Suspense Short Story – WHEN I SHOT MYSELF
Photo credit: wintersixfour from morguefile.com
A Rainy day ;
It was just a day after my life’s day , my birthday and was another big day for me due to my winning performance in locality dance competition . Two consecutive great days , isn’t it great. I was so happy about myself , but this happiness was not going to continue for a long time cause It was my last year of schooling and my parents wanted me to go to some country like England and all for higher studies . and I was never happy with this decision of them . I was a kind of guy who never wanted to live without his parents . Not only that ,the bad thing was that I had to forget all the girls in the city . That’s why I used to remain unhappy and even sometimes ignore them at home . But not for a long and finally the day of my leaving came.
2nd FEB ,2010 ,Kandy International Airport , Sri Lanka ;
2:00 pm ;
I just reached the airport terminal and was thinking about my dad’s last words to me ;
DAD: Hey son , never forget us ,don’t be afraid , if you will face any problem you can come back. But you have to do good , be good there . best of luck for your life my son..
Mom : Bye , I will miss you …
Some tears came out from her eyes and she hugged me tightly ,
“Love you mon . “ I said . And after a long drama I left throwing byes to them …
Someday in Feb ,-2010;
London was like a dream . I never ever imagined a place like this in my life . It was a complete out of world for me , and I was in love with this place and also the girls from the first day . It was an unbelieveable experience . I liked the street dancers and stop and watch them, they were doing some amazing stuff , and suddenly I reached my destination ;
1st Day – 5th FEB , 2010;
I was one of the fairest guy in the society but the people there were so white that my personality doesn’t even matter to them . So I was a bit shy and scared at the start . and finally my eyes caught someone and some words came out came out from my mouth;
“Ohho! Look at him “.
His face was looking like an Asian complexion . I moved myself and finally came in front of him .
Me : Hey, am Kumar Kuruvita and am from Sri Lanka . What’s your name ?
He : Oh neighbor , great .
Me : What ?
He : Nothing , just cause am Anuraag Zutshi from Mumbai , India , your neighbor .
Anuraag was totally a personality like me and it was a great experience having a friend like him who was also from my continent .We became good friends .And used to do fun all the time in the college.
1:30 pm; -Day;
We were walking in the ground , watching hot chicks , when an announcement broke out
“ College festival is coming near any anyone who is interested in any activity can report to Zodiac cell”
We both went for our interested fields and got selected .Anuraag was a great actor .And our college acting team was very much famous at the competitions and our dancing team was loosing the trophy for about 15 years . I promised my team and we did it , with such a bad performances in the last competitions we managed to win the trophy this time and our acting team finally managed to lost their game . due to this winning the fame meter of the dancing team went to the highest level and that of acting team was dropped to the lowest . They dismissed Anuraag and all other Asians from their team and declared them the reason for their lost . …
I called my father and told him about my win and he became very much happy about my performance ..
2:30 PM ,28TH MARCH ;
I was walking down the street in search of some chicks , no! wrong guess , some chicken store. When suddenly someone came and grabbed my collar and pushed me backwards . His forearms were so strong that he managed to put chloroform wetted cloth in front of my nose and closed my face with a cloth . After sometime when I woke up , I opened my eyes and it was complete dark as my eyes were covered with a black cloth. I was completely locked with ropes . My hands my legs and all the things were in a deep locked position . I was not able to move also . But , suddenly I heard some voices and then I managed to shout as my mouth was open ..
“ Who the hell you people think you are ?“
“We he he .. your daddy !”Someone said
I thought of my city , whenever any problem happened, I used to call my friends and every big or small matter was finished in a moment , but there was no one to help me out , so I kept myself calm . these bad people never gave me food to eat .
My body’s position was getting worst without food . And some one came and cursed some words
“ We will cut your face , burn your body alive and cut each and every part of your body “. I was a bit frightened at that moment ;
“But , why,, what have I done “ I painfully asked . but there came no reply. Then after some time they came with some girl crying. She was crying at the top .
“ She is your friend “.
“ no ,please don’t do this “ . I screamed
I didn’t knew who she was but I never wanted to loose girls in life like that . She was crying and screaming at the top as they were doing something bad to her. They came in front of me and poured something on my face and on my hands .
“this is her blood , and if you ever try to escape , we have about 50 people outside , they will never leave you “
“No shuks !, why!”. I cried
These people did bad things with me for about an hour and paused their work for some time .Then I managed to open my hands and legs and also my eyes , everyone was sleeping . Then I took the from one of their persons’ pocket and fired it on one of them , then the second , and then third without thinking anything . And suddenly I realized that these people were from the acting department of my college . And then the most scary thing , I heard a bunch of voices coming from outside the room , it was like
“ stop were ever you are “.
I got completely frightened when I reminded the words , they will cut you…. And something like that .
I never wanted that type of death , so I put the gun on my head and pulled the trigger .The gun was in such a bad position that it was not able to kill me at the spot . I was taking the last breaths , when I saw ;
Some people came inside . These were the LONDON POLICE DEPT. people . I was quite shocked about the fact that people I was thinking killers were actually the police people. I was still alive , and people finally founded a tape recorder, switched on , these the same sounds of that girl , then I realized that it was all prank ,.. And in the end my eyes caught something , these were my hands , there was no blood on them , instead of that they used water to scare me . And I finally closed my eyes . My death was a confusion …………… And now I am in heaven , so what’s your story tell naa……
-by sachin bhat