Suspense Short Story – WHEN I HEARD A CRY
Photo credit: mxruben from morguefile.com
I think i can’t forget this one. It is a matter of three years ago. That time i was in KASHMIR. Me Ankit and my friend Roshan decided to go somewhere for fun so we found a place and with my friend roshan, I booked a hotel there. When i saw location there i got shocked’ ,because it was a very horrible seen with me. Because the hotel was situated near of the jungle and the hotel was painted with some of black and green colours and in the dark clouds and blue moon it was looking more horrible. It’s like a hunted house. And the most important thing is that the hotel was situated Alone there.
Then i thought’…..i should have booked some other hotel.’
But now I couldn’t do anything about this. That’s why i entered in the hotel with my friend roshan. When i tried to nice blow the door,,,,i got shocked ‘because the door was opened on by on. I was frightened, my friend roshan was also frightened. After all that we entered in the hotel. When i entered in the hotel that was also not a good for me…..inside seen was also very horrible, because when I entered inside i saw a pole which was situated on my left side and a skeleton hanged on it.
And the rest of the portion was also decorated with some unknown but horrible thing. When I wanted to see some one there no one was there.
I went to the counter and rang the bell……
But no one came,’ i turned to my friend and said to him-” no body here let’s go.”
Suddenly i saw, my friend’s eyes was splited and he was shivering and continuously looking toward me. I was trying to understand suddenly after that I got shocked also.
I felt that some one’s hand was on my shoulder and tried to pull me to other side….with the fear I turned and saw a 6 feet men was standing front of me…with the disturbing voice I asked ,,,’ who….. are … you.
“I am the caretaker of this hotel –he said..who are you and what are you doing here.”
I booked two rooms for us name ankit and roshan.
Suddenly his down face look straight toward the wall there was hanged a watch with tic tok peddle and the time was 11:30 pm.
Some mysterious thought travel on his face. After that he went to the counter and in the register trying to check the name. After checking he said…ok you booked the room.
“But……..be carefull if in the midnight heard any sound don’t care just ignore..because that would better for you.”
“Take your keys,,,, upstairs room no.-403 and 404 is yours”
His behaviour was strange for me, i turned to roshan he was silent after entering the hotel. And just looking the hotel’s design.
“Let’s go” i said to roshan ,,when we are moving to upstair ….stop’ that voice freeze us..that was caretaker’s voice. We turned.
Caretaker come to us and said don’t go to near room no.-410.
Why – I asked .
Nobody goes that room he said and move from there.
Something is wrong here –roshan said, after long time he said something.
Thank god you spoke i thought you ………..i just smiled.
Don’t make fun with me.
Ok-ok i said this is till midnight we are near to 12’o clock we could do anything tomorrow.
Let’s go we have to stay there atleast tonight.
After that we went to upstair and in the gallery of our rooms suddenly when we are near to our rooms we saw that dim light from the room no-410.
That was shocking for us because the caretaker said that no one was go to this room.
We feels goosebumps.
Leave that –roshan said- we are tired it would be some house keeper.
With his word I said yes would be,,,ok that’s your room and it’s mine good night.
Good night –roshan said- and we entered ours room.
Instead of hotel room was neat and clean. there was a bed in the center wall was painted with blue colour and t.v was hanged on the wall front of the bed.
Suddenly I got shocked there was a fresh dinner on the table bear to the bed.
I was just thinking the cordless phone was ringing I picked up the phone and said hello.
Me roshan –roshan called me- you ordered for dinner.
No- I said i thought you would order for this.
No- even i didn’t order I thought caretaker did this.
Yes would be-I said- ok have dinner and good night .
Good night –roshan said from other side and cut the fone.
But I was continuously thinking that caretaker was front of us he didn’t give order and we didn’t say to his for dinner and what time he placed dinner in our rooms all time he was front of us.
After that I was hungry so I had the food.
After the food I layed on the bed and took a blanket upon me.
I was just near of sleeping some one knocked the door.
I thought it was roshan-coming
I said and opened the door but shocked no one was there.
I returned on the bed.
I just closed my eyes door knocked again- I opened the door quickly to catch roshan but no one was there.
I checked roshan’s room it was looked from inside.
He couldn’t come in short time.
I returned to my room when I was closing the door I heard a voice.
I got shocked it was a female voice. I thought might be caretaker’s wife.
I closed the door and again went to bed.
Just 5 minutes crossed – I heard crying sound outside from my door.
It was enough to increase my heartbeat.
I was hearing…. suddenly door was knocked again.
This time I was bathing with sweat. i went to near the door and the sound was increasing.
I put my hand on my heart and opened the door….surprised no one again suddenly someone pulling my hand badly…i frightened …….
Suddenly my eyes opened and I saw ..shit men it was dream.and who’s pulling my hand none other than my mom awaking me for school.
I smiled and get ready for school from hunting dream I am going again one other hunted place………………..school………..