Short Story Suspense – Scratching themes
Photo Credit: www.cepolina.com
‘Make me feel serenity’, the radio shrunk in volume intentionally as Rio was by the calloused pool and he wanted to focus on a dive, additionally he wanted this to be profound and show off his style, getting rid of the happy, joyful side and performing a stone like dive that was heavy metal, he didn’t want the radio on. Howard stood by the pool, a knife underneath his swimming trunks, playing trickery with it all throughout the pool congregation.
“You know mate”, Howard said, “the police are revamped from the 80s to 90s and onwards, they fit whenever the world turns with it,” Jill listened, “they are wanting more to be top of the chain these days, promoted, I can’t take it no longer, I tried to even make a friendship with them and wanted something in return but it didn’t happen, that’s why I’ve got to do what I’ve got to do”.
It was a common line for people who were about to offend suit that, a routine as a shiver that counted for a social order, “what are you going to do!” Jill maintained her anticipation. Then Howard rushed with his knife to a person by the pool, he cut his arm with the knife and run away, almost search and destroy, the police saw this and gave chase, Howard was too fast and hid in the street by the corner pouncing temporarily, the police lost him and left insecure. Jill was distraught and worried but the bitterness friendship between Howard and her wasn’t topside after all.
Rio was on the phone for a meeting, social about the upcoming assignment as he and his mates were in college, a gathering, Jill, Joseph, Phagan and Wayne were called. The mine was just somewhere to pass through, not attracting intensly the public or welcoming in people by free will, not a place for a meeting but the college students were compelled as it was their assignment to do some history about a mine, “you go first!” Phagan innocently asked to Jill, the mine had gold in it, no difference really to a cave and it was an ancient one, it lighted up at night time and it couldn’t be missed.
“Right! Let’s go in all at once!” Rio belted out, so they did, blatantly quiet, there was a death defining pit when they reached the first section of the mine, “now’s the time to be insightful”, Rio said to Jill, but insightful meant changes to people’s lives, not a triumph, action built over the weariness of the word, insightful was a creepy, quivering word not on the level of what they were doing now, they made it across the pit and then suddenly a mine cart went rapidly past them, “a mine cart, well at least there’s people here”, Rio constructed, they went into a room to do their assignment, busying themselves with typical English work, they found the room to learn from and find about history of this mine, “who put that mine cart stubbornly on the tracks? that’s what I want to know”, Phagan exclaimed, then suddenly a hand came out of some metal bars snatching Josephs hand, the metal bars stood in the corner of the room, it was Howard, Jill recognized him from the pool party, “hey guys”, he said, “I’m hiding from the police”, Joseph and all the others except Jill clenched their fists and showed fear, he walked around the bars through a passage that lead straight to them, Howard gazed at them and didn’t want to confront, “there’s a lot of history in this mine”, he smartly said tossing a gold bar at each of them, “there’s a lot of money to be won guys”, he remarked.
The others learnt history for their essay after that and the treasure was a indication of what the miners do down there.
Joseph settled down after a shock display at the mine, Wayne had a dettachable moment away from the fabric of life meanwhile, he went to watch ‘I’m a celebrity, get me out of here”, which was a favourite of his, it was rememberable out of all the activities he did that settled in deservedlty as the main memory, the channel was like poetic justice to its antangostics if there was any.
They lived in a residential area shared with Rio, Phagan and Jill, it was a relaxed area until someone knocked on the door, it was a disability residential home with minor disabilities, Howard knocked on the door and was referred to it by a hospital, “whoever thought I’d wind up with you all”, he sarcastically put, they each had a gold bar each but they were stashed away, and each one was hidden, Howard had an anxiety problem and so he lived with them, they played games and mentored by Howard they gave outstanding performances playing charades with them and went to bed.
Howard woke up and went to town, he was followed by all of them, the residents, he walked around a corner and they lost him, they confirmed and they all decided to split up, Rio took right and put some headphones on just to act superior to people at the same time look like glee put his best face forward. Howard came out of nowhere and spotted him, Rio didn’t hear him and shouting insults to him by Howard, then Howard came up with acquisition rushing to the police and saying it, “he’s got a bar of gold on him officer”, Rio oblivious saw the police and didn’t know he was being blamed for anything, “excuse me sir”, one of the police officers said, Rio had to take his headphones off awkwardly, “I believe you’ve got a gold bar on you”.