looking for an exit and a possible clue to where I was and what I was doing there. Even the are was dis-tasteful; I have never been in such a pestiferous place. I found what looked like an ext but instead became my grave. “Are you wondering what I found that day?”
Yes(x) No( )
What I found was something far beyond your imagination, something so sinister and vile. An abomination. The complete opposite of God, this was Satan’s work. Standing before me was neither man nor monster. I had found something only my nightmares could comprehend. Such an ignominious, iniquitous creature. This was none other than Slender-man.
Slender-man was still in his slumber how-ever. I knew that there was no-way I could defeat him while he was alert so I decided to flee the hospital before he awoke. I proceeded through the hospital but couldn’t find a way out. Suddenly my ears popped and I started hearing atmospheric static.
I spun around in an instant. Standing before me was the monstrosity I was trying so hard to get away from. An outgrowth of tentacles grew from his body, as they wrapped themselves around me I felt my life being drained from my ex-animated body. From that moment on I no-longer existed in this world. The only thing that existed for me from that day forth was darkness.
Robert. J (14 years old)