Short Story Suspense – The Mysterious Light
Photo credit: Piresco from morguefile.com
The night was a pleasant one though it was a no moon day. I thought of going out for a night walk. The road was too lonely and it seems that someone has died and everyone was wailing around. A soft breeze was blowing and it was pure as distilled water though I know it was not pure in this polluted environment. The sky was clear with twinkling stars. With all this natural beauties I really felt like singing:
Oh, this pleasant night,
With sounds of rustling,
The trees and plants are dancing;
Along with the air that is moving……..
I stopped and suddenly saw a bright light a little far away behind the canopies. I was horrified to see such a bright light during the midnight. I was cursing the idiot who was wasting the beauty. But my curiosity took me there and more I went near to it more my curiosity grew more. Suddenly, the lights get out and I was standing and waiting to bring back in sense about what had happened in the last minute.
There was some sound of whispering that was coming out of the bushes. I tried to peek through it and saw some animals rather than people were standing. They started to move in the opposite direction and so I followed them. I somehow managed to see their porous face or some jelly like substance. But with a blink of my eyes they disappeared. And that sh*t light again appeared as if they were here to see me. Before I could reach the spot it moved out of my sight. I was left scratching my head about what had happened. From where did that light come? Who were those people or rather than porous animals?