A Suspense Short Story – She is Not Dead.Is She?
Photo credit: blary54 from morguefile.com
Joe wished she lived for few more weeks. She was his favourite student. Joe used to watch her when ever he used to teach. She was so sweet and beautiful. He could not miss her. No way. He wished she comes through that hallway behind. Expecting her he turned to see back….
Joe was a lecturer who has been teaching as a temp for living. He wanted to have a full fledged job for himself and settle down at the earliest.
“Hi, Mr.Joe. Er, Its Joe ,right??” asked a man who suddenly walked past me. Joe figured it must be the Principal.
“Yes , sir” he answered politely.
“This way Please.” he said as Joe followed.
The long hallway reminded him of his college days. He thanked god as they were over.
Both entered a class full of students . They looked fresh from high school. Joe grinned inside.
“Good morning Sir” the class shouted in chorus.
“Morning Morning. This is your new electronics teacher. He will be for few months.”
“This is your class Joe. Go on” Principal said and left the class.
Well Joe expected a little more from him . Probably he would not have seen his resume with a gold medallist in bold letters. Well . Short and sweet.
Joe sighed. Looked at the class for few seconds. Introduced himself. And started for the day.
Next day he entered the class with zeal increased.
“Sir there are 2 absentees for today” said the class rep. Too much for his sincerity .
Ticked Rita and Solomon as absent in the register and continued.The day ended cause of half day.
Third day Joe walked casually into the class seeing the rep.
“ Sir there is only one absent sir” rep said.
“ And who is it” Joe asked maintaining his casual.
“Rita” he said.
“What happened” he asked.
“I think she is sick” said some girl from back.
“Hmm” Joe breathed.
This happened for the rest of the week. Curiosity rose up in him. Who is Rita?? What happened to her, Why is she absent for so many days. Well as a lecturer he was worried about the attendance. As a young man, he was curious on how she looked. Will she be looking good??
College after a week .The regular class rep voice was not there.
Joe smiled. So Rita was present today. He had waited all these days to see the beautiful diva.
His eyes moved to the one bench which was empty for these many days.
There she was , Rita, the girl he was waiting for down the week, the absentee, standing up in the corner of his eyes. Joe felt youth waving inside him. He asked from where he stood:
“Submitted the leave letter?”
“Yes .. sir” said rita blushing.
“Well. Sit down” he said.
Joe could not teach that day. Oh his god. His heart was not with him. Something was dragging to her. He could not believe his eyes. He knew she looks like an angel. She was as he expected.
“What was i supposed to teach today? Why am i writing on the black board with out erasing previous? Why am i holding a pen instead of a chalk? And why did i open the 10 th chapter when i started the class just 1 week back?” these were the thoughts that occurred to him.
No way he is going to teach. Thats it.
“Listen guys. Just take your notes and learn now. There s a surprise test for the last 10 minutes” he said with no other go.
Joe was drowned. This is not the way a lecturer should behave.Why was he dragged by this particular girl?
Joe went in rounds just seeing Rita only. Had he not been a lecturer he would have fallen head over heels to her and asked to love him. Still there is time , he smiled inside.
That night Joe could not sleep . All he dreamt was Rita as his wife and 2 kids playing around. This is way too much. Yes he knew. But dreams are not controllable.
Next day he dressed too good just to look for her eyes. Joe did not prepare anything for the day.
Lets continue with the surprise test of yesterday’s he thought.
Joe wanted to talk to her in person. He needed something about her . Phone Number, Facebook id , mail id anything.
As he left the class he asked Rita “ Come to his desk. Need some clarification on your leave letter”
Yes ! Yes! You are doing good man. Voices inside him spoke.
Joe waited in his desk. She came inside carefully watching her each step. Joe liked that. But did not say her.
“ Hi Rita. Well can you explain me why were you on 1 week leave?” he asked bossily.
“Sir..Eh.. went to hospital.. sir.” she said .
Fever 1 day . Vomit 2 days. Cold max 4 days. What took her 1 week ? Suddenly he lost the interest in her feeling she was a patient.
“Sir, can i go” she asked.
“What happened to you? Any heath issues?” i asked a bit caring. Hoped she did not have any.
“Er. . Nothing sir” she hided.
“ Ok go” he said. Was she hiding? Joe wondered.
That night he imagined she could have got all diseases starting from cold to AIDS. Could not shut his mind.
For the next few days she looked active . She also participated in every activity that he wanted her to take part. Joe admired her. Joe felt, no matter what you have Rita, I am there for you.
She smiled few times and mostly she was dull.As weeks passed by he slowly forgot her.
After few weeks Joe entered the class.As usual the eyes glanced towards Rita’s Desk.
She was not there. What’s happened now. She was there all these days.Why not now?
Whole day he was thinking about Rita and was zeroing himself to conclude that Rita was a very weak patient. She can not survive much. Better you leave her man.
Next day Joe heard the news. Rita’s funeral. Students were going for her funeral service. Joe too went .There he saw her mom crying bitterly. Joe felt like he should talk to her and console her as a class teacher.
Joe could not see her coffin. He went towards her mom and sat besides her. He did not talk for a few seconds. Did not know how to start.
“Please mam. Rita will always be in our hearts. Please console yourself.” he said . Did i say it right? Joe wondered.
“Huh. Do you know her , son?” she saw him from top to bottom.
“I am her class teacher , mam. Er. No one expected this” he said little worried.
“No one expected this.Yes. Ohh No. My kid. Well i have never met you. God bless you kid.“she cried.
How could you ever meet me mam? This is the first time we are meeting. Joe said to himself .
“Have you seen Rita? She asked.
“Oh yes.Everyday.” he said.
She was taken aback.
“Hmm. Her presence is every where.Jesus.” she looked up and told.
Joe walked around the place and then stopped .He stared at the photo. Smiling gal. She looks beautiful.
Joe went to Principal and asked “ What exactly happened sir?”
“Suicide. Mental pressure. Drank poison a few weeks ago.” he said
“Weeks?? I beg your pardon sir” Joe corrected him.
“Yes. I think exactly 1 week after you came. Poor girl. Who expected she will be hanging as a photo here.” he said pointing at the photo.
Joe looked surprised. Weeks?? Poison?? Photo??. Joe went near the photo. It was written “Remembering You For Ever – Rita”.
Joe’s whole world was spinning. Who is this girl? If this is Rita who is that gal who he saw and talked with?So Rita was dead weeks before? Who was he sighting? Oh no. Joe have never seen this girl on the photo before. She is Rita? What was he thinking?
He could not conclude what happened.
Joe had wished Rita comes soon to his class. As her name grew more intense he started imagining that Rita will come on that day when the rep says no one. He spent sleepless nights on thinking much about Rita that he wished her to be more beautiful. He imagined the most beautiful girl who was of his expectations. He also knew she was sick So his mind manipulated she was so sick and desperate.
So one fine day when she died 1 week back and the rep stopped saying her name, he brought in light the character in his mind to reality. He used to talk to her in his imagination. He pretended Rita understood him when he told to meet at his desk.In reality he did not mention.
His mind made Rita as his favourite student.After a few weeks when his mind forgot her he started losing the character, Rita was gone for ever. So he wondered why she had gone again on leave.
Joe stood there . Chills ran down his spine. Joe wished she lived for few more weeks. She was his favorite student. Joe used to watch her when ever he used to teach. She was so sweet and beautiful. He could not miss her. No way. He wished she comes through that hallway behind. Expecting her he turned to see back….
She blushed and walked shyly towards him, took a turn and sat with the other kids . Joe smiled at Rita. He was back. In his world.